Breaking News: I Just heard from a secret source at one of The Commercial Art Galleries that Star Gallery's owner Rebecca Stone gave money (that they got from Federal Grants that they would not have qualified for if they filled out the forms truthfully) to a friend of the Gallery named Julia Parr to buy the piece you see in this picture so that they could advertise that they sell Art. Watch how they tried unsuccessfully to cover their tracks once they were caught red handed down below. This is just embarrassing. I almost feel bad for them... almost. Yeah Rebecca "Xu Long Hua" doesn't even know who I am. That's why he gave me A's in my Sculpting 1&2 Classes on top of being his Apprentice and being in a Nude Drawing group with him, Beau Myers, and Gary Simmons at Richard Stephens' house (Jill Maddox was usually The Model because she was so well disciplined) for 4 years and that's why he asks my mom about me every time that he sees her which is usually about twice a month. Please keep lying about me Rebecca. You are only hurting yourself and I am going to love helping your Scam Gallery of Hacks Die! Bethannie you are a Criminal and you are on the wrong side of History for being The Poster Girl for this Pseudo-Gallery that preys on Amateur Artist. Hell now that I think about it I don't even know why I even care. It's not like they are taking money away from Real Artist. Is it just me or does Julia Parr and Bethannie Newsom Steelman look like a couple of wadling ducks in this picture?
"The Queen of Hearts" painting SOLD to this amazing lady!
- Lorien Dahl and 13 others like this.
Brandy Ragon HI! Sorry we missed you. Dina was having some contractions yesterday and not feeling good. She is 3 weeks out...hahaha. So we took it easy at home. I will see you when i come next time. :)
June 4 at 8:18am · 2 people
Ginna Funk lucky lady, and whoever bought the fingerpricking lady is lucky too!!!
June 4 at 9:25am · 2 people
Daniel Kimery Why won't you tell us what it sold for? Did you not get a good price for it? All this secrecy makes it sound like a starving Artist sale. lol
Sunday at 10:25am · 2 people
Daniel Kimery That wasn't what I asked. Apparently she just gave it to you since everybody is ashamed to say what it sold for.
Sunday at 12:15pm · 2 people
Julia Parr Wow. Thanks for calling me a moron. If bethanie doesn't want to say what it sold for it's not my place to say what I paid.
Sunday at 12:23pm · 2 people
Daniel Kimery
"It's also slightly inappropriate to ask in a public forum." Really? It wasn't inappropriate to put a price tag on it in a Public Forum. This smells Fishy. So how bad did you break it off in Betthanie's ass when you bought it? What did you do haggle her down to fifty bucks so she can pay her light Bill or what? Hey Bethanie when ever you get tired of paying this Hack Gallery for the privilege of being seen get a hold of me and I'll get you in a real Gallery ok.
Sunday at 12:29pm · 1 person
Julia Parr
Again, your insight into the issue is... Mindblowing. Suffice it to say shed be able to pay a few electric bills with what I paid for the painting. And as the "editor and chief" of any art publication, one should remember to pick ones battles. This is a small town and people like people here. We like supporting our friends and applaud good sportedness and good music. I've known and loved almost everyone at Star Gallery for a few years and consider them all my friends. So don't belittle them. That's just rude.
Sunday at 12:38pm · 2 people
Daniel Kimery As an Art Critic I have absolutely nothing to fear as a matter of fact it is the Galleries that must fear me or be torn asunder by my wrath.
Sunday at 12:59pm · 2 people
Daniel Kimery So basically what you are saying is that Star Gallery is such a joke that Bethannie hast to sell her Art to her friends in order to sell. This is why I hate Cooperative Galleries. Luckily they will be going out of business soon. Artists are starting to get fed up with this hustle of paying to be seen only to have their Art displayed next to other hacks that are paying to be seen. How embarrassing.
Sunday at 1:07pm · 1 person
Bethannie Newsom Steelman I love STAR gallery thank you for allowing me to show artworks without charging those outrageous commissions most galleries charge.
This dude doesn't know what he is talking about. He is not my friend on Facebook or in life. I'm embarrassed by the tactless comments he has left on my wall. Sorry y'all.
Sunday at 3:17pm · 2 people
StarGallery HotSprings please ignore "him" he is just trying to get a rise from you - and get you to read his lame blog - he has told many lies (he said he was like a son to Long Hua) and Long Hua does not even know who he is ! I suggest you delete this post and block him. Artisits keep the gallery going in this resession NOT DK.
Sunday at 7:23pm · 1 person
Bethannie Newsom Steelman I deleted it from my wall. I can't take it off yours.
Sunday at 7:28pm · 1 person
StarGallery HotSprings I think you have to delete the pic , then upload it again to delte this dude , then you should be able to block hime on your page