This is a conversation between me and my old boss Earl Kieselhorst.
May 16
Daniel Kimery- It looks like we're on the same side now.I'm ready to bury the hatchet and move on if you are. Are we cool?
May 16
Daniel Kimery- Post ScriptYou misspelled Gallerie 801. If you're going to represent a Gallery then get the name right.
- Good call, I fixed it. Thanks.
May 16
Daniel Kimery- You're welcome. Have you seen David lately? What's he been up to?
May 16
Daniel Kimery- So what do you think of my website so far?
- Honestly Daniel, you have lied about me, my ex-wife (which I don't really care about) and the way I worked as a manager. You have taken everything David said, and put it on me. That's not right, and until you clear this up on whatever websites you've been spreading your venom, there simply is no chance of us being acquaintances or friends. I thought a lot of you once upon a time, but your acid tongue has taken you too far. Don't get me wrong, it's no owning up to my mistakes, what I'm talking about, it's the bold-faced lies attacking me as a person that's holding me back. When you come correct, we can let this shit go. Until then, don't message me back.
May 17
Daniel Kimery- That was David? I'm sorry anytime I heard one of you speak the other was around so I couldn't tell the two of you apart. I know I did a lot to hurt you but think of what you would have done if somebody did to you all of the things that you guys did to me. You already knew that I had serious psychological problems before ya'll started pushing me. I kept trying to find subtle ways of warning ya'll but you wouldn't listen and you wouldn't stop. That day in the Dialer room I snapped. I hated you and David more than I have ever hated anything and if you have any idea what a miserable hell my life has been then you would know that that's a lot. A good rule to always remember is that it only takes one person to ruin your life so be nice to people. I see now that a lot of what happened was David's doing. I remember the best week I had at Art Exchange was when you was in charge. I put almost $5,000.00 on the board in one week if you count payment plans then David came back and started fucking with me and everything went to shit. I will go now to the Law website and clarify that it was David Miller that I was arguing with and I will even make a public apology to you for accusing you of saying those things. This reminds me of a Zen proverb I once heard "We have no friends and we have no enemies. We have only teachers.".
May 17
Daniel Kimery- K here's what I posted.
"My apologies to Earl Kieselhorst. I thought I was arguing with him on here when I was infact arguing with David Miller.
Daniel Damascus Kimery "
May 18
Daniel Kimery- What? No Thank you? Ok I see how ungrateful you are.
- Calm down bro, I haven't even been online until now to even see your messages. I do appreciate the apology, so thank you. I actually did feel bad for you for some of the ways David treated you. I should have probably stepped in, but at the end of the day, David was still the boss. I had just married Valerie and was the sole income for her, her son and myself. I didn't want to make too many waves to jeopardize our sole source of income. Also Daniel, I couldn't really read you that well. When David was picking on you, a lot of times you were joking and laughing. I didn't get how hurt you actually were, and for that I apologize.
Anyway, I hope that moving forward we get just accept each others apologies and consider this water under the bridge.
May 18
Daniel Kimery- Of Course. Check out what I've done with my website.
P.S. Sometimes people use humor to mask the pain.
May 18Daniel Kimery- and click on an ad so I can get paid. I get 22 cents a click, but only click one per visit.
- You know I think it all worked out for the best because now the Art Exchange is ruined , David is back where he belongs selling vacuums door to door, and I discovered that I am an Art Critic now...hat places me at the Top of the food Chain in this Industry. It's only been a few days since my site opened and I already have half of the Galleries and big wigs in this town kissing my feet.
- I'm happy for you. Good luck.
May 18Daniel Kimery- I won't need it. Nothing can stand in the way of my destiny.
May 20Daniel Kimery- I changed the name of my website. Here's the new link
May 21Daniel Kimery- Why did you block my phone number?I need to talk to you. It's not a personal call. I am calling about Art.
- I didn't block it, my phone is off.
May 21Daniel Kimery- Well turn it on and call me. I just need five minute of your time and I promise that I will be civil. 501-545-8408
- I want to talk to you about some things off the record.
May 22Daniel Kimery- Hey Earl I've decided that we could be more effective as friends than as enemies. You need me to say nice things about you and I need the information that you possess about Richard Gipe and David Miller so let's scratch eachother's backs.
- Not now, not ever, go fuck yourself
19 hours agoDaniel Kimery- Wow why such harsh language Bro? I thought we were friends? So what do you do at Seniorcare? Are you a CNA or a Security Guard or what? Look Earl I like you I just don't think you should work in The Art Industry anymore. With that said I wish you all of the success in the world with anything else that you aspire to do with your life. Orevua
- We've never been friends, save your energy talking to me and go smear my name some more.
- Also, hate to break it to you but sociopaths dont have friends
19 hours agoDaniel Kimery- What do you mean "save your energy talking to me and go smear my name some more."? Are you threatening me? For the record everybody has friends even sociopaths like you lol. Come on Earl you know that you can't stay mad at me.
- Im not mad, Im done there's a difference. Have a nice life.
19 hours agoDaniel Kimery- Thank you Earl. So I guess it's safe to say that you will never work in The Art Biz again? Give me a call sometime and talk to me about it. 501-545-8408
- I guess it's safe to say you're still delusional. You really think you have any pull in the art industry? Hell, or in anything? You know, I used to think you were an intelligent guy who was just a little misunderstood. Now I get it, you're a fool and a reject. Your family rejected you, the military rejected you, every girl you've ever met rejected you, every friend you though you had rejected you, you know why? Because you're nothing, and you never will be? You been suicidal before? Hell, I don't blame you, if I were the horrible excuse for a human being that you are, I would be too.
14 hours agoSent from MobileDaniel Kimery- I can't tell you how good it feels to see you this upset. Enjoy wiping asses in that nursing home you work at and I will continue to enjoy getting my Art and my Client's Art in High End Galleries. Just admit I ruined your name in The Art Industry. Come check out my Art and my Client's Art at the Natural Light Gallery this Fall and let me know what you think ok.