Saturday, September 3, 2011

Daniel Damascus Kimery Destroyed Timothy's Fine Arts last year and didn't even find out until now

                Lacy Hawthorne just made my day.

  • Daniel Kimery
    15 hours ago
    Daniel Kimery
    • Is Richard Gipe still running The Art Exchange? Who is in control now that they were auctioned off to pay their Creditor Diamond Bank? You help me and I will help you. I sold you short when I thought I was arguing with you online. From day one I saw you as a Beautiful Tall Classy Big City Italian Lady. Thank you for the kind words. If you would check out my Blog sometime then you would see that I had some pretty nice things to say about you too.
  • Lacy Hawthorne
    14 minutes ago
    Lacy Hawthorne
    • I checked out your blog, I didn't not say that to you on any website. Just because someone types "This is Lacy" does not make it so. This message does not carry a harsh tone at all, so don't take it that way. I just want you to understand my view on all this. I am not denying anything out of "fear", I am denying it because I didn't post it. You should know that if I made a post it would not have sounded so stupid, that post sounds like a 3rd grader trying to bash someone. I don't even work there! I was not "begging" you to leave me alone because I was scared of you, or "bowing" to you. I used the word please because it is the polite way to speak to someone. I was not being nice to you for any other reason except for the fact that I personally had nothing aginst you. It is a shame that you would mistake my kindness as fear, that offends me. If you will remember several times I waited after work with you for your ride to get there, so that you didn't have to stand outside alone, and I defended you when the guys were being mean to you. It's a shame that you have to attack me on that level and treat me like that after I was nice to you. Also, While I appriciate your apology and the nice things you said in your last message, your whole nasty post with it really takes the meaning out of it. I understand that you would post something mean when you thought I was attacking you, but even after I told you it's not me, and you gave me your apology you still said some nasty stuff. Daniel, as much as I would like to get along with you, I cant if you want to treat me that way. If you want to treat me with the same respect and kindness that I treat you with then we can get along no problem, but if you can't then it's best that we don't speak. I do still mean all the things I said to you about wishing you all the best. No hard feelings, I just wanted you to know my view on it. To answer your question: As far as I know Richard does still own Art-Exchange and is still in control of it unless something has changed. I don't know anything about the auction, I thought that was all of the Timothy's Framing stuff that was at the auction, but I was not there, so I really cannot verify that. Have a great Labor Day Weekend!
  • Daniel Kimery
    11 minutes ago
    Daniel Kimery
    • So what happened to Timothy's Fine Arts then?
  • Lacy Hawthorne
    10 minutes ago
    Lacy Hawthorne
    • Timothy's shut down shortly after you left. Richard sold most of the prints to a local framer.
    • That place has been closed for over a year.
  • Daniel Kimery
    9 minutes ago
    Daniel Kimery
    • Thank God. At least I brought Timothy's Fine Arts down. Thanks Lacy you really made my day. Let's hang out the next time that I'm in Hot Springs.
  • Lacy Hawthorne
    8 minutes ago
    Lacy Hawthorne
    • I am closing this account down, since the only thing I have used it for in a long time is our conversatiton. If you think we can get along without and disrespect to each other you can reach me by email.
    • *any. Sorry , typo
    • Or my personal facebook account is still up too, thats the one I normally use.
  • Daniel Kimery
    5 minutes ago
    Daniel Kimery
    • What is your number?
    • Send me an add from your personal account.
  • Lacy Hawthorne
    4 minutes ago
    Lacy Hawthorne
    • Will do.