Incase ya'll didn't know I am a huge Corey and Jay Fan. I would rather listen to those two than Howard Stern. They are definitely the funniest guys on the radio especially when they have Angry Patrick on. Their show is so funny and informative that it makes me want to take long drives in the morning just to listen to them. So long story short it was pretty cool for me when they responded to my wall post.
Monday, October 31, 2011
The Fart Church gets bitch slapped by Daniel Damascus Kimery on twitter
They didn't even try to defend theirselves after what happened the last time that they tried to stand up to Me so this time they just blocked Me without responding. Since this was copied from twitter you are going to haft to start from the bottom then work up.!/DanielDamascus
@Artchurchstudio ...and that's ontop of you outright begging for #money. The only thing #nonprofit about your "Gallery" is the #Artists...
@Artchurchstudio If you guys are a #nonprofit then why do you guys charge your #Artists a Wall fee on top of a commission?
@Artchurchstudio If it was world class entertainment then you wouldn't be charging $1.49 admission nor would they be playing in Art Church.
What I thought was hilarious was that after they blocked Me they kept posting like nothing happened. What a bunch of shady scumbags.!/DanielDamascus
What I thought was hilarious was that after they blocked Me they kept posting like nothing happened. What a bunch of shady scumbags.
Fall is in the air and it's almost time for Handmade for the Holidays at the Artchurch Fine Crafts & Arts Festival - Nov. 12th & 13th!
Still time for area fine craft and art vendor applications for Handmade for the Holidays at the Artchurch - Nov. 12&13!…
Poinsettia Pre-Sale with Westwood Gardens from Fayetteville! November 12 & 13, 2011 at the Artchurch - just in time for the holiday season!
Handmade for the Holidays Fine Crafts & Arts Fesitval, November 12 & 13, 2011. Unique one-of-a-kind gifts for everyone!…… to watch the concert just follow the link... it's only $1.49! for world class entertainment from the Artchurch Studios
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Armando Ortiz Martinez versus Alabama
Bare in mind that this was the same guy who said that I was banned from Federal Property.

Armando Ortiz Martinez created a page.Responding to recent hateful immigration law passed in the State of Alabama this page is dedicated to discouraging commerce with all companies and communities of Alabama that have not taken a public stand against this inhuman legislation. Most importantly this page also strongly encourages commerce with all Alabama companies and communities that have taken a public stand against this recent legislation.
Let's all remember that once in history 30,000 illegal aliens from the US settled in Texas which was then Mexico and unlike the so called illegal aliens that come to the US from Mexico now that only want to work, these US illegal aliens in Mexico took people's homes and property away under the guise of Manifest Destiny (Anglo American were destined by God to extend their territory and civilize it). Who in God's eyes acted more civilized and who are the real illegal immigrants in God's eyes?
Daniel Damascus Kimery has stepped down as Executive Director of The Gothic Gateway Gallery
I'm sorry but Pam and Keith Dalton are a couple of spam sucking trailer trash inbred hillbillys and they run their business like a fucking yard sale. So yeah I guess it's pretty safe to say that I can't do business with people like that. Hopefully the new Executive Director David Grim will be better at bipassing their white trash ways and their red neck stupidity than I was.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Art of Curt Mullins Coming soon to The Gothic Gateway Gallery.
He only has one more band member to Paint and he will be done with his Black and White Black Sabbath Painting.
Monday, October 17, 2011
The "art" of Thad Flenniken in Blue Moon
You know they say that those who can do, those who can't teach. Never has this quote been made more true than in the life of Thad Flenniken. Thad Flenniken is a failed Artist turned Professor that teaches Students at National Park Community College how to be just as big of a failure with their lives as he was with his. Since he couldn't sell his Art for even $50.00 in Blue Moon he gave up on himself and decided to swing for the fences by asking for $5,200.00. Thad I am going to tell you here and now that putting a ridiculous pricetag on your "art" isn't going to make it look any more valuable and you will win The Power Lottery before you sell that painting for even a 100th of what you are asking for. Oh and Blue Moon if you guys are wondering why I am out to get you guys now after all that you have done for Me... He is the main reason. If you are friends with My enemies then you are My Enemy too.
Keys mixed media on board 30" x 89" $5200 | |
I really wish Blue Moon would find a Buyer already
The owners Pat and Dishongh Scavo have been talking about how they are in the process of selling for years now so what's the hold up? Seriously the Art is terrible and they run the place like a Museum not an Art Gallery. They haven't had a New Artist in their "Gallery" in over a Decade. They haven't sold anything in years. Infact they act like it's a huge success when they have fun on Gallery Walk even if they didn't sell anything. Pat/Dishongh for the sake of Hot Springs Art please close down. Your Artists suck and you can't even give Randall Good's Art away because your promotion skills are so weak. I have had My own Gallery for less than a month now and later this afternoon I would have sold three Paintings for My Client David Grim alone. You two are a couple of liberal idiots that are way out of your depth. Selling Art is as easy to Me as selling Drugs. If you can't sell Art then pack up your shit and go home because you are working in the wrong Industry. I mean that is the whole point of all of this isn't it. I am also convinced that The Reason why you have been voted Best Gallery 7 years in a row by Sentinel Record is because your friends with The Editor. Just like with The Poets Loft it is inherited wealth that keeps your doors open not Art Sales. I will say this though about Blue Moon and Poet's Loft they are weak Galleries that are packed full of the "art" of their Friends and Relatives but at Least they don't charge The Artists a Wall Fee like most Galleries in Hot Springs do. I think Galleries in Hot Springs went to shit about The Same time that they realize that they could make a great living charging hack artist for wallspace. I am either going to Make The Hot Springs Art Scene Great again or I am going to destroy it. I haven't decided yet. I guess it all depends on how much resistance I am met with in the future. I will tell you this though... that dog has so many worms that I'm about to haft to just go ahead and put her down.
Gallery Central's newest sucker Michael Etheridge
With Art like this it hast to be a Scam.

So is this what they are calling Art these days? To Me it looks like a diseased Vagina.
Gallery Central added 9 new photos to the album Michael Ethridge will be our featured artist at Gallery Walk.
So is this what they are calling Art these days? To Me it looks like a diseased Vagina.
The Fall of The Malco Theatre
See this is what happens when Liberals infest an Art Scene. The Malco Theatre went from being The Home to one of the Most Prestigious Documentary Film Festivals in The World to looking like a Graffiti covered crack house. Thanks Bethany for taking a giant shit on the walls with Paint and more importantly thank you Dan Anderson and Jim Miller for turning our film festival into such a joke that the only people that go to it anymore are The Senior Citizens that get Bussed in from West Shores Retirement Home. I'm not saying that we should execute Liberals but there is a very compelling argument for such action considering that everything Liberals come into contact with turns to shit.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Daniel Damascus Kimery confronts Bryan Sink about his History as a Con Artist
Friday, October 14, 2011
Alice Walton's DWI Birthday Present
As seen in Forbes Magazine.
News broke only yesterday that Alice Walton, daughter of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton, was charged with drunk driving on Friday of the week before. Walton got pulled over and taken in for booking after a trooper caught her going 70mph in a 55mph construction zone on I-20 in Weatherford, Tex. Alice was coming back from her 62nd birthday party and had a little too much bug juice.
There’s no conspiracy, say officials, in why there was a delay in the mug shot and booking information getting out earlier. As the Weatherford Democrat explains:
This latest incident was treated as a first offense. Walton refused a breath test at the scene. In Texas, if you get a second offense DWI you have to install and maintain a deep lung air device on the car that requires a breath sample before it will allow you to start your car. They also require periodic breaths while driving to monitor and insure sobriety. Do they sell these kinds of things at Wal-Mart?
Walmart heiress arrested » Local News » Weatherford Democrat.

News broke only yesterday that Alice Walton, daughter of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton, was charged with drunk driving on Friday of the week before. Walton got pulled over and taken in for booking after a trooper caught her going 70mph in a 55mph construction zone on I-20 in Weatherford, Tex. Alice was coming back from her 62nd birthday party and had a little too much bug juice.
There’s no conspiracy, say officials, in why there was a delay in the mug shot and booking information getting out earlier. As the Weatherford Democrat explains:
Typically, jail book-in information and a head shot picture are published on the Parker County Jail website within hours of an arrest in Parker County. However, Walton’s arrest information and mug shot did not appear to be published on the Parker County Jail website until a call was made to the Parker County Sheriff’s Office from a Democrat reporter Wednesday afternoon.We’re assuming the $1,000 bond wasn’t a problem. But Alice needs to be careful about getting behind the wheel. She was convicted of DWI in Arkansas in 1998 after she crashed her SUV off a road in Springdale. She blew a 0.16 blood-alcohol level at the hospital after the crash.
Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler said as far as he knows, the information was published on the website all along and wasn’t aware there was an issue viewing the information on the website.
“There’s no conspiracy,” Fowler said.
According to jail records, Walton was booked into jail shortly after 11 p.m. Friday and released on $1,000 bond around 8:40 a.m. Saturday.
This latest incident was treated as a first offense. Walton refused a breath test at the scene. In Texas, if you get a second offense DWI you have to install and maintain a deep lung air device on the car that requires a breath sample before it will allow you to start your car. They also require periodic breaths while driving to monitor and insure sobriety. Do they sell these kinds of things at Wal-Mart?
Walmart heiress arrested » Local News » Weatherford Democrat.
My War: Phase II
When I first waged War on The Vanity Galleries nearly 2 years ago I told Myself that My Jyhad would only be against The Galleries and their Staff. I promised Myself that I would spare The Artists no matter how poor their Art was because they are the true victims here. I promised Myself this in the Hubris and Naivety of My Youth. Many things have happened since then to harden My Heart and Make Me grow cold and uncaring. Unfortunately when you are chosen by God to be his Saviour of The Art Universe you are no longer afforded such luxuries as mercy or pity. Know this one and all here and now that I Daniel Damascus Kimery: God's Proxy to The Art World am not just out to Destroy The Vanity Galleries anymore I am out to Destroy The Artists who enable them and since God has opened My eyes wider to reward Me for doing his work here on Earth I now see that it is you who are The Source of The Problem. I hate all of you with a Righteous Hatred even more so than the Galleries that take advantage of you and I will Destroy you, all of you. You are all on your 14th Minute so run for your fucking lives before I ruin your names so utterly and completely that you won't even be able to leave your houses anymore due to the shame that it bares. I have destroyed 6 Galleries in 6 Months just in Hot Springs alone and I will have that number up to 9 by the new year. Operation Hack "artist" Assault is now in Effect. Thank you God for choosing Me to be The Vessel of your Wrath.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
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