- Daniel Kimery I'm voting No. I am one of your Constituents Sheriff Sanders but I must say that I disagree with you here. If we give you the new jail that you ask for then The Courts will be locking up anybody and everybody. You guys want to throw people in Jail for smoking Pot? Seriously? I think by having a small Jail it forces the Judges to Prioritize... unless you stole something or hurt somebody then you shouldn't go to Jail. I think if the Judges even spent one day in Jail then they would realize how cruel and unusual they are when sentencing. I saw a guy get a year over Contempt of Court. If we have enough room to house someone for a year over Contempt of Court then I think maybe we need to shut up about building this new Jail.Tuesday at 5:44am · ·
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- Daniel Kimery Let's just call this new Jail what it is... A Power Grab by The Sheriffs Department and The District Court. We have so many stupid Laws in this Country that your average American is more afraid of The Cops than they are The Criminals. If you love Liberty, hate Tyranny, and don't want to see one of your relatives get crucified over smoking a joint then Vote NO yet again on "The One Cent Tax". Give it up Sheriff Sanders The People of Garland County do not want a new Jail. If they did then your One Cent Tax would have passed years ago.Tuesday at 5:51am · ·
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- Dana Martineau as one of the "People of Garland County" I'm sick of the criminals walking the street after they have committed a crime and there's no space for them in the jail. When you speak of the average American is more afraid of the cops than the criminal, speak for yourself. If you don't do anything wrong you shouldn't be afraid of the cops. Garland County has over 96,000 people in it with a jail that holds 200 that was built to hold 88 people. Do your math. If a person is arrested for a crime they are held there until they go to court, sometimes taking months. To make the comment about throwing people in jail for smoking pot is pretty stupid.I'm tired of the tweekers running over this county, stealing everything that hard working people struggle to have. As for your friend in jail, if he would have done what he was suppose to he wouldn't have been there in the first place. By the way, what did he go to court for to begin with...smoking a joint?Tuesday at 6:23am · ·
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- Daniel Kimery @Dana You sound like a meth head. If you have a problem with tweekers then stay away from them. I saw a video where a Hot Springs Police Officer beat, choked, and arrested a 12 year old boy and a 13 year old girl for skate boarding. I bet you probably think that it's what they deserved for skating on the sidewalk huh? I think that it is absolutely ridiculous that The Hot Springs Police want to harass and torture little kids for skateboarding meanwhile we have crack whores and pimps running up and down the street like they own the place. We don't need a new Jail what we need are some Cops that have a Spine and a Soul.Tuesday at 6:47am · ·
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- Dana Martineau Sounds like you must have fallen off a skateboard while smoking a joint and hit your head. LOLTuesday at 6:51am · ·
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- Graves Daniel additoional jail space may be need,d but not areessting people for a crime when their innocent would help to i was recently arrested for something that was false when time came to go to court it was thrown out but i still was arrested and the arrest is still on my recordTuesday at 6:51am · ·
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- Daniel Kimery Oh and Dana can I get you on record as saying that you think that people should go to Prison for smoking pot? God don't like ugly Dana and you are Hideous. If we need a Prison for anybody we need one for Tyranny loving sadist like you and your Husband.Tuesday at 6:53am · ·
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- Daniel Kimery I hope that all of you people voting Yes get your pinkies caught in this Evil Machine that you are Constructing.Tuesday at 6:54am · ·
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- Daniel Kimery @Daniel Graves Amen whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? I also think that bond should be refunded upon a Not Guilty Verdict or Dismissal.Tuesday at 6:55am · ·
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- Graves Daniel i wasnt in thr but 45 minutes there was no bond it was sign and go larry was kind enough to inform me of that so i went down sign and walked out but it still wasnt right because i didnt do anything and the person that filed the charge never had anything done to her for the false charges infact the deputies wouldnt evan take a report and i have recorded phone calls where i was the one being harrassed not the other wayaround and i went to jail thats wht my beef isTuesday at 7:01am · ·
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- Graves Daniel how ever they had me in and out but it still wasnt rightTuesday at 7:01am · ·
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- Graves Daniel i think the sheriff is doing a decent job but im thinkin he should re school some of his deputies on what they should do theres lots of things wrong with the system but that doesnt mean its the sheriffs faultTuesday at 7:07am · ·
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- Daniel Kimery Sheriff Sanders is awesome and he has been doing some house cleaning but they still have a lot of idiots working down at The Sheriff's Department though. I mean it's almost like some of The Deputies revel in locking up people that they know to be innocent while ignoring the pleas people that really have been victimized. They used to have one Deputy there named Micah Terry that was in High School until he was 20. Hey how about instead of building a new Jail we start implementing IQ Test and Psychological exams as part of The Application process to becoming a Sheriff's Deputy.Tuesday at 7:13am · ·
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- Graves Daniel there was an incodent at my house where a room mate tried to attack my nephew with a nife and the deputies refused to arrest the guy because he has mental issues and this guy tried to stab my nephew the deputies threatnd to arrest me for driving into my own yard thru the ditch the deputy said you think u have the right to come tearing thru here i said yes i do last time i checked i owned the place and besides ur car is blocking my drive wayTuesday at 7:18am · ·
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- Graves Daniel lol i dont vote for anything that involves more money less im the one gettin the monTuesday at 7:23am · ·
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- Larry Sanders Appreciate everyone's comments, that's why we have posted all of the information on the web and on Facebook. That's what makes our nation great, we the people have a vote. I have worked as a law enforcement officer for over 28 years. Our job is to protect and to serve. For several years now, Garland County has seen a large increase in property crimes. We are not wanting to build a jail to lock up someone that smokes a joint. We need a larger jail to lock up the criminals that are a threat to lives and property. Other jurisdictions that have built larger jails have seen a reduction in crime. That's what this issue is about, reducing crime in Garland County. As for myself, I will be voting YES for a safer community for my family and friends.Tuesday at 7:44am · ·
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- Daniel Kimery I respect your decision Sheriff. You are a Gentleman and a Scholar.Tuesday at 7:47am · ·
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- Nan Cameron Off to early voting in just a few minutes to vote "YES" on both propositions.Tuesday at 7:52am · ·
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- Daniel Kimery I would be for The New Super Jail if in "The One Cent Bill" there was an amendment that states that The Jail shall only be used for Thieves, Molesters, and Violent Offenders. As a Libertarian I am for The Legalization of all Drugs and Prostitution because I believe in personal freedom and personal responsibility. Drugs don't create Crime, Black Markets create Crime. Just look at Prohibition. Enough with The Moral Policing and Protecting us from our selves. Freedom is more important that Security and anybody that is willing to Sacrifice their Freedoms for Security deserve neither. “It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man.” Matthew 15:11Tuesday at 7:59am · ·
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- Vance Rice Come on people lock them up in the jail house before you find them in your house. Home invasions are on a rise. If your not home, they take or destroy everything you own. They could cook up a batch of meth while in your home and you'll have to find you a new one because you can't live in that one anymore.Tuesday at 8:10am · ·
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- Daniel Kimery @Dana "If you don't do anything wrong you shouldn't be afraid of the cops." By wrong you mean against the Law right? Ok Well what about fifty years ago when we sent people to prison for homosexual sex and interracial dating? I guess in your sick warped mind they got what the deserved for breaking the law huh?Tuesday at 8:11am · ·
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- Larry Sanders Daniel, I have a meeting to go to right now and don't have time to continue our conversation. I respect your opinion, but just wanted you to know the majority of the people that we deal with in the drug world, don't have jobs. So in order to buy their drugs they have to steal, burglarize and some become more violent and rob people. I'm not trying to sway your vote, I'm just explaining why my vote will be YES to build and YES to operate. Hope everyone has a safe day. Thanks for your comments and interest in this very important issue.Tuesday at 8:19am · ·
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- Daniel Kimery Sheriff how much money is this Jail going to cost and who has the Contract to build it? Was there a bidding for the Contract or did the Orchestrator of this Bill just scratch one of his friends backs in exchange for a charitable donation?Tuesday at 8:19am · ·
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- Daniel Kimery Drug World? Every Pot Head I know in Hot Springs has a job and you would be amazed how many supporters that you have that smoke Marijuana. I smoke Marijuana, I have a job, and not only did I vote for you I put signs in peoples yards and got my pot headed friends to go vote with me because the last thing I wanted was a City Cop as Sheriff. Infact with most Marijuana users I know that is the only law that they break. A War on Marijuana is a War on Artists, Writers, and Musicians. Sheriff if you think Marijuana is bad then throw your CD and Movie Collection away lol. Nobody breaks into peoples houses to buy pot. We are not Criminals we are victims of a Corrupt and failed System. Regarding all the break ins I think we just need to go back to the olden days where you got hung for breaking into somebody's house.Tuesday at 8:41am · ·
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- Nicole Green As for me I will be voting Yes. I am so sick of the people saying that we don't need a bigger jail. YES we do. People are breaking the law and not caring anymore because They know they may not even have to go to jail because they know we don't have enough room for them. Look at all the repeat offenders. And by the way yes drugs do cause crimes. People do crazy things when they are mess up on drugs. Then they get addicted and do whatever it takes, kill, steal and hurt innocent people just to get a fix. Plus with housing 200 inmates in a facility that is only suppose to hold 88 is dangerous for the deputys' we have working in the jails. Oh and by the way Daniel, You should get your facts strait about the skate board incident. Go back and watch the youtube video again (the uncut) listen to how many times the officer told the teens to stop and they didn't, The cop didn't do any thing wrong. If I were himTuesday at 12:41pm ·
- Daniel Kimery I have watched many versions of the video many times. Nicole you are a despicable human being to defend such a monster and even go as far as to say that you would do the same thing to children. If somebody put there hands on my Daughter and Son like that Officer did then God Help them and I don't give a damn if they're wearing a badge or not. I hope you wind up in this Super Jail that you are hoping and praying for. That is if it gets approved. This Bill has been voted down every time that it's been proposed so the odds are in my favor.Tuesday at 12:52pm · ·
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- Daniel Kimery Infact I am going to post that video on my wall now to shut you up.Tuesday at 1:04pm · ·
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- Nicole Green Go ahead so everyone can see the edited version of what really happend.Tuesday at 1:08pm ·
- Daniel Kimery @Nicole Green Yeah that's right idiot take your Comment down where you said the kids were 16. I just posted The Unedited Version. Are you done embarrassing yourself now?Tuesday at 1:09pm · ·
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- Sharon-Timothy Moore Daniel Kimery,I would like to comment one some of your thoughts,first off you seem to attempting to nix a "yes" vote for a new jail based on what appears your favorable use of pot. Soryy,that dosent wash with me. Presently pot is illegal,so the officers & deputies are sworn to enforce it. Same as the judges do. Secondly,crime has risen many fold in Garland county. Not by less efforts by our law officers,but buy the overcrowding of our local jail,which the Feds have strict guidlines for the number of prisoners the present jail we have now have. Thus in order to maintain those housed in our jail,offenders are set free to make room for more. Then again,the Sheriff can "shop out" prisoners to other jail at a tremendous cost to the county.22 hours ago · ·
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- Sharon-Timothy Moore Daniel Kimery,you state that you are a pot smoker,correct? You have a job also you state. I guess I understand you having a job,they won,t give you you your pot free,right?(unless a person sells it himself to support thier habit) Also you would not be a person I would want to be working next to at a job if you are "stoned" anymore than if you were drunk.And lets not forget about your driving stoned,which is against the law, Do you drive stoned? I,m sure you do from your rantings. I will vote YES for a new jail,for reasons that you fail to grasp,it it needed and I feel that all responsible voters in Garland Co. will vote like wise. P.S. Don,t complain so much,the pot you buy,you pay no taxs on. Another illegal act on your part. Quit whining when you are completely clueless on the real need we need this new jail.Garland Co. needs this jail and sensible voters will put it at the top of thier needs election day. Sheriff Sanders and his deputies are even keeping the dopers safe if they are in harms way. Lets get this new jail approved and move this county forward.21 hours ago · ·
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- Daniel Kimery All this coming from a woman that brags on her facebook page about how poor and uneducated she is. Sharon if you were alive in Nazi Germany you would rat out your neighbors for offering sanctuary to Jews. Sodomy is illegal. So I guess if a Deputy catches a man and a woman in a position other than missionary then they should be arrested for breaking the law huh? You're an idiot.21 hours ago · ·
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- David A. McClard Am I confused here or what? Does a new Jail make Pot Heads less likely to get their Fix?21 hours ago ·
- Daniel Kimery That's not surprising you struck me right off the bat as somebody that lives in a constant state of confusion. I call it The Spam Sucking Trailer Trash Syndrome. To answer your question... No it makes them more likely to be incarcerated over a stupid and immoral law.21 hours ago · ·
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- David A. McClard Ooooh, now I get it. With a new Jail there would be more room for Pot Heads that's pissin' you off right? LOL on the Trailer Trash comment. Have another toke and chill :)21 hours ago · ·
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- Daniel Kimery ...and yes David that's right. I don't want them to Build The Super Jail because I don't want to get put in it, not to mention the fact that I think 45+ Million is a little expensive for a small town like Hot Springs.21 hours ago · ·
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- David A. McClard Bro? I was Trailer Trash awhile ago. Remember? See what that Mary Jane does to your memory? 'Giggle'21 hours ago · ·
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- Daniel Kimery I was trying to go along with the joke David. See us Pot Heads are able to laugh at our selves. You should try it sometime.21 hours ago · ·
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- Daniel Kimery Everybody says lock em up until they're 40 unless it's their kid that's caught with a bag of weed and then they cry and beg the Judge to have Mercy. People are always quick to scream Evil unless it's there own and then it's cool. It's kind of funny how that works.21 hours ago · ·
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- David A. McClard LOL, have a mellow day Daniel, I'm goin' for a Bike ride, it clears my head. Too~Da~Loo.21 hours ago · ·
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- Daniel Kimery Well inspite of all of our differences we have at least one thing in common... We all support Sheriff Sanders. In My Opinion he is The Best Sheriff that we have ever had.21 hours ago · ·
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- Daniel Kimery Oh and another thing Sharon I am an International Art Broker so I doubt that we will be working together any time soon. Some how I got a feeling that if I went to your job (when you had one) you would be asking Me if I would like fries with that.19 hours ago · ·
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