- hey, how are you?
- have you spoken to Joe?
39 minutes agoSent from Chat
Daniel Kimery- good how are you
- im good....just got over this hurricane irene business.
37 minutes agoSent from Chat
Daniel Kimery- cool
- so...have you spoken to Joe?
36 minutes agoSent from Chat
Daniel Kimery- no he hasnt called
- have you
- briefly on facebook.
- i still believe you are the person for this museum/gallery, daniel
35 minutes agoSent from Chat
Daniel Kimery- thank you
- joe is going to have to realize this....i think he wants me to go over there
- and stay to help
- but I cannot do that.
- this museum should be about art, mentor and disciple relationship, and about the basics of buddhism.
34 minutes agoSent from Chat
Daniel Kimery- I wish you could too
- and other practices that will bring peace to the land
- no, i cannot. I have a life here.
33 minutes agoSent from Chat
Daniel Kimery- lol
- i have tons of things to do with family and friends
- and sgi members
- i already have my mission.
- i think this will be an excellent opportunity for both you and joe to connect people with art in arkansas
- but one of the obstacles is your mentor/disciple relationship with joe
31 minutes agoSent from Chat
Daniel Kimery- what is joe saying?
- i think joe is mostly concerned with your violence. Also, your slander of people and things.
- In Buddhism, slander is serious.
- You can stand up for injustice, but you cannot do it without a just cause
30 minutes agoSent from Chat
Daniel Kimery- I haven't slandered anyone slander implies that I'm not telling the truth. I haven't lied about anything.
- It takes very careful mastery of thoughts and actions.
- Ok, than what is with the violence?
- then*
28 minutes agoSent from Chat
Daniel Kimery- I like to think of it as Righteous Anger.
- lol
- got you...but the thing is daniel, you cannot do this with every thing that ticks you off.
- especially when it involves other people
27 minutes agoSent from Chat
Daniel Kimery- I know.
- so, to be a curator, you must be in middle ground
- a channeler.
- a judge, if you will
- i believe you are almost there for that
- but you need to rethink your regards towards others.
26 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I know.
- I have been a Curator many times before.
- this museum/gallery is about the local area
- you have blogs and are an artist
25 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Trust me I have a completely different attitude when I am Curating than I do when I am Critiquing.
- also, you have the connection with the counter-culture art world of Hot Springs.
24 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Most of my pull is outside of Hot Springs.
- Joe really know older, big city artists...many of them are very famous.
- It will be a good start to appreciate what Joe is and has contributed to the local Urban Art Scene of New York.
23 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Tell Joe I am sorry for calling Armando a spick. I was still really upset when I was talking to him.
- lol. you called him a spic?
- lol
- im a spic, too, btw.
- a real one, puerto rican.
22 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I respect Joe and what he is trying to do for me. That isn't the issue. The issue is whether or not that he respects me.
- I know.
- daniel, with violence, you will never get through Joe.
21 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- If it it makes you feel any better I'm only racist when I'm angry.
- likewise
- that is another problem
- your racism
21 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- violence doesn't work well with me either
- it's not attractive
21 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- me and Joe are more alike than I'd like to admit
- what is your racial background daniel?
21 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I never said it was.
- I am half dutch half cherokee
- and you have a lot of nerve to be a racists? lol
20 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I know.
- you're like me...I am white and native, taino indian
- lol
- do you know joe is also half dutch?
19 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I am racist against everybody that isn't Dutch Cherokee and even with them I come across as a stuck up hipster lol
- no I did not
- joe is dutch, cherokee, and irish
18 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Lot's of people in Arkansas are.
- and another thing...you CANNOT be a Hipster if you are racists.
- Joe is not from Arkansas
- Joe is from California
18 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- yes I can
- I am even a hipster with skinheads
- lol
18 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- cuz I have better Skrewdriver albums than they do
- lol
- and I have better boots.
- but how can u be a skinhead if youre not really white?
17 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I'm not
- you're american?
17 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I'm in Russellville dude
- i mean, look at armando
- he's a short
- not so attractive mexican
17 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- this is like The War Skin Capital of The US
- but he is your same...white and native mix.
17 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Armando unfriended me
- and he's always a dick to me
- of course he's gonna unfriend you
- lol
16 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- when I'm mad I usually go for the obvious tell Armando I'm sorry too.
- No
- He unfriended me before I called him that.
- no, you should tell the two you are sorry.
15 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Fuck that.
- mentor disciple is not about reverse racism, daniel.
15 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- They are the ones that owe me the apology if anything.
- I never said they were
- i think that the focus here should be about growth as a person
15 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- where are they getting that?
- i guess they get it through your art and actions daniel
14 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I never used the words reverse racism and mentor disciple in the same sentence and that is why I got racist because they were accusing me of being racist for being Cherokee Pride and White Power.
- lol
13 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I'm not joking.
- face facts: no ones is perfect
- especially mix race folks
- i totally get you
13 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I never claimed I was.
- i have pig, judaist blood
- but im not considered jew
12 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- But Dutcch Cherokees Reign Supreme. We're taking over... well we're takin over Arkansas and Oklahoma anyways.lol
- ok...whatever....
- be a part of the Hispter movement, go green,
- promote peace
- and art
- education
- culture
- fashion
- and PEACE
11 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I was Green Party when I supported Ralph Nader
- peace= tolerance.
11 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Now I am s Libertarian and I support Ron Paul
- learn about Joe.
10 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I have been a Libertarian since 2007.
- You will be surprised the similarities you both share
- Another thing--are you a tweeker?
10 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- He needs to learn about me. He has more to learn from me than I do from him.
- because you strike me as an addict.
- lol
10 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- No
- I am addicted to power
- ramble
- lol
- are you a drinker
9 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I destroy what I can't control
- you see...there you go getting all sociopathic
9 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- No
- I rarely drink
- you can't talk to people like this
- they will think you are crazy
- and you will lose in your quest to reign power
- lol
9 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- You can't either
- it was woefully inappropriate for you to ask me if I am an addict.
- that's ok
- 99 percent of artists are
- lol
- im a recovering addict
- day 1287
8 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Everybody is addicted to something.
- of sobriety
7 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Congratulations.
- no, i was addicted to powerful drugs and alcohol
7 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- wow
- yes
- not that i am trying to persuade you through a sob story
6 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- Why hasn't Joe called to apologize yet?
- but what I am trying to say, is that I have been around the block.
6 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- I know you have.
- because you is anti racism and violence.
- he's a peaceful person
- nothing is worst than having some violent, sociopathic, hipster- ex-military straight guy rambling...
- JOe* not you is...
- joe is gonna be 50
- he is a legend, believe it or not.
- i think he wants to cool it down a bit, you know
2 minutes agoSent from ChatDaniel Kimery- You know that I am not going to be telling people I worship Hitler when I am Curating for this Gallery right?
- God read my Blog man. You have no clue how much work I have done in the Art Industry. I know that I'm from a small town but this isn't my first rodeo either.
Malvin is typing... |
2 seconds ago
Daniel Kimery- Just so you know. I used to be a Zen Buddhist. I read about every book on Buddhism Books-a-Million and The Library had. When I finally realized that here and now is all that exist I start to focus on this life rather than an imaginary after life or prior life as is the case with Buddhism. I love the Philosophies of The Zen Masters and live my life by them today even after having long since lost any faith or belief in anything. I personally see Buddhism as being more like a self help guide then as a set of rules and regulations that is one of many reasons why I found it very appealing after having just spent 4 years in Church School. I love talking to you Malvin even though it seems like it's not going to work out between me and Mentor Disciple. They led me down The Garden and stabbed me in the back twice in three months. I'm not going to give them a third chance. I hope that you respect my decision and that we can remain friends.