- I was just browsing your art news site. That sucks about you and Curt Mullins having a falling out.
- It looked like he was doing some pretty cool drawings for you. I got the impression that he admired you to some degree.
- bummer
- what gave you that impression
- just some of the comments exchanged on those drawings
- how often do you view my website
- not often, every once in a while
- wuts ut number
- ur
- don't take this the wrong way, but I don't want to talk on the phone right now
- and in all honesty it's not you
- I just hate talking on the phone
- with anyone, pretty much
- k
- click like on my pages then
- I don't really know what your situation is with these people, but
- busy ttyl bro
- alright man
- take care
- but what tell me
- captain
- well, it seems like you've got a history of getting people to like you, and then having them turn against you
- and I think that's possibly because you thrive on antagonism, to some degree at least
- like, you rely on confrontation and antagonistic behavior to get people to have involvement with you, at least from the little I observe
- and I don't think you need to do that
- They don't call me The Steamroller for nothing.
- whenever I've looked at your page, it looks like you've gotten some pretty cool projects together
- well, the thing is, steamrollers don't really keep many friends
- maybe if you didn't try to create so many conflicts and confrontations to force the attention of others, they'd give it to you willingly just based on your talents and charisma
- you do have charisma, but I think that you direct it in such a negative way