Have you ever noticed that anytime you disagree with a liberal they start in with a Barrage of Name Calling? They call you a Racist, a Sexist, and a Homophobe, and then when that doesn't work they tell outlandish lies about you, and when that doesn't work they try to strip you of your Constitutional Right to Free Speech. Oh and Joseph read bloggers terms and conditions. Since My page is set to Adult Content they are not liable for what I write and will not take anything down that I post unless they are served with Legal Papers ordering them to do so. So either get a Lawyer or get over it because you can no sooner get My Blogger deleted by complaining then you could get My Twitter account deleted and trust Me I have said much worse things on there then I have on Blogger. As far as Copyright Infringement goes that only applies to Intellectual Property. Copying and Pasting an argument that had with somebody is not Copyright Infringement, it's called Journalism So go read a few Law Books and get back to Me on that ok. You also might want to read "The Freedom of Information Act" that just passed recently that basically gives Investigative Journalist like Me Unlimited Power. Let Me tell you a little secret Joseph... I don't hate you because you are Gay(many of My Best Friends are Gay) I hate you because you a a lying scum bag piece of shit that thinks the world owes you something because you take it in the ass. Oh and one More thing Joe Blow... thank you for telling Me about what a distraction I have been to The Scam Galleries in Hot Springs, The Con Artists that work for them, and the Hacks that they trick into paying for Wall Space. Since it has been my stated Goal to make sure that none of you ever work in The Art Industry again that was the perfect ending to one of the happiest days that I have had in a long time. It feels good to know that there are so many people thinking about Me all the time. Is it Official? Am I a Celebrity now? I think maybe I am. I get what they mean now when they say that "The Best Highs in Life are Natural". Have fun Playing Ghost Hunters in your "gallery" ok Joseph. Just remember everybody Joseph Sheridan claims to communicate with The Dead so how much of this bullshit are you really willing to swallow?
Rose Schweikhart Cranson I did it last week and I'll do it again. Thanks for keeping people in the loop on this.
8 hours ago ·2 people
Robert Klintworth LOL..He hates gays NOW? Hmmm...Before I blocked him, his emails to me were anything but hateful..LOL...He is a real wack-job.
7 hours ago ·1 person
Joseph Scott Sheridan The same tired thinking that people justify using the N word with. Not acceptable in a public forum.
7 hours ago ·1 person
Robert Klintworth Well, all i know is that he said he likes it up the butt, and I don't know how he labels it, but it sounds gay to me...and he asked me if wanted to hang out...whatever that means....I declined. Doll, do you see why I'm a bitch? It keeps nutcases like this out of my life..................
7 hours ago ·2 people
Joseph Scott Sheridan Hopefully he can get some help. Hot Springs is a great community and this has been a huge distraction for people working so hard to promote art and culture downtown.
3 hours ago