- You, Lorien Dahl and Daniel Damascus like this.
Daniel Kimery I'm sure that Paul Cooper is Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, and Deepak Chopra all rolled into one. Unfortunately I am judging him by how good of an Artist he is not how inspirational he is. You're just biased because you're a friend of his. You would have a completely different perception of his Art if you didn't know him. Take your feelings out of the equation and try being a little more objective.
May 30 at 9:15pm · · 2 people
Bethannie Newsom Steelman Wait...did you seriously like this post twice for yourself?
May 30 at 11:18pm · · 2 people
Daniel Kimery You know why I click like on my own comments? Give up? It's because everyone complains about it and I don't bow to the will of the crowd like the rest of you democratic sheep. Bethannie I love you as an Artist but I'm starting to hate you as a human being.
May 30 at 11:51pm · · 3 people
Lorien Dahl Beautiful Bethannie. And beautiful Daniel, though yours may not be quite so apparent. feeding hate and feeding ego ... I can only send love.
May 31 at 6:17am · · 1 person
Lorien Dahl Well, that's sweet. (and here's to making transition to poet sans words, only images)
May 31 at 6:30am · · 1 person
Daniel Kimery Did I say discovering her Art was like finding a baseball sized diamond in a coal mine? I'm sorry I meant to say a basketball sized diamond in a coal mine. I would be a fan of hers even if she was a Marxist that's voting for Obama in 2012 (sorry that's a redundancy). I love this woman's Art that much.