Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gallerie 801's Owner Steve Smith viciously attacks Bobby Jackson for trying to recover stolen Art

As seen on


 Assault and Battery commited by: Steve Smith - He uses influence to dodge criminal charges

Related Issues:  Civil Rights , Human Rights , Law Enforcement , Other , Due Process

Tags:  ethics , corruption , crime , steve smith , hot springs , false charges

Saturday, 03/26/2011 @ 04:13 PM PST
To whom it may concern:
This letter is in response to the attack on Bobby Jackson, that Steve Smith has used his position to unethically commit crimes against citizens of Hot Springs. That the Hot Springs PD will not so much as take the victim's statement after a violent attack by Steve Smith and his associates, or that the Hot Springs PD wont let the victim file counter charges against you and the others who jumped in and out numbered your victim for assault and battery. That since the police will not take the statement and that I have no choice but to tell my story to the public. That a violent corrupt man such as Steve Smith does not belong in any type of public office.
On March 25th 2011 on or about 11:30am at the location of 801 Central Ave Hot Springs HSPD Ticket #
That you (Steve Smith) grabbed my (Bobby Jackson's) throat in broad daylight outside on the stairwell at the 2nd floor of Spencer's Corner, this was in response to my verbal request that you return Photographer Mark Valinsky's property. That you did not return my calls so I showed up in person outside and spoke to Mako Hughes (owner of the Gallerie Hot Springs) I did not expect your reaction to be a violent one. That Mako also witnessed your act of assault there on the catwalk where she was standing behind me.
That the first thing that ran through my mind was who is this man who thinks he can lay hands on me. So I backed up and Steve Smith continued to choke me by squeezing harder on my windpipe. That I used my left hand to break his (steve smith's) hold on my throat. That you Steve Smith continued to lunge toward me as an associate for Vernon Ross who was working at Ultimate Tans next door to the Gallerie jumped on my back and begain to hit me from behind. Two more people came out of the Gallerie, Vernon Ross and Bobby Ross and did nothing to get them off of me. That I was yelling out loud for help and that while being held down against my will Steve Smith Kicked me in the face landing his blow to my noise. Then I told them they were in trouble for attacking me that I was not even fighting back to call the police for me.
The police showed up I could hear the sirens, this is about the time I was let up, The police then took me into custody and down to the car. Then police only questioned those involved not the other spectators. I could see the officers laughing with Steve Smith up on the 2nd floor. The police then came down and falsely sited me for criminal trespass. even if I had entered the Gllerie (witch I didn't) yo still did not have any right to lay your hands on me. That the police did not take my statement or do anything to you Steve Smith. That I will continue to find more witness to your actions that day and see you in court. That the Hot Springs PD is in fact covering up crimes in Historic Downtown that if your the City Director you can choke people and kick them while they are down? Not quite SEE YOU IN COURT
Very Angered