Monday, June 13, 2011

Daniel Kimery versus Lindsey Martin

  •  I just got called "The Bill O'Reilly of The Art World". I'll take that as a compliment since it came from a wage slave at The Garland County Library. Here's some advice to all of you librarians making minimum wage... Go get a job at McDonalds so you can drastically increase your pay and benefits.

    June 4 at 11:21am ·  ·  · 

    • You like this.

      • Lindsey Martin yeah, cause fries and big macs hold the same esteem as the written word. well, i guess that's sort of true if the written word comes from daniel kimery, the world's largest douchebag
        June 4 at 11:24am · 

      • Daniel Kimery Hey Lindsey how much do you get paid an hour?
        June 4 at 11:26am · 

      • Lindsey Martin not as much as a toolbox with a made up title like "editor and chief" at a ridiculous, hack blog
        June 4 at 11:27am · 

      • Daniel Kimery Lindsey the value of your labor is less than that of fast food employees. Don't you find that embarrassing?
        June 4 at 11:28am · 

      • Lindsey Martin i find your exaggerated sense of self-worth far more embarrassing. i don't know how many ways i can enforce the fucking fact to you that not everyone is motivated by such bullshit, trivial, garbage as money. being an "art critic" you should know this.
        June 4 at 11:29am · 

      • Daniel Kimery Oh so you think money is Evil? No wonder you take such great pride in being a bottom feeder in the service industry.
        June 4 at 11:33am · 

      • Lindsey Martin i actually like my job. i love reading, have you ever tried it, you ignorant fuck? some of us choose to surround ourselves with the things that make us happy, which is most likely the reason i've never even seen your face in person.
        June 4 at 11:34am ·  ·  1 person

      • Daniel Kimery See the difference between me and you is that if I went to your job you would call me Sir and ask how you could serve me. If you went to my job I would tell you to go home and change because you are not dressed appropriately to enter this Gallery.
        June 4 at 11:35am · 

      • Lindsey Martin if you can to my job i would call you a cocksucker, because that's what you are.
        June 4 at 11:36am ·  ·  1 person

      • Daniel Kimery ‎...and you would loose your job for showing such disrespect to your betters. Not that it would be any great loss. Maybe that's what you really want deep down inside.
        June 4 at 11:38am · 

      • Lindsey Martin you're on to me. i want to quit working with my friends, surrounded by books so that maybe...just day i can hide behind a computer screen and pretend my fucking opinion matters.
        June 4 at 11:39am · 

      • Lindsey Martin you're fucking pathetic.
        June 4 at 11:39am · 

      • Daniel Kimery You don't haft to lose your job to hide behind a computer and pretend like your opinion matters. You already do that. If I'm so pathetic than why can't you stop talking to me?
        June 4 at 11:41am · 

      • Lindsey Martin 
        because you're a fucking train wreck i just can't turn away from. me and all my "talentless" friends have been having the best fucking time laughing about your lame ass blog and your dumb ass opinions. your RIDICULOUS ego(which is completely unfounded, by the way), and the fact that you assume you're the mother fucking ted koppel of the "real" art world. you are a fucking tourist. you're a goddamn amateur. no one gives a shit about your precious little blog or you stupid fucking thoughts. every time you hate an artist, you just reaffirm their brilliance, because your hack ass, thomas kinkade stamp of approval is equatable to the kiss of death. eat shit. fuck yourself.

        June 4 at 11:45am · 

      • Daniel Kimery 
        I'll leave you with this thought... Star Gallery is doomed and there is nothing that any of you can say or do to save it. I'm not even going to take credit for that either. Star Gallery would still go out of business within the year even if I hadn't have come into the picture. Remember The Hullabaloo Festival they wanted five bucks a person to see but then decided to make it free when they realized that their only audience was band members that were waiting for their turn to play? I deal with successful Artist and they deal with ordinary people that call themselves Artist that is why I succeed and they fail but hey Look on the bright side you guys will always have The Poet's Loft and The Art Church. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        June 4 at 11:54am · 

      • Lindsey Martin and friends. must get lonely fucking your mattress and stirring up shit because you've got nothing but time and no one to spend it with.
        June 4 at 11:54am · 

      • Bobby Jackson Wow sounds like you guys are in Love!
        June 4 at 1:51pm via Facebook Mobile ·  ·  1 person