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Daniel Damascus Kimery Thank you John Wesley Williams. I used to be a Show Coordinator for Legacy so I can tell you from first hand experience that Richard Gipe is The Bernie Madoff of The Art World. Go see what The Artists who have been victimized by The Legacy Scam have to say on Wet Canvas about their experiences there. http://www.wetcanvas.com/forums/showthread.php?t=278 349
37 minutes ago · ·1 person ·
John Wesley Williams You very much missed the point I was trying to get across. You have no weight with the points you are trying to make. You seem to come off as desperate. I understand you were taken advantage of through the art exchange, I knew a few that were as well. But your tirade on the local art scene as being a farce is without standing. If you compare everything to established galleries like legacy or gallery central (which are nothing but soul-less husk of gallery spaces) then you will never understand where the real artist come from, which is not from galleries, a gallery is only a space to get the artist work out. I have been in plenty of horrid gallery settings but i wanted my name out there into the artist community. But honestly what little I have read of you and the little graphite drawings I have seen, you do not hold much water when it comes to crit someones work. Again I have shown in galleries nationally and internationally and hot springs is home to some of the best local artist this state has to offer.
29 minutes ago ·
Daniel Damascus Kimery I wasn't taken advantage of by Art Exchange. I worked for Art Exchange. The Art Exchange owns Legacy Idiot. How about doing a little more research next time? If you have shown in all of these Galleries around The World then why don't you have any of your Art on your facebook page? You're not a very good liar John Wesley Williams.
13 minutes ago · ·1 person
John Wesley Williams Because I am a professional, I have a website to promote my work. Take care small person.
12 minutes ago ·
Daniel Damascus Kimery Every Professional Artist that I know has their Art on their Facebook Page. Are you saying that Curt Mullins, Jay Wilburn, Joe Gentry, Mona Mandall, Donato Giancola, H.R.Giger, etc are all Amateurs and you are a Professional? hahahahahahahahahaha Thank you so much John. That is the funniest thing that I have heard all week. What is the name of this imaginary website of yours again? LMAO
7 minutes ago · ·1 person
Daniel Damascus Kimery Cricket Cricket... What's wrong John Wesley Williams? Cat got your tongue?
5 minutes ago · ·1 person
Daniel Damascus Kimery This guy doesn't even have a link to his imaginary website on his Facebook Page. That doesn't sound very Professional to Me. lmao
9 minutes ago · ·1 person
Daniel Damascus Kimery Yeah that's right Coward remove all of your Comments. Good thing I already have them posted on my website for the whole world to see.
a few seconds ago · ·1 person
Daniel Damascus Kimery I just found this Loser's website and he isn't even an Artist. All he is is an Amateur Photographer. johnwesleywilliams.4ormat.com
I think your characterization of the Hot Springs art movement is extreamly off key. I have shown in galleries from Arkansas to New York and I currently just returned from a showing in Italy and England and I have to say as far as small town art movements, Hot Springs is by far one of the richest and brightest. Sure it may have gaffs here and there, but the passion and drive that the town produces gives one a feeling that the local art scene is still alive.
I read your negative comments on your blogspot about the "vanity" gallery scene and compaired them to Legacy and Gallery Central. I have to say you are really off base. As a artist working and being apart of a vanity gallery is not the most desired form of promoting your work, that being said as an artist you must promote your work and in my opinion I would rather be represented by a Hot Springs Vanity Gallery way before I am represented by the soul-less wine and cheese stench of a Gallery Central type gallery.
Also, you should really change the name of your BlogSpot.... You hardly talk about local art and you mostly rant about your own agenda and belittle anyone with a different opinion. Very misleading.
Thank you and I hope you find peace with the rage you have for artist trying to make something more of themselves. I hate to be a dick but I have not heard or seen anything that makes you a viable critic of art or of artist. Just take that into consideration when you blast local artist and the respective galleries.