When I first waged War on The Vanity Galleries nearly 2 years ago I told Myself that My Jyhad would only be against The Galleries and their Staff. I promised Myself that I would spare The Artists no matter how poor their Art was because they are the true victims here. I promised Myself this in the Hubris and Naivety of My Youth. Many things have happened since then to harden My Heart and Make Me grow cold and uncaring. Unfortunately when you are chosen by God to be his Saviour of The Art Universe you are no longer afforded such luxuries as mercy or pity. Know this one and all here and now that I Daniel Damascus Kimery: God's Proxy to The Art World am not just out to Destroy The Vanity Galleries anymore I am out to Destroy The Artists who enable them and since God has opened My eyes wider to reward Me for doing his work here on Earth I now see that it is you who are The Source of The Problem. I hate all of you with a Righteous Hatred even more so than the Galleries that take advantage of you and I will Destroy you, all of you. You are all on your 14th Minute so run for your fucking lives before I ruin your names so utterly and completely that you won't even be able to leave your houses anymore due to the shame that it bares. I have destroyed 6 Galleries in 6 Months just in Hot Springs alone and I will have that number up to 9 by the new year. Operation Hack "artist" Assault is now in Effect. Thank you God for choosing Me to be The Vessel of your Wrath.
Friday, October 14, 2011
My War: Phase II
When I first waged War on The Vanity Galleries nearly 2 years ago I told Myself that My Jyhad would only be against The Galleries and their Staff. I promised Myself that I would spare The Artists no matter how poor their Art was because they are the true victims here. I promised Myself this in the Hubris and Naivety of My Youth. Many things have happened since then to harden My Heart and Make Me grow cold and uncaring. Unfortunately when you are chosen by God to be his Saviour of The Art Universe you are no longer afforded such luxuries as mercy or pity. Know this one and all here and now that I Daniel Damascus Kimery: God's Proxy to The Art World am not just out to Destroy The Vanity Galleries anymore I am out to Destroy The Artists who enable them and since God has opened My eyes wider to reward Me for doing his work here on Earth I now see that it is you who are The Source of The Problem. I hate all of you with a Righteous Hatred even more so than the Galleries that take advantage of you and I will Destroy you, all of you. You are all on your 14th Minute so run for your fucking lives before I ruin your names so utterly and completely that you won't even be able to leave your houses anymore due to the shame that it bares. I have destroyed 6 Galleries in 6 Months just in Hot Springs alone and I will have that number up to 9 by the new year. Operation Hack "artist" Assault is now in Effect. Thank you God for choosing Me to be The Vessel of your Wrath.