I find it Hilarious that Rebecca Stone is bragging that their Gallery charges the Artist a Wall Fee and only ask for a 10% Commission in the event of a sale. Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah that's right that's the exact same Business Model as Richard Gipe's Art-Exchange.com Scam. Google "Art Exchange Scam" to see what I am talking about. 10% for an entire Gallery is laughable. As an International Art Broker I get 10% just for making a phone call to a Gallery. I love how all of Star Galleries cronies keep referring to me as D.K. because they are terrified of all the publicity that I am getting. My favorite part was where Rebecca Stone says "we do not rake the money in , that is not what this set up is about - we want the artists to rake the money in ha ha !" she laughs at the end because she is joking. Ok I've done enough damage to Star Gallery for now. The way that I see it is if you are a no-talent loser that is stupid enough to get hustled by this Scam Gallery then you deserve to get ripped off.

Monday at 12:40pm
- Kassi Burns likes this.
StarGallery HotSprings I have no idea what you all are talking about, but yes we do have those great qualities :)
Monday at 1:11pm
StarGallery HotSprings I kid , can he just go ahead and give us a "0" and call us everyname in the book and leave us alone already for not bowing down to him? thanks !
Monday at 1:26pm
StarGallery HotSprings see , Shawn N. does not hate us "If I had the bucks to keep paying every month, I'd be glad to have my work up there, PROUD to have my work up there. And you can publish this if you want. Star is a great little place with some great people (kind people!) running it and participating in it "
Monday at 5:56pm
Robert O'Nale
I wonder what the story is there? I don't know Shawn Newton except by reputation (as a fellow HSU art alum), and I've always had the impression he was an upstanding enough guy. A closer reading of the message he wrote that was posted on D...See More
Monday at 6:23pm · 1 person
StarGallery HotSprings
Young artists would be turned away from most of the galleries downtown - they are full and they have the regulars to keep happy. The other option is to open a gallery by themselves , and everyone knows that is crazy because the rent in a prime location is very high - so a collective is the main way a young artist can been seen--- by sharing the load with like and unlike minded artists --- this is what we strive to do --- not everyone markets themselves hard , for some it is a way to share what they have made and communicate with people on a different level --- and sometimes people are drawn to that art enough to pay some money and take the art home with them ( which the artist keeps 90% of --- other regular galleries do not do it this way ) this is what works for us and gives STAR a different take on "art gallery" we do not rake the money in , that is not what this set up is about - we want the artists to rake the money in ha ha !
15 hours ago · 1 person
Robert O'Nale
Since it's clear you're reading this, I have some questions for you:
You claim to be an art critic, but I haven't seen one jot of legitimate criticism on your blog. Do you have any critical writings available to post or review on ANY artistic topic? What critical voices do you read? What artistic publications do you read regularly or subscribe to?
You claim to be an "International Art Broker." What clientele do you represent? What are their names? Do you have any examples of pieces you've sold? Who are your buyers?
You claim to have been a part of Richard Stevens' life drawing group. Do you have any samples of the work you produced with that group? Bear in mind that, like most of your other bogus claims, this can be verified.
Also, has anyone ever mentioned what a raving anti-semite you are? On your Twitter account you frequently troll others by slandering them as "Zionists." Your MySpace page lists Adolf Hitler and William Pierce (founder of the racist National Alliance) as favorite authors and Skrewdriver as a favorite band. Would you care to provide a list of your business partners so that they can be notified of your flamboyant racism?
You're treading a fine line, sir. People are increasingly discovering that the only service you intend to promote is yourself, and you're a glutton for attention regardless of whether it's positive or negative. It's clear you have no understanding of the business of visual art, and if you spent as much time developing your artistic talents and writing craft as you spend hurling invective you might have some positive reputation and body of work to display. Instead, like most pathological liars, you discovered that you can attract some attention by making claims that are outrageous, boastful and hollow in truth value. You are squandering what minimal reputation you have in this town by your bizarre behavior.
I say this with genuine concern, but you need to stop what you're doing, take some time away from the computer, and reevaluate your priorities while you still can.
4 minutes ago
Robert O'Nale Also: HAVE. As in, "I have to put bleach in my eyes whenever I read your writing." "Hast" is not a word. Learn your craft.
about an hour ago
StarGallery HotSprings We had to remove him from this page because he can not carry on a conversation in a civil manner - I wonder if he allows feedback or comments on his "blog" not sure, I bet not -- I will agree with O'Nale and I will say you are just feeding the fire with this guy -- I would not waste anymore time on that -- he has a fake account and I have blocked that as well -- or have I ha ha
about an hour ago
Well Robert O'Nale why don't you ask Richard Stephens yourself about whether or not I was in his Nude Drawing Group. I got to be in the Drawing group because he is Best Friends with my parents a Jody Gist (Jew Lover that's into Kabbalah) and Morse Gist(Jewish Lawyer) and I had their permission to join. He may not like me now but Richard Stephans is an honest enough Man to admit that I was in his drawing Group from the time I was 17 till the time I was 21 years old when I left to join The Marine Corps Infantry. Infact me and Richard had an argument recently because he wouldn't let me back in his drawing Group because it is at Gary Simmons' house and Gary Simmons has hated me from day one and they are at Capacity with 8 members and they refuse to kick anybody out. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Louis Farrakahn, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Barack Obama, Momar Quadalfi, and John Paul Galliano are Great Admirer's of Hitler and their Careers did ok. Check out John Paul Galliano's appearance on "Duh Winning with Charlie Sheen" on youtube and tell me if this guy isn't a totally gnarly bitchin Rock Star. It's a Highly Evolved Warlock thing you wouldn't understand. Us Winning + You Losing = Duh sorry Middle America these are our lives deal with it Bubye. For The record Adolph Hitler was a Master Painter and "Mein Kampf" Is My Favorite Book!!! As a matter of fact I think that "Mein Kampf" should be required reading for every Gallery owner on The Planet Earth. I also loved Adolf Hitler's Degenerate Art Galleries where he had his Citizens come in and make fun of the shit Art like you see in Star Gallery. If Anyone has a problem with me acknowledging Hitler as a Great Teacher then they don't haft to do Business with me. Sometimes you can learn quite a bit from studying the theories of your Nations Enemies because you get to have a different perspective on Art and Life than you had before. I'm not saying that Adolf Hitler was a Good Man. All I am saying is that he is a Great Teacher. He went from poverty to nearly taking over The World so if you don't think you have anything to learn from Adolf Hitler then you are a Politically Correct Idiot. Have you read "Mein Kampf"? I didn't think so. You want to burn books, Music Albums, and Movies in Bon Fires don't you you Info Nazi. Are you happy now that you got the attention that you so badly craved from me Robert? Good now get your hand off my dick because I'm not interested.
P.S. Hast is a word. So is ain't, ya'll, and fixin. Google (Hast to) and see what comes up ok Light Weight.
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