Monday, October 17, 2011

The "art" of Thad Flenniken in Blue Moon

                                  You know they say that those who can do, those who can't teach. Never has this quote been made more true than in the life of Thad Flenniken. Thad Flenniken is a failed Artist turned Professor that teaches Students at National Park Community College how to be just as big of a failure with their lives as he was with his. Since he couldn't sell his Art for even $50.00 in Blue Moon he gave up on himself and decided to swing for the fences by asking for $5,200.00. Thad I am going to tell you here and now that putting a ridiculous pricetag on your "art" isn't going to make it look any more valuable and you will win The Power Lottery before you sell that painting for even a 100th of what you are asking for. Oh and Blue Moon if you guys are wondering why I am out to get you guys now after all that you have done for Me... He is the main reason. If you are friends with My enemies then you are My Enemy too.

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Thad FlennikenArtist Info
mixed media on board
30" x 89"