Friday, December 27, 2013

Daniel Damascus Kimery's Interiew with International Art Broker and Editor In Chief of Coagula Art Journal Matt Gleason

                    Matt Gleason: Hello is this Daniel?

                    Daniel Kimery: Hey Matt thank you so much for calling me. I am truly honored to have such a prominent member of The Art Community call me.

                    Matt Gleason: Not a problem. So you wanted to talk to me about what is wrong with The Art Industry? Everything and there is nothing that you can do about it.

                    Daniel Kimery: Ok I know that The Art Industry is totally fucked up right now so let me rephrase my question. What about The Vanity Galleries and the corrosive effect they have had on The Art Industry?

                    Matt Gleason: We have had to deal with Vanity Galleries all over the country and they almost always fail because they are following a poor business model. You can make much more money by taking half from a Real Artist than from charging an unsellable hack exposure.

                    Daniel Kimery: Well what about what happened to The Hot Springs Art Scene? We went from making money off of the buyers in Hot Springs to selling exposure to Hacks; Because of Hucksters like Richard Gipe who's business model is about charging Artists for expose rather than for charging buyers for Art.

                   Matt Gleason: What is the population of Hot Springs? Does it have an NFL Football Team?

                   Daniel Kimery: No it doesn't.

                   Matt Gleason: Well there is your problem right there. Lack of population equals a lack of demand for Art. Vanity Galleries are everywhere, but they seem to hit small towns the hardest.

                   Daniel Kimery: I agree, but as a former Artist Consultant for The Art Exchange I can say in full confidence that it wasn't just talentless hacks but World Class Artists that were scammed.

                   Matt Gleason: How many Art Galleries are there in Hot Springs?

                   Daniel Kimery: About a dozen?

                   Matt Gleason: Are you kidding me? That's it.

                   Daniel Kimery: Yeah there were more, but about 6 of them went out of business in the last few years since I started up my website.

                   Matt Gleason: Ok and out of those 12 how many of them are Vanity Galleries?

                   Daniel Kimery: About a dozen.

                   Matt Gleason: Hahahahaha Are you Serious? Out of all of Hot Springs there isn't one real Gallery?

                   Daniel Kimery: Well there was The Xu International Gallery, but that went out of business recently and there is The American Art Gallery and the upper level is The Thomas Kinkade Gallery, but Thomas Kinkade is dead now.

                   Matt Gleason: Thomas Kinkade is The Worst American Artist of All Time!

                   Daniel Kimery: How big of a factor would you say that Curriculum Vita plays in The Vanity Gallery Scene?

                   Matt Gleason: It plays a huge role. Have you heard of The Florence Bineil?

                   Daniel Kimery: I am embarrassed to say this but no.

                   Matt Gleason: The Florence Bineil is The Largest and most Prestigious Art Expo in The World.

                   Daniel Kimery: Wow

                   Matt Gleason: Well anyways there is also an Expo called The Venice Bineil that charges for Wall Space. You would think because of the names that they were similar but they are nothing alike. One has some of the best Art in The World and the other is just a bunch of garbage. I was actually fooled at first and was actually impressed when people told me that they were in The Venice Bineil then after I saw their Art I was like hey wait a minute... How much did they charge you? And the guy would be like $5,000.00 and that was when I knew it was a scam.

                   Daniel Kimery: How long have Vanity Galleries been around?
                   Mat Gleason: Forever.

                   Daniel Kimery: Well I remember back in the 90's almost all of The Galleries in Hot Springs were Commercial Galleries and then Richard Gipe came to town and the dynamic shifted from Galleries selling Art to Buyers to them selling exposure to Artists. I don't know much about The Art World outside of Hot Springs, but would you say that Vanity Galleries are more common now than they used to be.

                  Matt Gleason: Oh absolutely. They never last long, but when one goes out of Business two more take their place.

                  Daniel Kimery: Are there some regions where Vanity Galleries are more common than others?

                  Matt Gleason: No. They mainly just tend to infect small towns. Do you know who Alan Bamberger is?

                  Daniel Kimery: No. Who is that?

I will add more in a moment. This is a long interview so stay tuned for updates.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Daniel Damascus Kimery tries to convince Mat Gleason to do a phone interview.

  • Wednesday
  • Daniel Damascus Kimery
    Daniel Damascus Kimery
    Hey fuck Dani Fingers that was just me doing a favor for a friend that begged me to show her art to you.
    Can I do a phone interview with you sometime for Arkansas Art News?
    I promise that I will keep it under 10 minutes
    • Mat Gleason
      Mat Gleason
      i doubt if you get me talking it will last less than ten minutes
      • Daniel Damascus Kimery
        Daniel Damascus Kimery
        an hour would be even better
        • Mat Gleason
          Mat Gleason
          sure man it'll be a gabfest
          • Daniel Damascus Kimery
            Daniel Damascus Kimery
            my audience need to know how to avoid the trappings of art scams
            we both know that the industry is rife with them
            • Daniel Damascus Kimery
              Daniel Damascus Kimery
              When would be a good time for you
              I am more than happy to work within your schedule
              and am honored that someone of your status would consider an interview with me
              • Mat Gleason
                Mat Gleason
                those blog entries are awesome
                • Mat Gleason
                  Mat Gleason
                  i like the slaying of the parasites
                  • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                    Daniel Damascus Kimery
                    I love you
                    me too
                    that is all I do with Arkansas art news is expose art scams
                    could you record the interview though
                    I don't have a recording device
                    • Mat Gleason
                      Mat Gleason
                      go to radio shcak then hit me up
                      • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                        Daniel Damascus Kimery
                        what is that
                        oh radio shack
                        I have done radio interviews before
                        • Mat Gleason
                          Mat Gleason
                          HA typo hell
                          I am reading your blog and trying to ype
                          to type
                          • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                            Daniel Damascus Kimery
                            there hast to be an easier way to record an interview
                            worst comes to worst I could just copy and paste a convo like I usually do lol
                            I am hackish and amateur as fuck but at least you know my heart is in the right place
                            I am the spearhead of the artist revolution against vanity galleries
                            • Mat Gleason
                              Mat Gleason
                              They don't have radio shack in Arkansas?
                              • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                my gospel is if a gallery ever ask you for money just say no.
                                what should I buy
                                • Mat Gleason
                                  Mat Gleason
                                  You got any friends at Crystal Bridges that know where the radio shacks are?
                                  • Mat Gleason
                                    Mat Gleason
                                    a TAPE RECORDER
                                    Get WITH IT
                                    • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                      Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                      how do I transfer it to internet
                                      • Mat Gleason
                                        Mat Gleason
                                        I am reading you rblog and it is cracking me up about the boiler room, what a SCAM
                                        • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                          Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                          alice walton
                                          I bet she would love to have you interview her
                                          • Mat Gleason
                                            Mat Gleason
                                            if you go to google I bet there aer poeple who post about how to record something and put it ont he interner
                                            • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                              Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                              heiress of the walmart dunasty
                                              • Mat Gleason
                                                Mat Gleason
                                                I would love to sell her some art
                                                • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                  Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                  I apologize for my ignorance
                                                  merry xmas
                                                  • Mat Gleason
                                                    Mat Gleason
                                                    Think she can meet my price?
                                                    Peace Out
                                                    • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                      Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                      she would love to buy it\
                                                      I am not connected with her so I wouldn't know
                                                      but I do know that she spends money on art like a drunken sailer in a whore house
                                                      • Mat Gleason
                                                        Mat Gleason
                                                        Damn gotta get open a wing of my gallery in Little Rock
                                                        • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                          Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                          I also know that her gallery has a net worth of over a half a billion dollars
                                                          not little rock
                                                          home of walmart
                                                          • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                            Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                            she has over 27 billion dollars
                                                            and has never worked a day in her life
                                                            she has no understanding of the value of money
                                                            all she is is a super rich trust fund baby
                                                            what is your number
                                                            5 minutes
                                                            that's all I ask
                                                            I wont make it weird
                                                            • Mat Gleason
                                                              Mat Gleason
                                                              i will call you tomoorrow from work
                                                              Whats yours
                                                              • Mat Gleason
                                                                Mat Gleason
                                                                i will cal later afternoon
                                                                your time
                                                                • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                                  Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                                  I have my kids tomorrow but I will always make time for you
                                                                  • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                                    Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                                    thank you.
                                                                    hey one thing real quick
                                                                    I remember you commented on my exposes on twitter a few years ago before I took a break from it to protest
                                                                    on a scale from 1 to 10 how would you rate my website based on what you have seen. I know I have been a bit cold blooded and merciless but you know how it can be sometime when you are trying to save artist from huckers
                                                                    • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                                      Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                                      I'm sorry for appearing vain but your opinion means a lot to me
                                                                      Coagula and juxtapose are my favorite art mags
                                                                      • Mat Gleason
                                                                        Mat Gleason
                                                                        looks good to me - clean and right to the point
                                                                        • Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                                          Daniel Damascus Kimery
                                                                          yes that is good enough to put a smile on my face
                                                                          get some rest you golden god of art brokerage
                                                                          I look forward to your call tomorrow afternonn
                                                                          I may haft to use short hand though so bear with me when I do
                                                                          • Seen 10:36pm