For the record The Art Exchange does not sell Art(unless you count buying a Print theirselves for a hundred bucks from an Artists that just paid them thousands of dollars to be scene) I should know I used to work there.
Lacy: This is Lacy hawthorne and I am not one bit affraid to post my name you crazy bat case! Daniel you are the biggest loser! You are just mad because we sell art and you can't take us down. NO ONE CAN!
Daniel: Lacy you don't sell Art you sell Artists exposure. I may not have officially killed The Art Exchange yet, but I did severe a few limbs and The Art Exchange is in it's last gasp with my foot on it's throat. I talked to Martin Spilker in my house about The Print that you allegedly sold. When I asked him who bought his Print he said that he didn't know. If you really did sell his print rather than just buy it yourself like you do with every other Artist that you've tricked into paying to be in your Gallery then why weren't you able to produce the name and number of the buyer? Speaking of losers Your Gallery and your Artists are the laughing stock of Hot Springs. Everyone in the Down Town Gallery Walk knows that Richard and his Cronies are Crooks. Even though all of the Galleries are at eachother throats right now we are all in agreement that The Art Exchange gives Hot Springs a very bad name and our Art Community will be much better served once The Art Exchange finally dies it's well deserved Death. Thanks for writing me Lacy. It's been a long time. Did you ever get your skin taken care of or do you still wear two inches of make up everyday?
P.S. How was that 16 year old boy that you got drunk and had sex with in Miami? Remember? The one that David Miller was telling us all about in the Glass Room after Reddot Miami? Well at any rate I hope for his sake that you used protection.
Art Law Direct sucks when it comes to copying and pasting so here is the link.