Saturday, May 21, 2011

Moca Museum with Richard Gipe 

                       The Art by Chase Chan that you saw in this video was sold at a Garland County Circuit Court Auction May 18th 2011 along with The Art Exchange business in order to pay Richard Gipe's Creditor Diamond Bank. I thought MOCA was a Museum not an Art Gallery and I thought that the Art was supposed to be part of a PERMANENT COLLECTION so why is Richard selling Chase Chan's Art? Not to mention the fact that MOCA's Executive Director Lori Arnold lied to me today and said that they voted him off the Board a long time ago then went on to say that a nameless Director (Richard Gipe) asked and I quote "Why do we haft to prove anything to some random guy that has a blog?". This being after she was crying her eyes out on the phone yesterday begging me to change my review of their Gallery and promising me full disclosure of their records. The Fact that this hayseed of a woman is their Executive Director screams that all she is is a Mask for Richard Gipe to hide behind. Am I the only one that smells a rat here?