- you know what Daniel , if we were to meet in person to start off with we may have been friends , I have a lot of opinionated friends that like to discuss art and what in means to be artistic -
I can see you were not interested in a friendship because of things you have made up about me and the collective, I am just a person that is trying to bring some of the artist together to make some sort of statement, what ever that may be. My sister and I spend money out of our own pockets to keep the doors open along with the members ( we do sell art , but as you know, the economy should not be the thing that kills an art scene ) - it looks like you have been burned by some gallery you were in at some point and that sucks cause from what I can tell, you have some interesting art.
Art Collectives are not for everyone - I get it - but I assure you I have done nothing to hurt any member in the STAR gallery or scam grants or the like. You can ask around if you like, people will continue to make art locally with or with out your check mark - art is for art, so just go be an artist - you will find that makes you the most happy.
about an hour ago
Daniel Kimery- We can be friends when you close your Gallery. No hard feelings but I don't care who I haft to throw into this omlet that I'm making as long as it winds up tasting good. In all honesty I think the only difference between you and Richard Gipe is that he cold calls Artists in other States and you prey on people you that you know personally. It takes a special kind of scumbag to do that. I do love your band Landrest and have even gone as far as to say so on my website. I wish you all of The success in the world with your music. I just don't want you to work in The Art Industry anymore because I don't like how you do business. You take money from hacks that you have convinced are Artists. I can't even begin to explain how wrong that is on so many different levels.
- nice - I do not prey on anyone - you do not know how I do business and I have never even met you - so I find beauty in things and you bring out the hate in things or just hate things -- I am sure other people have scammed you and now you are hurt and see the world as a shit bag - sorry for that - I will not stop making art just because someone does not like it
6 hours ago
Daniel Kimery- Hahahaha you don't know the first thing about me do you newbie? My Curriculum vita extends to 7 Galleries in Hot Springs alone and I have never paid to be seen. I'll tell you why this is so personal to me... I am sick of the horror stories from Artists that had their lives ruined by Vanity Galleries. I have personally gotten back $63,500.00 for 26 different Artists from the credit card companies to atone for all of the wrongs that I have done when I was under Richard Gipe's control. Here's an idea how about you try studying your enemies instead of just ignoring them? Pull your head out of the sand and read what everyone else is reading about you and your "Gallery" at arkansasartnews.blogspot.com
- If you did wrongs while you worked for Richard Gipes then that is on your shoulders and you go ahead and help people that you feel were done to under your care --- I don't have and enemies - I am not battling anyone - if someone has some kind of problem with me they can talk to me and we can work things out --- that is how people do things --- I have a family, my own business, a band and a collective - I do not have time to read every blog under the sun , so don't be offended if I do not want to partake in a lot of drama - you can post all of this if you want because I feel I have been very kind to you - yes, sarcastic at times - but at least civil
about an hour ago
Daniel Kimery- I will give you that. I hope that we could remain this civil if we ever met in real life.
- I am off to the movies - and If you ever would like to sit down with me in person we could talk about things -- I am not some kind of art monster nor is my sister - have a good night
about an hour ago
Daniel Kimery- I would like that. Just promise me that no harm will come to me when I visit your Gallery.
- ha ha :)
Why - have you really pissed someone off that bad? I know you have used some pretty harsh language with my name in the same sentence - I see you are really expressive and that is ok because I am really none of the things you have called me - ask anyone --- I do not think anyone wants to harm you - I do not really gossip and the like , so I don't know much about people outside of the gallery
12 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- touche. Violence is the last refuge of fools and I abhore it... With that said he left me little choice. Aaron has been my friend for sixteen years and it deeply upsets me that we came to that empass. This is going from an Art War to a Brothers War and I am beginning to ask myself if it is worth it.
11 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- and for the record I thought that I had pissed you off. Even a woman can be dangerous when she has big strong men that are willing to fight for her. You've been alive long enough to know that no matter how innocent you would like to think you are. My Uncle was The Youngest Head of a State Police in United States History, remained Head for six years, and owns the largest private security firm in the state of Arkansas. Anybody that hurts me will regard such action as the worst mistake they ever made for the rest of their worthless miserable lives. His name is Doug Harp if you would like to call him sometime and ask him where I went wrong.
- Sometimes people just can not get along with each other , sorry about your friend , maybe you can fix it maybe you can't
- I do not think you are my enemy , you are not mine -- this town is too small sometimes --- and yes I do get upset when people misunderstand me or project me as a certain thing that I am not - but you can not always have complete control over your own image because people will think what they want to. The people who get to know me - see who I really am - and I just think you have me all wrong - and I think that could change if you were more open to people who may not have the exact same view - I try - it is hard - but I try
11 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- Don't be sorry over Aaron. I would trade a billion of him for the inside information that I got from him about my enemies. If it is so hard for you, you don't know what you're doing, and your hemeraging money out of your own pocket to keep it open then just give up and let Xu Long Hua rent his lot to somebody else that does know what they are doing... Like me for example.
- ha ha - good plan :)
6 minutes ago
Daniel Kimery- I mean seriously if it's that much of a struggle and you're not sure what you're even trying to do with your "Gallery" then cut your losses and move on. You are a Musician not an Artist. Get out of The Art Biz and focus on your music because it is only going to get worse and I'm not going anywhere.
- You should start a gallery - you can play the game if you like - we are an art collective that does more than just sell cookie cutter art to hang on some hotel or office wall - we are a bit more, well a lot more, creative than just an art gallery. Yes , I am a musician and I am also a visual artist and went to school for art - Long Hua taught me how to carve in stone, that is how I know him - and that is why he has trusted me to have a lease in his building. I choose to not have my art plastered in the gallery everywhere , but I do have a few selections hanging there that I am ready to sell . Lots more spaces to rent downtown other than our spot, just look around and you will find a great place. I look forward to your gallery opening :)
2 minutes ago
Daniel Kimery- My Art will be displaying in The Natural Light Gallery and Warholian Research Institute this September. You should come check it out. You're right your Artists are not Cookie Cutter Artists. There would actually haft to be a demand for your Client's Art in order for them to make reproductions. Your Gallery is a Joke. You take money from ordinary people and call them Artists. The only difference between you and Richard Gipe is that he cold calls strangers on the other side of the country. You pray on people that you know in real life and pretend to be friends with. It takes a special kind of Scumbag to do that. You can talk all the Trash you want about Me, My Artists, and The Commercial Galleries that I do Business with all you want but at the end of the day we are going to be doing this long after you and your Scam Gallery have ceased to even be a bad memory in The Gallery Walk. I will bet you 100 to 1 odds right now that your "Collective" Doesn't survive to see the new year.
- Our artists do sell art but if we do not have the artist then we will close - my sister and I , and many artists in Hot Springs, can not afford a spot in a high traffic area on their own - a collective is needed in this town for that reason. Even if we closed my sister and I will still make art and rent a smaller place if we have to -
I did not insult your art or what ever gallery you work for , I was speaking in general about some galleries I have seen and what they have to offer - I have not been to your gallery or whatever - so I was not trying to attack you - geesh --
I do not prey on people, a collective is a group of artists that want to make art and show it together and rely on each other! If I remember correctly - you praised many artists from the collective and something happened to you, I guess, and you completely changed your mind about how awesome they were. I can see we are getting no where and I am going to have to say we simply disagree and move on
19 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- It's not my Gallery it's my friend Joseph's Gallery I'm just a Gallery Artist/Consultant for his Gallery. Thank you for your Candor and I will move on when you close you Collective. I despise Collectives.
- I see :)
I do not think I have ever heard of someone who has gotton burned more times than you have , so I can understand why you think they may be all the same --- I guess we will just have different opionions and I might be able to pop over to see the show at your friends gallery.
17 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- This fall I will be in The Natural Light Gallery. It is the 8Th Gallery that I have been in and it will be the first nonprofit that I have ever been in. I have been so busy promoting Artists and being an Art Dealer that I have neglected my own Art and I haven't had my Art in a Gallery since The Brooms Closet relocated five years ago. I have never been in a Collective or any other kind of Vanity Gallery that charges Artists Wall Space. So once again I will remind you I wasn't the one that got burned but I do know a lot of great Artists that were taken advantage of by The Art Exchange(a company that I used to work for) and for the life of me I can't tell the difference between what you're doing and what their doing except that they have better Art and a better Sales Crew.
17 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- I'm sorry did I say that The Natural Light Gallery is the 8th Gallery that I've been in? I mean't it will be the 8Th Hot Springs Gallery that I've been in. My Curriculum Vita extends to dozens of Galleries all over the Country. Just recently I had a presense in The East Kentucky Expo Center. You really have no clue who you are talking to do you?
- I lived in a different state while the art exchange was going on I think - that is great for you being a working artist - I have not ever said you are a bad artist or what ever - only that you are abrasive and not easy to talk to , which turns out is true of lots of artists that live in their own little world - including me sometimes
-- I will not try to convince you collectives are the shit because they can have problems , but I surly am not taking money from people - people can make a decision on their own - I do not pretend that I have the right to define what is or is not art - Even going to school for art , my instructors had to walk a very fine line -- they talked about structure and emotions verses good or bad
My main point is I am not doing things the same way you do things - pure and simple - all the luck in the world to you and I mean that , no sarcasm intended
18 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- The Art Exchange has been around since 1993. You really are clueless aren't you?
- Thank you Rebecca there there is a part of me that cares for you and pains me to do this. I do feel a lot closer to you and I hope that we can still be friends after this is over. I would also like to see some of your sculptures sometime.
- Sounds like it was a good thing that I did not have anything to do with that.
I left in 1993 to go to college then I lived in Texas so yes , when it comes to pointless art history of Hot Springs , yes , I guess I am clueless -
I did spend time going to cold and bland galleries in Dallas - some were good though
In Denton we had the Art Prostitute to be a part of , lots more people in that town that support art. I did show art at 801 when Josh Varnadore ran it - he is a pretty cool guy who left to spend some time in NYC ( I was part of CYAC back in the day - it was like the Pleasure Island from Pinocchio ) send me your email and I will send a pic or two of my art - I can not attach things on here for some reason
about an hour ago
Daniel Kimery- How long ago was your Gallerie 801 show and what was your involvement in that "Gallery" beyond being a Gallery Artist?
- Do you know Josh?
34 minutes ago
Daniel Kimery- Josh who?
- Josh Varnadore - he had the gallery before who ever has it now --actually you may have seen some of my art without even knowing it
- my sister said you went to Lake Hamilton - when I started High school I won the mural contest and I painted over the roman columns that were in the cafeteria , why would you paint roman columns on top of cinder blocks - it's like painting a faux wood pattern on top of a wood wall - any way - I painted the sky and grass mural - the funny thing is I painted it that way to put us in the true light of things , that we were kind of looked down to - because I felt like an ant in school -
I know some teacher really try , but it seems the teachers that are not very passionate about the job they have make the students equally uninterested in school.
That is one reason we are going to our best to home school our kids.
My brother later added the giant grass hopper and lady bug stuff when he was a senior-- which I am told it was painted over some years ago with some sad wolf howling at a moon with LH in it - I guess the bugs grossed people out or whatever- ha ha
I have done commission work ( yes those large hamburgers and milkshakes on the walls of the frosted mug were painted by me ) and sold paintings here and there of peoples kids or dogs whatever -
but I mostly stopped painting for cash after I saw a Van Gogh exhibit in the Smithsonian or DMA - I can not remember where --- anyway he has been my favorite since forever and I was looking very close at his painting of workers picking fruit out of trees and I noticed something in the paint -
A RED BEARD HAIR - trapped in the paint - he was painting on some hot hill capturing a moment in time , not because he wanted a stack of money but because he wanted to show people how he saw the world in that moment , yes maybe he sold it for some food or what ever but now it is a museum and I was seeing what he saw that day ( kind of how we record air into music - it is an altered state )
any way it could have just been a paint brush hair but the guard came over an told me I was too close to the painting , but my breath and Van Gogh's were in the same space at one time
and that had a huge effect on what I create and sell
about a minute ago
Daniel Kimery- The only owners I know of are Jalem Grome, Lane Adcock, Steve Smith, and Mako Hughes all four have had their careers in The Art Industry cut short becuase of me. Please contact them and ask them about me so you can have a better understanding of THE KIND OF POWER THAT I WIELD AS AN ART CRITIC. I AM THE GRIM REAPER OF THE ART WORLD!!! KNEEL BEFORE ME OR BE MADE TO KNEEL!!!!!!!
20 hours ago
Daniel Kimery- Listen I don't want to destroy you. I want to save you but you are going to haft to change the way that you do business. I've had enough of this typing lets talk it out already. Or are you afraid that I am a superior Master Debater? Seriously you are drowning and I am trying to throw you a life jacket. The only question is will you grab it? My number is 501-545-8408. What number can I reach you at?
- No he never worked for any of those people - he has his own gallery and hosted some awesome show - one of them being the lead of Sigur Ros artworks they came to stay in Hot Springs and seemed to like our town pretty much. Artists in this town are not really unified to one thing or place - that is ok , art is a kind of thing that people do alone , so it makes sense -
I am not in the "art business" nor do I plan to be, I do not want that part of it to ruin art for me. You should write a book or something with tips or something for people that want to live in that world and make money in that world
- That is something you do not really learn in art school - business school maybe ? I doubt they mess with art that much
The collective is more each person sharing the load and that is what works for me at this point - It is on each artist to advertise for themselves and do what they will with their art.
I will be focusing on my fabric line that is now in the makings.
My brother does not have an agent or anything like that and he has been contacted by the reality art show ( 1 st season ) to be on the show from seeing his art in LA - he did not want to do a show like that --- he has been in various big art mags and the like and has been showing art in LA Galleries - all on his own and he works hard at it from his home - it is what he wants to do.
I have my own business that does very well - I focus on that and my husband and 2 kids - My sister is the one working more on the collective and I know she kind of feels that the number of artists in town verses the people that like to support the arts is way outta whack - She did art shows at Mid America and small places , but the art collective is what she feels more strong for and will keep having some sort of connection with local artists.
9 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- Blah blah blah You will sell wallspace to anybody that wants in your Gallery so you can call yourselves whatever you like but you are a Vanity Gallery and there in lies our conundrum. You are like a tarantula trying to make friends with a wasp. We are natural enemies so just accept the fact that you pleas fall on deaf ears, close your "Gallery" before you lose anymore money, and move on to the next chapter of your life.
- I told people to not get bent out of shape over what crazy things you say because you can not help yourself -- you are an artist
What do you mean I send you pleas on def ears - I am not trying to change your mind or beg you about anything , just telling you where I am coming from - so don't give me that bullshit. That is a low blow hun.
Do you want a spot on the wall? is that what this is about - I am sure people would want to see your art - it seems we let artist that are passionate about what they do hang art on the wall - and that is art - I would not turn someone down because they want to hang a donut on the wall and call it art - I think that would be just fine because I think that can be art.
So if you opened a gallery with your art on display and for sale , you would be a vanity gallery? You are the tarantula and the wasp- what are you going to do then? I call it an artist with a business where he sales his art. What is wrong with that? People will buy your art or they will not buy your art.
no we do not have a jury to get in but if the walls are too full, then that is another thing. We will continue on because that is art.
you are exhausting me - I think we need to go on a break
2 seconds ago
Daniel Kimery- No if I opened a Gallery it would be a Commercial Gallery because I would Jury the Art and I wouldn't charge the Artists for Wall Space. I think it's pretty sad that you run a Vanity Gallery and you don't even know what the term refers to. Did they teach you anything about Art at Henderson or is the only thing that you learned there was how to be a good Democrat? You are a classic example of why Art Degrees aren't worth the paper that they are printed on.
- I took other courses besides art - and no , I did not take art business class - I think the graphic designers were required to take that.
College is not for everyone and I know lots of people that do well in art with out some kind of degree. I did learn loads of stuff and had some really great instructors and I would pay for that again.
If you hang even one thing of yours in said gallery - you will be a vanity gallery - see - it's not that big a deal really. I wish you luck finding a sugar mama or a big ole bag of money to stay open cause the art trade is dying down these days. It is sad really.
I do not call my self a democrat - I am quite the anarchist. I do belive in being nice to people, I try.
14 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- Ok since you just showed me how bone ignorant you are when it comes to Art Galleries even though you own one I shall enlighten you... A Vanity Gallery is a Gallery that ask it's "Artists" for money. I know the term sounds flattering but it really just refers to the salesmen appealing to the Artists Vanity by telling them how great they are when really they just want their money. I must say that I have never met a Gallery Owner that knew so little about Art. My weakest client has forgotten about ten times as much about Art then you will ever know. Can you and your collective just go away because you are really embarrassing the shit out of The Hot Springs Art Scene and we will be very well served by the death of your Gallery. You know you are going to haft to close your doors soon anyways so just do yourself and the rest of us a favor and disappear already.
- ok Daniel - I know about being an artist and a collective member. I do not pack my car full of artists money - I put money in! I want this place to be open to more that just one type of art and I want Hot Springs to know about young artists.
Artists come to the collective because they want to be part of something - not just show their work in some gallery out of state every once in a while. It is called unity and you will never have it , sorry for you.
You would think one of your smart clients would have told you to stop bashing the town they want to sell art in. So dumb
ps I think the Hot Springs art scene will do just fine , even with you bashing it
9 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- Rebecca I can't thank you enough for writing me. Now the whole world gets to see what a lying idiot you are. I'm not bashing Hot Springs I am bashing you and your Gallery of hacks that pay to be seen. Can you communicate without putting words in my mouth? Yes The Hot Springs Art Scene will do just fine especially here in a few months when your Collective is nothing but a bad memory. The best part of all is the fact that after you close most of the members of your collective will never have their "art" seen in a Gallery ever again.
18 hours ago
StarGallery HotSprings- I am not an idiot nor do I lie to anyone. the most idiot thing I have ever done is respond to you. You are so full of yourself - you will continue to bash Hot Springs and independent gallery owners because no one will let you play ball. Start your own business and show everyone how bad ass you are Mr Talk.
I will not have a fight with you - I have been kinda nice to you because you have issues.
I know that what you want is a fight , you apparently thrive on it. STOP fishing my friends because they know you are a turd. ( you have called me far worse for no reason )
I am sure the few who read your gossip blog can see that you are wrong on so many things. I am out of steam for you so we will not be talking again and I am sure I have been way nicer to you that you deserve. I hope you know that.
18 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. Enough with the straw man arguments. Saying I'm bashing Hot Springs because I've given poor reviews to your Collective is like saying that I hate America because I criticisize Obama. You're right it was a mistake to contact me. I'm glad you see that now that it's too late.lol
- ugggg -
19 seconds ago
Daniel Kimery- Yeah that's right hide your wall coward. Go hide under a rock like the snake that you are.
19 hours ago
StarGallery HotSprings- You must be looking in a mirror. You know if you let people respond to your blog you would have to close your blog because I doubt anyone would have any thing nice to say. OK , stop stalking and trashing Hot Springs business owners.
17 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- Omg you live in an imaginary fantasy land. I have never stalked you nor will I ever. It takes two to tango so if you want me to stop talking to you then stop talking to me. It's just that simple. You're the one that wrote me talking about how we could have been friends if I met you in person remember not the other way around so if anybody is stalking here it's you. I think you are already starting to realize that this is a fight that you can't win. So go ahead and crawl back under your rock and hide your collective from the world. Either way I win.
- You sent an add friend request to me - I simply explained to you that you are abrasive online and maybe in person you are not that way ? I don't know - and it is clear to me that in person you loose power because you do not have a blog to record everything you say.
This never was a contest to win just a conversation. - I just sent you my opinion about things and tried to make you understand everyone under the sun does not do things the way you do. You do not get it at all.
11 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- Wrong if you scroll up you will read that I asked you why you sent me a friend request when we are not friends. You sent me the add request which I declined then you wrote me giving me this speech about what good friends we would be if we were to hang out in real life, but if you are going to accuse me of stalking and spamming then we have nothing left to say to eachother Auf'Weidersehen.
- must be ghost in facebook because I thought it was very odd you sent an add friend to me - which I did click ignore - I never said we would be good friends and I would not add you as a friend because all you do is talk shit about the gallery and other Hot Springs business owners and supporters - I know you have fake face book accounts - especially the ones that hit like to their own comments -
7 hours agoSent from Mobile
Daniel Kimery- So yall are back to that again huh? First I get accused of being Chuck Dodson's fake profile then when that gets proven to be bogus and it turns out that I am a real person yall start accusing anybody that says something nice about me of being a fake profile. You are such a compulsive liar that you can't even keep up with the lies you are telling me on here let alone the lies you are telling about me on your wall. Thanks for the exposure btw. For the record if you think that Kathy Dymora(who just added me thanks to you making wall post about me) is a fake profile then how about you try and contact her kids and ask them if she's fake since they're on facebook too. Oh and another thing if you think I will be any nicer to you or any of my other enemies when we are face to face then you need to ask around about me because I don't have a reputation for being very shy. Kathy told me that your collective looked like an indoor flea market btw.
Star Gallery blocked me without replying after reading this last message. I think that means I win right? lol