Daniel Kimery Oh I'm sorry I was just going by what some of the "artists" in your Collective and your Executive Director Ray Fowler(who lied about being a Doctor)told Me. You are even more pathetic than Star Gallery. At least they have the balls to admit that they charge their Artists a Wall Fee.18 hours ago · ·1 person
Daniel Kimery Hey anybody notice that all of The Hacks in The Art Church Collective are also in The Star Gallery Collective?
18 hours ago · ·1 person
Daniel Kimery The Art Church charges it's "artists" a $50 Per Month Wall Space just like Star Gallery does. Why do you think that they keep making these "Call for Artists"? Legitimate Galleries don't make "Calls for Artists". They are too busy dealing with the Artists that are calling them. Do you think that The Tin Grizzly, The American Art Gallery, or Blue Moon make "Calls for Artists"? Do you think Alice Walton's Crystal Bridges Gallery is going to make calls for Artists when it opens 11-11-11? I didn't think so. Only Vanity Galleries do that. Trust me I should know. I used to work for one.
about a minute ago · ·1 person
*Yeah the Art Church doesn't charge it's "artists" a Wall Fee. Oh wait what's this?
They just took this Post down out of embarrassment. I guess that means that I won huh? Winning!!! Can you believe that they actually have the nerve to call themselves a Non-Profit Gallery? What the hell is this 1984? ROTFLMMFAOB