- its bullshit
- real artists get hidden while hack artists get seen its disgusting
- this is the kind of shit that Hitler talked about lol
- you mispoke
- real galleries dont promote shitty art
- fuck selling
- they aint even getting that far lol
- you will be in the tin grizzly for one reason and one reason only because you are the best around just like in the karate kid song
- You will be.
YesterdaySent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Curt
- what up?
YesterdaySent from ChatDaniel Kimery- did Tedd ask you for exclusivity?
- be honest
- no, I was just yanking your chain
YesterdaySent from ChatDaniel Kimery- then why aren't you making Art for The Natural Light Gallery and Warholian research institute like I told you to?
- i've been busy with other stuff. I got a few promised commissions that I'm a few months behind on
- I will try to get started on an Andy Warhol this weekend
- I found my picture already
- I gave Jay the oil paint I had so he could do his Andy Warhol painting
- I shouldn't joke like that, I guess :-p
if somebody mentioned something like that, I would tell them to contact you
- I wouldn't do you that way. unless the money was right, and then they'd have to cut you in
- loyalty means more than money to me
23 hours agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- thank you
40 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- call me
- do what you're told Curt
- I'm at work until about 11pm
- I'm stuck in software upgrade pergatory
- I'd rather roll in broken glass than have to do this upgrade again
- it fails with a different error everytime
- I've sat and watched a little blue bar move across the screen all day
26 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- work on Art for The Natural Light Gallery and Warholian institute with me and Jay and get your brother to do the same.
- that Andy Warhol will be fun
- I wanted to do an add and erase charcoal for it
25 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- do it
- thats what im doing
- I turned my drawing in today for the Breast Cancer thing. I'll find out Saturday if I win
24 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- awesome im gonna get on my knees and say a prayer for you right now.
- I just did it
- I think I got a good shot at winning
24 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I never pray so my prayers are probably more valuable than most
- cuz i never ask for anything lol
- I'm proud of you! God does answer
22 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- You and Jay make me want to believe in God again.
- You guys are amazing Artist and great friends to have
- you are funny intelligent and above all Loyal
- We will never let any outside agencies come in between us will we?
- nope
- not even Tedd :-p
17 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- How many Tedds would you trade for one of me?
- Has he tried to get you to drop me?
- nope, not at all. I think he's scared of you or something
- I get the feeling that he don't want to make you mad
16 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- hahahahaha
- muahahahaha
- I love it
- he's a good guy though
- from what I've talked to him
15 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- what has he said about me
- he will be instrumental in us conquering Hot Springs
- just that he had to make sure that we took care of you on your part
14 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- huh?
- As in making sure that I get paid after a sale?
- yep
- he's getting 40%, so he's happy
12 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Him and Jeremy both need to start being a lot nicer to me because they have been some snotty dismissive Art Snobs lately.
- on a scale from 1 to 10 how much would you say that they fear me?
- from what I've talked to them...
- 11
9 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- oh god im about to cum
- you are my spy Curt
- why are they afraid of me
- probably afaid they'll get negative press
- and destroy their business
- i knew nothing about Hot Springs until I found your blog
6 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Curt you are the best thing that has ever happened to my ego.
- it's been 100% right on the money so far. I've talked to one artist that said one of the galleries that you gave a lot of negative press too lost some of her paintings!
- she never even heard of getting insurance on them and they never suggested it!
- Tedd mentioned it to me right off
- I'm really impressed with his business ethic. He knows how to talk to artists
2 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Tedd is brilliant when it comes to The Art of Art Promotion. The guy really knows his shit. If he can't sell your Art then I probably couldn't either.
- that makes me nervous
- I hope I can sell
32 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- you will
- You already are selling and with much less exposure than what you would have in Hot Springs.
7 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Curt me and your are forces of Nature
- we are unstoppable
- My Art sucks but you already know what an awesome Agent I am.
- the Jerry McGuire of the art world
about a minute agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- thank you for saying that.
Curt is typing ...