Joseph Scott Sheridan is without a doubt the most pretentious Art Fag that I have ever met and I grew up in Hot Springs so that's really saying a lot. Don't take My word for it though, just read for yourself what this Queen has to say in her own words. Just so people don't think I am a Homophobe I just wanted to say that calling him an Art Fag is no more Homophobic then Me calling a white person that acts black a Wigger is Racist.
Art Fag: 1. Anybody that thinks acting Hyper Gay in an Art Gallery makes them in anyway look more intelligent or sophisticated. 2. Anybody that thinks talking endlessly about Liberal Rhetoric (as if it has anything to do with Art) makes them any more legitimate as an Art Connoisseur than talking about Baseball does. 3. A Homosexual who shows preference to Artists simply for being Gay. 4. A Guy that offers to buy a Man's Art, but only in return for sexual favors. 5. Joseph Scott Sheridan
Art Fag: 1. Anybody that thinks acting Hyper Gay in an Art Gallery makes them in anyway look more intelligent or sophisticated. 2. Anybody that thinks talking endlessly about Liberal Rhetoric (as if it has anything to do with Art) makes them any more legitimate as an Art Connoisseur than talking about Baseball does. 3. A Homosexual who shows preference to Artists simply for being Gay. 4. A Guy that offers to buy a Man's Art, but only in return for sexual favors. 5. Joseph Scott Sheridan
All Hallows in Hot Springs Day with Bill Burroughs and Denton Welch!
Location Created By More Info MENTOR DISCIPLE invites you to join the spirits of Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquait and Keith Haring as they invite the spirits of the writers, William S. Burroughs and Denton Welch celebrating All Hallows Day, All Saints Day and Halloween at a Pot Luck dinner party at MENTOR DISCIPLE in Hot Springs National Park!!! Around the table have fun with Andy and the boys as Bill introduces the spirit of Denton Welch and we all join in reading and discussing his greatest literary influence! A night of fun, food and learning for all! This is 100% Pot Luck, so show off your harvest and it's 100% B.Y.O.B! Bring your own music and live art too! There is no admission! As a background, enjoy the MENTOR DISCIPLE show, Andy, Jean-Michel and Keith, featuring artists from all over the world as Hot Springs National Park responds to Andy Warhol's quote, "I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own". What will everyone bring? Bill is always full of surprises! Just show up sometime between 3pm and 8pm and enjoy!
Maurice Denton Welch was born March 29, 1915, in Shanghai, to Arthur Joseph Welch, whose parents were English, and Rosalind Basset, whose family was originally from New Bedford, Massachusetts. Denton Welch was the youngest of four boys and spent his early childhood in Shangha...