Saturday, June 4, 2011

Shawn Newton's endorsement of Arkansas Art News and repudiation of Star Gallery

                       I dedicate this blog to my Librarian friend Lindsey Martin.

Between You and Shawn Newton
Shawn Newton June 4 at 6:59pm Report
Hey there,

Saw the posts over on Lindey Martin's facebook thing, and followed the links to your blog. Good on ya for given Gipe some hell. He's been doin that shit for about 16 years now? A long time. I remember when he was upstairs in the building that used to have the fancy furniture store in it. What is it now, World Cargo?

I wondered about the connection between MOCA and Gipe's place ever since MOCA opened up since they had a lot of the same work. The giant spoon angel especially stood out, but there were some other works in there as well. A friend of mine asked one of our art profs at NPCC about Art Exchange and told him there was some sort of fee, and he said STEER CLEAR. It was something like $300 and that was just to be put on the website with thousands of other artists. What a joke.

But... reading your blog... you didn't seem very professional the way you spoke to Lori Arnold. I understand what you're trying to do, but that probably could have gone a bit smoother.

Also, from what little I've spoken with Doc Ray, The Art Church sounded just like the Star gallery, where artists pay a monthly fee to have their work hung up. I had my prints up in Star for a few months, but got sick of giving money away that I didn't have for that type of thing, and never saw any return on the investment either. Oh well.

Take care dude!