Monday, October 17, 2011

I really wish Blue Moon would find a Buyer already

                     The owners Pat and Dishongh Scavo have been talking about how they are in the process of  selling for years now so what's the hold up? Seriously the Art is terrible and they run the place like a Museum not an Art Gallery. They haven't had a New Artist in their "Gallery" in over a Decade. They haven't sold anything in years. Infact they act like it's a huge success when they have fun on Gallery Walk even if they didn't sell anything. Pat/Dishongh for the sake of Hot Springs Art please close down. Your Artists suck and you can't even give Randall Good's Art away because your promotion skills are so weak. I have had My own Gallery for less than a month now and later this afternoon I would have sold three Paintings for My Client David Grim alone. You two are a couple of liberal idiots that are way out of your depth. Selling Art is as easy to Me as selling Drugs. If you can't sell Art then pack up your shit and go home because you are working in the wrong Industry. I mean that is the whole point of all of this isn't it. I am also convinced that The Reason why you have been voted Best Gallery 7 years in a row by Sentinel Record is because your friends with The Editor. Just like with The Poets Loft it is inherited wealth that keeps your doors open not Art Sales. I will say this though about Blue Moon and Poet's Loft they are weak Galleries that are packed full of the "art" of their Friends and Relatives but at Least they don't charge The Artists a Wall Fee like most Galleries in Hot Springs do. I think Galleries in Hot Springs went to shit about The Same time that they realize that they could make a great living charging hack artist for wallspace. I am either going to Make The Hot Springs Art Scene Great again or I am going to destroy it. I haven't decided yet. I guess it all depends on how much resistance I am met with in the future. I will tell you this though... that dog has so many worms that I'm about to haft to just go ahead and put her down.