This was too good to not repost.
Monday, May 16, 2011
2011 Agent Reviews for Hot Springs, Arkansas
Aaron Hulin - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Baducci Inc, Legacy aka Gallery 804, The Art Exchange
Dossier: Aaron Hulin is a joke. He couldn't sell a dollar for fifty cents unless he's selling false exposure to an Artist so do you really want to trust this guy with your Art?
Beth Gipe - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of Legacy aka Gallerie 804
Dossier: She's married to Richard Gipe. Need I say more?
Beth Stawn Jones - City Rating: 2 Stars / U.S. Rating: 1 Star
Affiliation: Co-Owner of Star Gallery
Dossier: You can send a hack to Henderson but there's certain things that you just can't teach like talent for example or the ability to tell Great Art from Shit Art. She did kiss my ass when I came into her Flea Market of a Gallery though so I'll give her an extra star just because she was at least smart enough to do that unlike her idiot sister Rebecca Stone.
Bill Solleder - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of The Low Key Arts Center
Dossier: I only spoke to him for five minutes on the telephone and in the first minute I caught him in 3 lies. He is a shameless ass kiss that is running an Art Scam and he doesn't have an honest bone in his body.
Bobby Jackson - City Rating: 3 Stars / U.S. Rating: 2 1/2 Stars
Affliation: n/a
Dossier: He's a good man and he sell's Art instead of the Artist... that is a rare trait amongst Agents in this town.
Bryan Sink - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Prodigious Art LTD, The Art Exchange
Dossier: Anybody being represented by this snake has a fool for a client. The worst thing about him conning Artist is that he claims to be an Artist himself.
Chris Long - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of Prodigious Art LTD
Dossier: I only met him in person once at his Gallery when it was at the Mall. His Gallery was so embarrassing that I couldn't help but laugh in his face. He's a former Art Exchange employee that wanted to follow in Richard Gipes foot steps... I rest my case.
Chuck Dodson - City Rating: 4 Stars / U.S. Rating: 3 1/2 Stars
Affiliation: The Gallery 404B
Dossier: This guy tells Doctors and Lawyers what Art they are going to buy and as a Photographer he has a great eye for Art. It's like I said many times before "Chuck Dodson has done more to help Artist sell their Art than any other person in The History of Hot Springs".
David Lemkuil - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating 0 Stars
Affiliation: Art Exchange
Dossier: Available soon.
David Miller - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Legacy aka Gallery 804, Prodigious Art LTD, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts, Gallerie 801
Dossier: He Started out as a door to door vacuum salesman then he moved up in the world by becoming an appointment setter for Window Mart. He reached the pentacle of his success when he became the Sales Manager at The Art Exchange by lying on his resume. What astounded me the most about this huckster was the fact that he had been working at Art-Exchange two years when I met him and he didn't even have a layman's understanding of Art. If he ever contacts you then just ask him if he has personally sold any Art and then hang up before he get's to respond because the answer is no. For a good laugh go watch David Miller make a fool out of himself as herooftheday on the thread entitled "Art ... any opinions?".
Dishongh Scavo - City Rating: 3 1/2 Stars / U.S. Rating: 3 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of Blue Moon
Dossier: Beyond her youthful, womanly appearance and vibrations she has a certain je ne sais quoi that I find to be tre magnifique. I can't believe that this Lady is old enough to be my mother. I thought she was younger than me when I first met her. You couldn't get me and Dishongh to even agree on which way is up but I love arguing with her and I lover her Gallery.
Donald Little - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Legacy aka Gallery 804, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: I'm not going to drop the N-Bomb here, but that is the first word that comes to mind when I think of this piece of shit.
Earl Kieselhorst - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Director of Sales and Marketing for The Art Exchange, Legacy aka Gallerie 804, MOCA, Timothy's Fine Arts, Gallerie 801
Dossier: He used to be a Predatory Lender for a Mortgage Firm in Tennessee until the Housing Market collapsed so he decided to pray on Artist instead. Since I have exposed him for what he is nobody in the Art World wants to do have anything to do with him so on May 23rd 2011 he posted on his facebook wall "Does anybody know where you can find a job in the Hot Springs, Malvern, Glenwood area?" to which I replied "Yes I hear that the McDonalds on Central is hiring." Oh how the mighty are fallen. I love basking in the anguish of my hated enemies. Muahahahahahaha. Hey Earl here's a bit of advice for finding a job... all you need to do is learn how to say "Would you like fries with that?"
Gina Green - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating 0 Stars
Affiliation: Chief Curator for The Natural Light Gallery and Warholian Lineage Research Library aka Mentor Disciple
Dossier: She is a Socially Awkward, Liberally Inoctrinated, Idiot. She claims to have been in The Art Industry for thirty years but since she is a photographer all that tells me is that she took pictures for her sisters wedding 30 years ago. She doesn't want to listen to the Artists and she has nothing to say. When I spoke to her about a conflict that I was having with The Owner she said that she can't handle any stress right now because of her Health to which I replied "and you're the Chief Curator for this Gallery?" that was the anvil that broke the Camels back. Then to make matters worse when I asked about Contracts and Insurance she was like Obama without a teleprompter " uh uh uh uh" and this being just a few weeks before their premiere. I have officially lost all faith in their Gallery. No Contracts? No Insurance? I don't know about you but this has the rotten fish smell of an Art Scam to me.
Jalem Grome - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Gallerie 801, The Art Exchange
Jerry Bellante - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Legacy aka Gallery 804, MOCA, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: Vice President of Operations for aka Richard Gipes right hand man.
Joseph Scott Sheridan - City Rating: 0 Stars/ U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of Mentor Disciple aka The Natural Light Gallery and Warholian Lineage Research Library
Dossier: This Fake Buddhist Flamer is a Con Artist that is basing his business model off of Richard Gipe's MOCA Scam. If you are an Artist that has been contacted by him then ask him why his Gallery doesn't have any Insurance or Contracts and why he doesn't have any Artists working there. He wants you to send him your Art without a Contract because possession is 9/10ths of the Law and he could just tell the authorities that you gave him that Art. I don't know about the rest of you but the idea of being in a Permanent Collection without contracts or insurance smells worse than fishy to me. It smells like rotten pussy.
Lacy Hawthorne - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Legacy aka Gallery 804, MOCA, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: She is an old school Art Exchange employee and she doesn't care who she rips off as long as she's making money.
Lane Adcock - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Gallery 801, Art Exchange, Prodigious LTD
Dossier: Google "Lane Adcock Art Scam" and see what comes up.
Lea Kay Graves - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Legacy aka Gallery 804, MOCA, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: She's worked at The Art Exchange for a long time and she recently has moved from Artist Development to Sales. This is how Artistically ignorant she is... I was contacted by an Abstract Artist named Daniel North that said she called him and asked what's the most that he's ever sold anything for. He said four thousand. Then she replied "Oh you could get $60,000.00 for it if you sign up for one of our shows".
Lindsey Arnold - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Head of the Leads Department / Salesman for The Art Exchange, Legacy, MOCA, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: Luckily this woman is no danger to anybody. She couldn't sell a Gallon of Icewater in the dessert to a Billionaire that's dying of thirst.
Lori Arnold - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Executive Director of MOCA,
Dossier: She's not very bright and she's a compulsive liar, but she is a very nice lady when she's not being passive aggressive. She told me in our interview that Richard isn't affiliated with MOCA anymore and that she isn't Richard Gipe's Pawn. That told me that she is Richard Gipe's Pawn. She also tried to convince me that they are just a Museum and that they don't sell any of the Art even though they just sold the Art of Chase Chan in a Court Auction to pay The Art Exchange's Creditor Diamond Bank while he was in their so called permanent collection of Art. When I asked about all the Artist on that were complaining about their Art being stolen by MOCA she said "Those Artist are lying". My visit with Lori Arnold reminded me of a line from Macbeth "Me thinks the Lady doth Protest too much". It's a pitty that she is Alison Parsons' sister. I hate to burn bridges with powerful people that I have no grievance against.
Marc Menefee - City Rating: 2 Stars / U.S. Rating: 1 1/2 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of The Art Church
Dossier: Available soon.
Matthew Valentine - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: n/a, Formerly The Art Exchange, Legacy, MOCA, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: This man is a dangerous criminal that's done hard time. If you see him on the street then run for your life... especially if you're an Artist.
Dr. Ray Fowler aka Doc - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: The Executive Director of The Art Church
Dossier: This guy is a lying bragging sack of shit. Big Surprise 90% of The Gallery Owners in Hot Springs are. First he was telling me about how they are a Nonprofit Gallery then when I ask him how much the charge for Wall Space since it's my understanding that they are a Cooperative Gallery he said 50 Dollars a month and 50% Commission on what sells. I don't know about you but that doesn't sound like a Nonprofit Gallery to me. I wanna see this guys Diploma because he didn't sound like a Doctor to me.
Rebecca Stone - City Rating: 0 / U.S. Rating: 0
Affiliation: Co-Owner of Star Gallery
Dossier: This woman lacks the tact and class that God gave a pig. I could pick the first Cart Pusher I see at the Kroger on Central and they would do a better job running a Gallery than her.
Richard Gipe - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of Legacy aka Gallierir 804, MOCA, Timothy's Fine Arts, and The Art Exchange.
Dossier: He used to be a Stock Broker until 1993 when he was arrested for Securities Fraud (Don't take my word for it see for yourself at ). After losing his Series 7 License he became an Art Broker and went on to do more damage to Artist than any other person in Modern History. He has defrauded over 10,000 Artist out of tens of millions of dollars in false exposure that they purchased from his so called Agency and he is known Internationally as "The Bernie Madoff of The Art World" and lately people have been calling me "The Julian Assange of The Art World" because I am a Whistleblower that is the only Former Art Exchange Employee to go public and expose The Art Exchange for what it is... A SCAM!!!
Rodger Gipe - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Legacy, MOCA, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts,
Dossier: He's Richard Gipe's Brother/Partner in Crime.
Steve Smith - City Rating: 0 / U.S. Rating: 0
Affiliation: Owner of Gallerie 801
Dossier: He knows about as much about Art as he knows about Brain Surgery. He surrounds himself with criminals and he lied to me about everything. I don't do business with people who lie to me.
Shannon Hoague - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation:Legacy, MOCA, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: When I knew her she was Head of their imaginary Jury and let me tell you this woman is a blithering idiot with the worst taste in Art of any person that I've ever met and she looks like she belongs in a McDonalds not an Art Gallery.
Ted Meadows - City Rating: 3 1/2 Stars / U.S. Rating: 3 Stars
Affiliation: Co-Owner of The Tin Grizzly
Dossier: It's refreshing to have a conversation about Art with someone that actually knows what they are talking about. This Man sells Art like Hot Cakes and I know what his secret is. There is one vital element to selling Art that he has an abundance of... Class. If you do Wild Life Art then it is a must that you give this guy a call.
Valerie Davis - City Rating 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Gallerie 801, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: This Hideous Midget would sell her son if the price was right.
Aaron Hulin - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Baducci Inc, Legacy aka Gallery 804, The Art Exchange
Dossier: Aaron Hulin is a joke. He couldn't sell a dollar for fifty cents unless he's selling false exposure to an Artist so do you really want to trust this guy with your Art?
Beth Gipe - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of Legacy aka Gallerie 804
Dossier: She's married to Richard Gipe. Need I say more?
Beth Stawn Jones - City Rating: 2 Stars / U.S. Rating: 1 Star
Affiliation: Co-Owner of Star Gallery
Dossier: You can send a hack to Henderson but there's certain things that you just can't teach like talent for example or the ability to tell Great Art from Shit Art. She did kiss my ass when I came into her Flea Market of a Gallery though so I'll give her an extra star just because she was at least smart enough to do that unlike her idiot sister Rebecca Stone.
Bill Solleder - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of The Low Key Arts Center
Dossier: I only spoke to him for five minutes on the telephone and in the first minute I caught him in 3 lies. He is a shameless ass kiss that is running an Art Scam and he doesn't have an honest bone in his body.
Bobby Jackson - City Rating: 3 Stars / U.S. Rating: 2 1/2 Stars
Affliation: n/a
Dossier: He's a good man and he sell's Art instead of the Artist... that is a rare trait amongst Agents in this town.
Bryan Sink - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Prodigious Art LTD, The Art Exchange
Dossier: Anybody being represented by this snake has a fool for a client. The worst thing about him conning Artist is that he claims to be an Artist himself.
Chris Long - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of Prodigious Art LTD
Dossier: I only met him in person once at his Gallery when it was at the Mall. His Gallery was so embarrassing that I couldn't help but laugh in his face. He's a former Art Exchange employee that wanted to follow in Richard Gipes foot steps... I rest my case.
Chuck Dodson - City Rating: 4 Stars / U.S. Rating: 3 1/2 Stars
Affiliation: The Gallery 404B
Dossier: This guy tells Doctors and Lawyers what Art they are going to buy and as a Photographer he has a great eye for Art. It's like I said many times before "Chuck Dodson has done more to help Artist sell their Art than any other person in The History of Hot Springs".
David Lemkuil - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating 0 Stars
Affiliation: Art Exchange
Dossier: Available soon.
David Miller - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Legacy aka Gallery 804, Prodigious Art LTD, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts, Gallerie 801
Dossier: He Started out as a door to door vacuum salesman then he moved up in the world by becoming an appointment setter for Window Mart. He reached the pentacle of his success when he became the Sales Manager at The Art Exchange by lying on his resume. What astounded me the most about this huckster was the fact that he had been working at Art-Exchange two years when I met him and he didn't even have a layman's understanding of Art. If he ever contacts you then just ask him if he has personally sold any Art and then hang up before he get's to respond because the answer is no. For a good laugh go watch David Miller make a fool out of himself as herooftheday on the thread entitled "Art ... any opinions?".
Dishongh Scavo - City Rating: 3 1/2 Stars / U.S. Rating: 3 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of Blue Moon
Dossier: Beyond her youthful, womanly appearance and vibrations she has a certain je ne sais quoi that I find to be tre magnifique. I can't believe that this Lady is old enough to be my mother. I thought she was younger than me when I first met her. You couldn't get me and Dishongh to even agree on which way is up but I love arguing with her and I lover her Gallery.
Donald Little - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Legacy aka Gallery 804, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: I'm not going to drop the N-Bomb here, but that is the first word that comes to mind when I think of this piece of shit.
Earl Kieselhorst - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Director of Sales and Marketing for The Art Exchange, Legacy aka Gallerie 804, MOCA, Timothy's Fine Arts, Gallerie 801
Dossier: He used to be a Predatory Lender for a Mortgage Firm in Tennessee until the Housing Market collapsed so he decided to pray on Artist instead. Since I have exposed him for what he is nobody in the Art World wants to do have anything to do with him so on May 23rd 2011 he posted on his facebook wall "Does anybody know where you can find a job in the Hot Springs, Malvern, Glenwood area?" to which I replied "Yes I hear that the McDonalds on Central is hiring." Oh how the mighty are fallen. I love basking in the anguish of my hated enemies. Muahahahahahaha. Hey Earl here's a bit of advice for finding a job... all you need to do is learn how to say "Would you like fries with that?"
Gina Green - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating 0 Stars
Affiliation: Chief Curator for The Natural Light Gallery and Warholian Lineage Research Library aka Mentor Disciple
Dossier: She is a Socially Awkward, Liberally Inoctrinated, Idiot. She claims to have been in The Art Industry for thirty years but since she is a photographer all that tells me is that she took pictures for her sisters wedding 30 years ago. She doesn't want to listen to the Artists and she has nothing to say. When I spoke to her about a conflict that I was having with The Owner she said that she can't handle any stress right now because of her Health to which I replied "and you're the Chief Curator for this Gallery?" that was the anvil that broke the Camels back. Then to make matters worse when I asked about Contracts and Insurance she was like Obama without a teleprompter " uh uh uh uh" and this being just a few weeks before their premiere. I have officially lost all faith in their Gallery. No Contracts? No Insurance? I don't know about you but this has the rotten fish smell of an Art Scam to me.
Jalem Grome - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Gallerie 801, The Art Exchange
Police are seeking help to locate felon Jalem James Grome, who has a long criminal history with charges in four states.
Grome, 27, has a criminal histories in Oregon, California, New Mexico and Arkansas. He faces an outstanding felony warrant held by the Medford Police Department for second-degree burglary, second-degree theft, first-degree possession of a forged instrument and two counts of identity theft along with an outstanding warrant for probation violation on the original charges of identity theft, forgery and theft. Total bail is $50,000.
The Jackson County Sheriff's Department holds an additional felony warrant on the charge of probation violation, with a bail of $5,000.
Grome is described as a white male, 5 feet and 4 inches tall, weighing approximately 155 pounds with red hair and blue eyes. He has a "Joker" tattooed on his left forearm, the letter "J" tattooed in the web of his left hand and a star tattooed on the middle finger of his right hand. He also has pierced ears. The photo shown here, taken April 23, 2005, is the most recent available.
If you have seen Grome, or have information of his whereabouts, please contact Crime Stoppers of Southern Oregon at 800-3-DETECT (800-333-8328) and refer to case No. MT-255.
Crime Stoppers will pay a reward up to $1,000 for information that leads to an arrest in this case or any other unsolved criminal activity. Callers can remain anonymous. The reward is sponsored by Sonitrol of Eugene.
Grome, 27, has a criminal histories in Oregon, California, New Mexico and Arkansas. He faces an outstanding felony warrant held by the Medford Police Department for second-degree burglary, second-degree theft, first-degree possession of a forged instrument and two counts of identity theft along with an outstanding warrant for probation violation on the original charges of identity theft, forgery and theft. Total bail is $50,000.
The Jackson County Sheriff's Department holds an additional felony warrant on the charge of probation violation, with a bail of $5,000.
Grome is described as a white male, 5 feet and 4 inches tall, weighing approximately 155 pounds with red hair and blue eyes. He has a "Joker" tattooed on his left forearm, the letter "J" tattooed in the web of his left hand and a star tattooed on the middle finger of his right hand. He also has pierced ears. The photo shown here, taken April 23, 2005, is the most recent available.
If you have seen Grome, or have information of his whereabouts, please contact Crime Stoppers of Southern Oregon at 800-3-DETECT (800-333-8328) and refer to case No. MT-255.
Crime Stoppers will pay a reward up to $1,000 for information that leads to an arrest in this case or any other unsolved criminal activity. Callers can remain anonymous. The reward is sponsored by Sonitrol of Eugene.
Jerry Bellante - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Legacy aka Gallery 804, MOCA, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: Vice President of Operations for aka Richard Gipes right hand man.
Joseph Scott Sheridan - City Rating: 0 Stars/ U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of Mentor Disciple aka The Natural Light Gallery and Warholian Lineage Research Library
Dossier: This Fake Buddhist Flamer is a Con Artist that is basing his business model off of Richard Gipe's MOCA Scam. If you are an Artist that has been contacted by him then ask him why his Gallery doesn't have any Insurance or Contracts and why he doesn't have any Artists working there. He wants you to send him your Art without a Contract because possession is 9/10ths of the Law and he could just tell the authorities that you gave him that Art. I don't know about the rest of you but the idea of being in a Permanent Collection without contracts or insurance smells worse than fishy to me. It smells like rotten pussy.
Lacy Hawthorne - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Legacy aka Gallery 804, MOCA, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: She is an old school Art Exchange employee and she doesn't care who she rips off as long as she's making money.
Lane Adcock - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Gallery 801, Art Exchange, Prodigious LTD
Dossier: Google "Lane Adcock Art Scam" and see what comes up.
Lea Kay Graves - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Legacy aka Gallery 804, MOCA, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: She's worked at The Art Exchange for a long time and she recently has moved from Artist Development to Sales. This is how Artistically ignorant she is... I was contacted by an Abstract Artist named Daniel North that said she called him and asked what's the most that he's ever sold anything for. He said four thousand. Then she replied "Oh you could get $60,000.00 for it if you sign up for one of our shows".
Lindsey Arnold - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Head of the Leads Department / Salesman for The Art Exchange, Legacy, MOCA, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: Luckily this woman is no danger to anybody. She couldn't sell a Gallon of Icewater in the dessert to a Billionaire that's dying of thirst.
Lori Arnold - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Executive Director of MOCA,
Dossier: She's not very bright and she's a compulsive liar, but she is a very nice lady when she's not being passive aggressive. She told me in our interview that Richard isn't affiliated with MOCA anymore and that she isn't Richard Gipe's Pawn. That told me that she is Richard Gipe's Pawn. She also tried to convince me that they are just a Museum and that they don't sell any of the Art even though they just sold the Art of Chase Chan in a Court Auction to pay The Art Exchange's Creditor Diamond Bank while he was in their so called permanent collection of Art. When I asked about all the Artist on that were complaining about their Art being stolen by MOCA she said "Those Artist are lying". My visit with Lori Arnold reminded me of a line from Macbeth "Me thinks the Lady doth Protest too much". It's a pitty that she is Alison Parsons' sister. I hate to burn bridges with powerful people that I have no grievance against.
Marc Menefee - City Rating: 2 Stars / U.S. Rating: 1 1/2 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of The Art Church
Dossier: Available soon.
Matthew Valentine - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: n/a, Formerly The Art Exchange, Legacy, MOCA, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: This man is a dangerous criminal that's done hard time. If you see him on the street then run for your life... especially if you're an Artist.
Dr. Ray Fowler aka Doc - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: The Executive Director of The Art Church
Dossier: This guy is a lying bragging sack of shit. Big Surprise 90% of The Gallery Owners in Hot Springs are. First he was telling me about how they are a Nonprofit Gallery then when I ask him how much the charge for Wall Space since it's my understanding that they are a Cooperative Gallery he said 50 Dollars a month and 50% Commission on what sells. I don't know about you but that doesn't sound like a Nonprofit Gallery to me. I wanna see this guys Diploma because he didn't sound like a Doctor to me.
Rebecca Stone - City Rating: 0 / U.S. Rating: 0
Affiliation: Co-Owner of Star Gallery
Dossier: This woman lacks the tact and class that God gave a pig. I could pick the first Cart Pusher I see at the Kroger on Central and they would do a better job running a Gallery than her.
Richard Gipe - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Owner of Legacy aka Gallierir 804, MOCA, Timothy's Fine Arts, and The Art Exchange.
Dossier: He used to be a Stock Broker until 1993 when he was arrested for Securities Fraud (Don't take my word for it see for yourself at ). After losing his Series 7 License he became an Art Broker and went on to do more damage to Artist than any other person in Modern History. He has defrauded over 10,000 Artist out of tens of millions of dollars in false exposure that they purchased from his so called Agency and he is known Internationally as "The Bernie Madoff of The Art World" and lately people have been calling me "The Julian Assange of The Art World" because I am a Whistleblower that is the only Former Art Exchange Employee to go public and expose The Art Exchange for what it is... A SCAM!!!
Rodger Gipe - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Legacy, MOCA, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts,
Dossier: He's Richard Gipe's Brother/Partner in Crime.
Steve Smith - City Rating: 0 / U.S. Rating: 0
Affiliation: Owner of Gallerie 801
Dossier: He knows about as much about Art as he knows about Brain Surgery. He surrounds himself with criminals and he lied to me about everything. I don't do business with people who lie to me.
Shannon Hoague - City Rating: 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation:Legacy, MOCA, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: When I knew her she was Head of their imaginary Jury and let me tell you this woman is a blithering idiot with the worst taste in Art of any person that I've ever met and she looks like she belongs in a McDonalds not an Art Gallery.
Ted Meadows - City Rating: 3 1/2 Stars / U.S. Rating: 3 Stars
Affiliation: Co-Owner of The Tin Grizzly
Dossier: It's refreshing to have a conversation about Art with someone that actually knows what they are talking about. This Man sells Art like Hot Cakes and I know what his secret is. There is one vital element to selling Art that he has an abundance of... Class. If you do Wild Life Art then it is a must that you give this guy a call.
Valerie Davis - City Rating 0 Stars / U.S. Rating: 0 Stars
Affiliation: Gallerie 801, The Art Exchange, Timothy's Fine Arts
Dossier: This Hideous Midget would sell her son if the price was right.