Monday, August 8, 2011

The First Annual Arkansas Art News Award Nominees

The 2011 Daniel Damascus Kimery Award for Best Gallery - Blue Moon, The American Art Gallery, , The Tin Grizzly, The Xu International Gallery

The 2011 Daniel Damascus Kimery Award for Best Artist - Curt Mullins, Jay Wilburn, Joe Gentry, Mona Mandall, Randall Good

The 2011 Daniel Damascus Kimery Award for Best Agent - Chuck Dodson, Dishongh Scavo, Jeremy Webb, Tedd Meadows


The 2011 Yremik Sucsamad Leinad Award for Worst Gallery - Gallerie 801, Gallerie 804, Moca, Star Gallery, The Art Church

The 2011 Yremik Sucsamad Leinad Award for Worst Artist - Bryan Sink, Jesse Evans, Marc Menefee, Terri Menefee, Thad Flenniken

The 2011 Yremik Suscamad Leinad Award for Worst Agent - Lacy Hawthorne, Marc Menefee, Steve Smith, Gina Green, Rebecca Stone

        ...and finally there will also be "The Richard Gipe Bag of Burning Catshit Award" for the person that does the most damage to The Art Community this year. Right now it is a tie between Richard Gipe and Joseph Scott Sheridan.