Sunday, January 15, 2012

Is The Art Church an Art Gallery or a Children's Day Care Center?

                         You know how to tell if a Gallery is a Scam? If it focuses on Education rather than Art Promotion. A Real Art Gallery only want's Artists who are already educated. The Art Church has no interest in promoting descent Art. The only thing they care about is getting people to pay for classes and pay for wall space. No wonder they don't have any Real Artists there. As a General rule of thumb if somebody wants money up front to promote your Art then they have no faith in the marketability or your Art and their only interest in you is your money not your Art. Trust me I should know I used to work for Richard Gipe (The Bernie Madoff of The Art World)  at Legacy, Timothy's Fine Arts, and  MOCA, which are all subsidiaries of The Art Exchange. Google "Art Exchange Scam" and see what comes up. I remember everyday at The Art Exchange we would laugh our asses off on how much money we were making off of our sales commissions by conning these Hacks that thought they were Artists. Ask yourself something do you really want to be in a Gallery that anybody that's willing to pay to be seen can get into and do you really want to have your Art in a Gallery that has a bunch of little kids running around screaming and yelling? Since all The Art Church ever has is events centered around children why don't they just market themselves as a Daycare Center and Children's Art Gallery?

  • Seed Swap/ Children's Eco Art workshop/ movie & madness:) — Saturday, March 3 at 10:00am.

  • The Artchurch Studio located at 301 Whittington Ave. in beautiful historic Hot Springs AR. will host the fourth annual Children’s Valentine Cards Workshop on Feb. 11th, 2012. This year we have two sessions to accommodate various ages and large number of participants, 9:00-12:00 ages 6-11 year, 1:00-4:00 ages 12-16 years. Cooperating colleges include Henderson State University, National Park Community College, and University of Central Arkansas with teachers in training to assist in the instruction. Children will make 28 mono printed embellished Valentine Cards, 3 large collage pop-up cards, 1 extra special Valentine sculpture, and decorate heart shaped vegetables and fruit snacks, all this for only $25.00. For more information call or text 501-282-8343 or visit (membership discount applied) RSVP Please.