Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Con Artist

                                 I normally don't do movie reviews on this blog but I make exceptions for New Release Art House Films. I see a movie called "The Con Artist" at Hastings, it's got Donald Sutherland in it, and it is about a Metal Welding Sculptors experiences in The Brick and Mortar Gallery World. So I thought it might be worth checking out. I thought wrong. This movie was obviously written by an Abstract "artist". I didn't see one real piece of Art or anything that resembles The Real Art Industry through the entire movie. Please spare yourself this agonizing annoyance that is unless you are an Abstract "artist" or you are an "artist" that pays wall fees in a Cooperative Gallery, in which case you would probably love this movie. I give "The Con Artist" 0 stars and I feel very generous even giving it that much.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A conversation between Daniel Damascus Kimery and Corey Bayes about Art and Politics

  • Daniel Kimery
    September 17
    Daniel Kimery
    • Agnes told me to look you up for an interview awhile back and I'm just now getting around to it unfortunately. So do you want to talk or are you as terrified by me as everyone else is? Before you answer I just wanted to say that I think your a great Photographer so you don't haft to worry about me giving you a bad review ok. lol

  • Corey Bayes
    September 17
    Corey Bayes
    • Would I need to be terrified ? Also, what did you see. that I have done?
  • Daniel Kimery
    September 18
    Daniel Kimery
    • Just the stuff you had at Maxines. I was just joking. A lot of people in Hot Springs are kind of leary of me because I'm an Art Critic and I have shut four Galleries down since May. I promise that I am a nice person though and I never said anything bad about anybody that didn't deserve it. I hope that you will accept my friend request.
  • Daniel Kimery
    September 18
    Daniel Kimery
    • P.S. I love your scanner cam pics and I want some taken of me.
  • Corey Bayes
    September 19
    Corey Bayes
    • Ok, I am game, it might be a bit thought, I have to reassemble that camera, I dismantled it so I could use the scanner for another camera I am ...slowly building, I want to though, I look for any excuse to use that camera though, so..Yes but, once it is repaired.
  • Daniel Kimery
    September 19
    Daniel Kimery
    • Please accept my friend request then. I want to get scanned.
  • Corey Bayes
    3 hours ago
    Corey Bayes
    • request accepted, I'm almost done w/the camera and we can set up a time/loc for whatever you want to do. Sorry about the delay.
  • Corey Bayes
    about an hour ago
    Corey Bayes
    • also, off topic, but equally as relevant, what do you think of the "occupy wall-street" protest? just an honest inquiry.
  • Daniel Kimery
    about an hour ago
    Daniel Kimery
    • I say off with their heads.
    • I say everyone with over a Billion dollars dies
    • jk
    • I think we need to get the government out of the business of giving private businesses money so that they can give theirselves raises
    • I am an Anarcho-Capitalist/Libertarian.
  • Corey Bayes
    about an hour ago
    Corey Bayes
    • no.. just the protest itself.
  • Daniel Kimery
    about an hour ago
    Daniel Kimery
    • I think it is stupid and pointless
    • why not just play a rock show in protest while their at it I mean give me a break
  • Corey Bayes
    about an hour ago
    Corey Bayes
    • cool, then you should read this and let me know what you think.. i kind of blew up last week when I read a article...see the attachment..
  • Corey Bayes
    about an hour ago
    Corey Bayes
    • i wrote a rant, I'm still writing it ......
  • Daniel Kimery
    about an hour ago
    Daniel Kimery
    • I hate Unions
    • I hate Wall Street but I hate Unions more
  • Corey Bayes
    about an hour ago
    Corey Bayes
    • yup
      fuck marx
  • Daniel Kimery
    about an hour ago
    Daniel Kimery
    • Any real Artist is a Capitalist
    • Communist Countries have shit Art.
  • Corey Bayes
    about an hour ago
    Corey Bayes
    • read the article I wrote and give me your opinion..
      and yes. pure capitalism is the only viable means if the end is to be a productive surviving society/economy.
  • Daniel Kimery
    about an hour ago
    Daniel Kimery
    • The United States should just disband like The Soviet Union did.
    • I am glad you see things this way
    • most hot springs "artists" are pretentious liberal douches
    • gotta run my gf is waiting on me. ttyl
    • for the record we have been a socialist country since the 30's. Me and you have never got to experience the Paradise of Pure Capitalism and probably never will
  • Corey Bayes
    about an hour ago
    Corey Bayes
    • Well how many galleries have you seen my work in??none,and I'm not about to go out of my way to take things that i find valuable, and pay good money to display them in places that will never be visited by the kind of people who would have the intellectual capacity to be able to appreciate it, I've been to gallery walk, it's the same kind of environment that I see when i walk through the halls at my child's school, it makes me sick that people believe that shit, and it makes me even sicker that the few good artist who get involved actually subject themselves to that shit, and I have never really considered myself any sort of artist, that's what people who don't know me call me, other people think because I'm a photography buff that makes me a artist, or because I draw or paint I must be deep, or because I play music, but really I just like to learn, I like to self educate, i like to produce, and make, my art is learning, my art is producing something that I find valuable because it does not already exist, my art is serving my own interests .// also I agree it is sad that the perfect solution exists but we live in a society that will not accept it as true, any time in our lifetime that is. R.I.P capitalism you died before you were ever even born.

Monday, September 26, 2011

"A warning to college students and artists in Russellville about Daniel Damascus Kimery." by Joseph Scott Sheridan

A warning to college students and artists in Russellville about Daniel Damascus Kimery.

by Joseph Scott Sheridan on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 12:53pm
There are times to ignore and isolate hatred and there is a time to stand up to hate when it can be left unmonitored and end up hurting more people. As much as I would like to completely ignore this man, Daniel Damascus Kimery, I do feel a sense of responsibility to warn others about him, based on his recent post, saying he is having more fun playing with the minds of the students in Russellville than he was having in Hot Springs.

(Russellvillle is a city in the state of Arkansas, that Daniel Kimery is supposedly living in now that has a college).

This man has attempted and failed to destroy a life time dream of mine, he has contacted friends and acquaintances from all over the world slandering me and has scared volunteers from participating in MENTOR DISCIPLE for concerns for their own safety.  I still, personally thank this man for making me stronger, defining my mission more and for uniting the art scene in Hot Springs in unwelcoming his hate, his racism and his homophobia.  He just makes me and others even more determined to contribute to the healthy and vibrant art scene in Hot Springs.   Every single art institution and gallery in Hot Springs has banned this man, Daniel Damascus Kimery from their establishments due to his hatred, lies and threats.  He has a federal order of protection against him on behalf of an art institution that is on National Park land.  There is not one person I know of in Hot Springs that welcomes this person to our city.  As much we all value free speech, if any person feels threatened by this man they should contact authorities immediately.  Hopefully he will be able to receive help eventually so he won't suck the positive energy out of others that don't have the tools to rebound, when distracted them from their personal missions by evil.  In the meantime please beware and warn anyone even slightly associated with the art or music scene in Russellville. Best to All.

  • 2 people like this.

    • Roberta Sheridan Donofrio What challenges us makes us STRONGER -SHERIDAN I've got your back....will spread the word...Love Hugs m Kisses HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
      September 20 at 3:52pm

    • Karen Ann Shaw I have never met Daniel Damascus Kimery but know what Joseph is saying to be true
      September 20 at 9:39pm · 1 person
      • Corina Fedo Because he was your friend I accepted his friend request but his ranting was too much for me and I Unfriended him right away I'm glad you're setting it straight!
        September 21 at 5:51am ·
      • Roberta Sheridan Donofrio Beware the wolf in sheep's clothing!
        September 21 at 5:59am ·


      There are times to ignore and isolate hatred and there is a time to stand up to hate when it can be left unmonitored and end up hurting more people...

    • 2 people like this.

    • Kristine Henschen He's here on FB, I see, but his page reveals little besides that he obviously has something against you, Joe, and your gallery. Ginormous homophobe?
      September 20 at 3:32pm · · 3 people

    • Joseph Scott Sheridan It's an old case of typical closet case self hatred. C'mon it's 2011 be what you want to be!
      September 20 at 5:09pm · · 3 people

    • Kristine Henschen Ah, the worst kind! I'm glad you said he only made you stronger in your resolve. One day he'll self-destruct (witness all the anti-gay political and religious figures that keep getting caught with male prostitutes) and when it happens you will be so far along on your own path it won't matter to you one way or another.
      September 20 at 5:49pm · · 2 people
                    Notice how he goes on and on about all the Art Galleries that I am banned from but he won't say one by name? That's because he is lying. There has not been one Owner or one Executive Director in Hot Springs with the Spine to come forward and tell Me that I am banned from their Gallery. Who is the Order of Protection against Joseph? Give us a name or stop lying. No one has ever been banned from Federal Property and if anybody is it is your Illegal Alien Latin Lover Amando Ortiz Martinez who started that rumor to begin with. I guess you missed the blog where that myth was dispelled huh Joseph? What good fortune I seem to be having lately. Sorry if some of it is at your expense... and for the record I have no problem with Gays. Some of my best friends are Gay. What I do have a Problem with are Ignorant, Liberal, Pretentious, Lying, Art Fags Like you that give descent gay people in The Art Community a bad name. Did you actually think that you would be able to get away with lying about me just because you and your cowardly little friends blocked me? I have eyes and ears everywhere Joseph.

Jay Wilburn's new project for The Tin Grizzly

A work in Progress.

Curt Mullins's new project for The Tin Grizzly

                                                                   A work in Progress.

Thank You Tim Payne For Increasing My Eastern European Audience Exponentially

                          Who would have thunk that one of My Clients making one trip to Europe would have this big of an impact on My Foreign Audience? Eastern Europe has all but taken over My Top Ten List. See for yourself. This is insane.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

The Adkins Cafe/Gallery

                         Me and my new Client David Grim had our first Business Lunch today in a Restaurant/Art Gallery called The Adkins Cafe to celebrate me getting his Art in The Gothic Gateway. The food was magnificent, the service was impeccable, and the Art blew my mind. The Artist's name is Pat Wenger. This Woman is as fragile as a Tea Cup but her Art is very Powerful. 4 Stars to her as an Artist(She is The Thomas Kinkade of Adkins, Arkansas) and 4 Stars to The Restaurant/Gallery.

Daniel Damascus Kimery versus Bethannie Newsom Steelman and The Mentor Disciple Staff

Tiny Geniuses!
· · Share · September 12 via mobile

  • 22 people like this.

    • Bethannie Newsom Steelman The prints will be ready tomorrow. They can be cut at the color blocks to exchange outfits!
      September 12 at 8:11pm · · 2 people

    • Bethannie Newsom Steelman Like little fashion plates ;)
      September 12 at 8:12pm · · 2 people

    • Bethannie Newsom Steelman They need little boxing suits too! I'll try and do those if I have time.
      September 12 at 8:14pm · · 7 people

    • Harry Strider Really really good work!
      Ms. Steelman!

      September 12 at 10:31pm · · 4 people

    • Robert O'Nale A wonderful piece!
      September 13 at 12:08am · · 7 people

    • Carmen Meslier it !
      September 14 at 8:05am · · 3 people

    • Daniel Damascus
      See this in a nut shell is what I hate about The Hot Springs Art Scene. What Bethannie Newsom Steelman is doing here is no different than a guy that brings a dozen of his friends from work to Karaoke Night so they can Cheer for him. If any of you tasteless sycophants had an honest bone in your body you would say that this looks like something that a child would do. I swear this woman would draw a stick figure and all of you Artistically Ignorant Fools would say it's Brilliant. For too long the trend has been if your friends with somebody then they are a good Artist and you you don't like them as a person then they are a bad Artists. Is that really the way Art is supposed to be perceived. You cheerleaders make me sick. I'm gonna go through up, you guys can go back to kissing eachothers asses now.

      September 16 at 2:40pm · · 1 person

    • Bethannie Newsom Steelman You could say that...except...I only just met Joseph Scott Sheridan. I like him very much, but we've only spoken for a few minutes, so I can't say we are really friends yet. Also, I've never met any of the others who have commented here on this post.
      September 16 at 2:51pm ·

    • Carmen Meslier Yea I don't know her or anybody who commented on this...I just love the picture and I do think she's very talented even though I do not know her. Seems to me like you're the ignorant one here.. Sorry..
      September 16 at 3:02pm ·

    • Daniel Damascus
      I was referring to the likes. Ten of them are pages that Joseph Sheridan and friends Moderate and the rest are your friends. Yeah Bethannie aren't you glad that I referred you to him? You don't mind being in a Gallery with no Contracts and no Insurance as long as you don't haft to pay a wall fee like you did in every other Gallery that you have ever been in. You may lose your Art and not get a penny for it since possession is 9/10th's of the law but who cares. I mean it's not like he will stab you in the back the way he did me twice. I've known him almost half my life. You've known him for a few minutes. Please trust him with your Art Beth... I'm begging you. Remember when you told me what a Great Critic I am and how you all as Artists should be held accountable for the work you produce? Well I do. I think I'm gonna go ahead and repost on my website it to refresh your memory especially since it would go great with the new blogs that I am writing.

      September 16 at 3:18pm · · 1 person

    • Daniel Damascus I will say this though... This is exactly the kind of Art that I want to see in Mentor Disciple now that I am no longer affiliated.
      September 16 at 3:20pm · · 1 person

    • Robert O'Nale As usual, Daniel, you prove that you're nothing but an impotent artist who's jealous of the attention others get.
      September 16 at 10:08pm · · 1 person

    • Daniel Damascus
      Yeah I'm just an impotent Artist that's jealous. You need to talk to some of my Girl Friends if you are seriously trying to convince yourself of that Nerd. JOSEPH SCOTT SHERIDAN CAME TO ME FOR MY HELP NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. He wanted me as a Gallery Artist, a Show Coordinator, a Consultant, a Recruiter, and THE CURATOR. It wasn't until Star Gallery and The Art Church started crying and begging to him to protect them from me that he lied and said that my only affiliation was as an Artists. He wanted me to use all my connections and do all the work behind the scenes so he can take all the credit publicly. The Anvil that broke the Camels back was when I asked about contracts and insurance... which they have neither of. He knew at that point that the jig was up so he went on the offensive again. I lashed back and hit much harder then their Executive Director Malvin Colon(You can contact him and ask if you don't believe me or better yet read my blog where he puts some of this in writing)called me begging me to make peace with them, bring my Artists back, continue making Art for them, and be Their Curator. For the record Robert I'm not jealous of the attention she's getting I'm disgusted with it. Just so you all know Bethannie wouldn't even be in this Gallery if it wasn't for me. Now that me and her are enemies, I am overjoyed that she is making Art for those hucksters without contracts or insurance. I don't know who is going to burn her worse. Joseph by ripping her off or me with criticism. My website has an International audience. I've said my peace. I will leave you pathetic losers to gossip about me now.

      September 17 at 6:47am · · 1 person

    • Tim Looper Your work was awesome ! Thanks for your talent and time ! Peace...
      September 17 at 7:06pm ·

    • Glenn Gerson ‎"Bethannie's Submission As An Alternative To Hurtful Ignorance" !!!
      September 17 at 8:44pm · · 1 person

    • Tim Looper Bethany , you were a pleasure to meet and enjoyed your art ! Caught the youth that these three artists represeted and that teaches us to be free . I wish we all could find the innocence of a child and be at Peace with one another!
      September 17 at 9:19pm · · 2 people

    • Daniel Damascus
      ‎@Robert Hawkins I have the messages from Malvin Colon on my website and he's a pretty honest guy so just ask him yourself about what we talked about on the phone each time he called me. If you are too intellectually lazy to do either one then that's your problem, but I didn't lie about a single thing that I said here and if you would view my website you would see countless incidents where I bust The Queens at Mentor Disciple out on all of their lies and bullshit. You guys call me negative for being this sole voice of truth here? That's like calling your Doctor Negative for telling you that you have cancer. Here's an idea how about one of you sheep try breaking away from the herd for a few minutes to read my website for yourself before you go to forming opinions about it.

      September 18 at 7:59am · · 1 person ·

    • Mando Ortiz
      ‎@ Daniel Damascus How come every single art gallery in downtown has banned you? Maybe it is because you have threatened everyone of them? Is it why you are not even allowed on the federal land of the National Park, otherwise you will get arrested? If you are such a great artist why do no art galleries want anything to do with you or your art? There must be a reason? If you are such a talented artist and a critic of every gallery owner that in your eyes is doing everything wrong why don't you open your own gallery and leave everyone alone or get a real job. The problem is with you not the rest of the world, how you treat people and do people wrong reflects your environment

      11 hours ago · · 1 person

    • Daniel Damascus
      Armando everything you just said is a lie. You Queens lie so much I don't even know where to begin. I am not banned from any Galleries to my knowledge, if I am banned from your boyfriends "Gallery" then I will consider this my notice. Could you please tell me why I am not allowed "on the federal land of the National Park" because that is news to me and how many times do I haft to remind you that Joseph was the one coming to me for help not the other way around and if I am so pathetic then why was he asking for my help in the first place? You fartknockers are just mad because I took every Artist that you had with me when I left. I relish the thought that you could have been a big success with me but instead The Premiere was such a disaster that only the "Artist" showed up. You couldn't even get your own staff to attend. Where was Malvin Colon? Where was Gina Green? You couldn't even get the woman you bragged about being The Curator to show up. Now Mando stop lying about me before I report you to I.C.E.

      7 hours ago · · 1 person

    • Daniel Damascus Mando the absurdity of your lies speaks volumes to the level of your desperation. Thank you for sharing with me.
      6 hours ago · · 1 person

    • Tim Looper The reason you dont realize is because no one returns your calls , face it your done here and we are done with you . These are not lies as in we talked to the authorities about this . You are a waste of energy..
      45 minutes ago ·

      • Pam Lowe Greenway Bethannie Newsom Steelman--just block this guy.
        4 hours ago ·

      • Daniel Damascus
        You talked to the authorities and they said that I am "not even allowed on the federal land of the National Park"? Could you please tell me what authorities told you that? I didn't know that I was banned from Federal Property. I didn't even know that that was a punishment. Nobody answers my Calls? Everybody does and I have not had one Gallery come forward and say that I am banned. I can count every Gallery I have Beef with on one hand and all the other Galleries welcome me with open Arms not necessarily because they like me but rather because they have the good sense to be terrified of me and they realize the kind of influence I have over Artists. You got to experience that first hand when I got Alvaro, Cicco, Wilburn and about a dozen other Artists to bail on your Gallery as soon as I did. Sorry you guys had to learn the hard way that Artists stick together and Real Gallery Artists need these things called contracts and insurance before they send somebody their Art. You might want to look into that or better yet just stick with what you know and go get a job at Jesters or something.

        4 hours ago · · 1 person

      • Daniel Damascus
        That's right Tim Looper. Delete your comment "Tim Looper The reason you dont realize is because no one returns your calls , face it your done here and we are done with you . These are not lies as in we talked to the authorities about this . You are a waste of energy." like the lying, cowardly worm that you are. It's all good. I already have it posted on my website and if you think that you can convince The Owners of The Tin Grizzly to say no to the Artists that I am sending them on the basis that I am a mean person then you are seriously mistaken. Unlike you Queens at The Dominance Submission Gallery they don't put personal bullshit ahead of Business and that is why they will be here after all these wannabe Galleries are long gone because they actually run their Gallery like a Business.

        3 hours ago · · 1 person

      • SITE Blah blah blah does anyone else hear that ? I didn't think so... must be the ...... btw the owners Of tin Grizzly are awesome folks and are professional people...... we support them.....
        2 hours ago ·

      • Daniel Damascus
        Yeah I was just saying because 2 minutes after he took down his comment and blocked me he started writing The Tin Grizzly and commenting on My Artists post. Next thing you know he will pull a Rebecca Stone and plead with them to not be friends with me anymore because I am a bad person and I hurt peoples feelings. wahwaaaaaahhhhwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. Grow up you f#@%ing crybabies and quit threatening to tell my two dads at The Tin Grizzly every time I bloody one of your noses in the school yard. They have a Business to run and can't be bothered with your tears or your drama. Thank you.

        5 minutes ago · · 1 person

        • Mando Ortiz
          blah blah blah if you are so good why don't you open your own gallery and leave everyone alone or get a real job. The Tin Grizzly comment me when you call them they say they don't have time they run business they don't have time for you. I have business whit them and have tell me that.... now I ting and my personal opinion if you have this much time free keep you mind occupied on something positive and not on something negative but since you are a negative person I see that as almost impossible and I not a liar I challenge you to walk on federal land and see if you get arrested or not if you don't get arrested I"ll post on internet that I'm a liar but only if there are park rangers are near

          7 hours ago ·

        • SITE
          As Joseph Sheridan of Mentor Disciple I can warn you responding to this Daniel Kimery man will just give him material for more lies. I have seen him once in person in seven years for two minutes when he told me we had to get everyone drunk and high to sell his art and talked to him once on the phone for two minutes, so when was he ever involved in Mentor Disciple, beyond being an over zealous submitter that got rejected for safety reasons? The Mentor Disciple opening had over 150 attendees, we had a seven hour opening so we were never full, but we got to spend time with our attendees and created many new great friendships without the intoxicants. We have sold art from the show, have always had contracts and are now open everyday as a working gallery and get visitors everyday that visit us for art and dialouge and not for a party. If you feel this man is slandering you or being homophobic please report his posts. We hope he finds help and happiness, but responding to him just feeds his obsession with hate. Hope the best for everyone!

          4 hours ago ·

        • SITE Oh...Daniel Damascus is Daniel Kimery. Apparently Kimery has already been deleted by facebook for his hate or everyone I know has blocked him because he cannot be viewed.
          3 hours ago ·

        • Daniel Damascus Ok Armando so it is safe for me to quote you as saying that Park Rangers told you that I am banned from Federal Property? Thank you again for saying that. I'm going to call the Parks Department tomorrow to tell them that Armando Ortiz said that I am banned from Federal Property.
          22 minutes ago · · 1 person 

          • Daniel Damascus
            Joseph it was 20 minutes in person. First you say ten, then you say seven, when in reality It has been five years since I had seen you. The last time being when I drove a cab and you was working for Joe Gargano when you wasn't being a drunk derelict stumbling around making a fool out of himself. You used to ask for my cab by name #66. I never said anything about getting people high to sell Art. All I said was that alcohol improves your sales probability no matter what you are selling. Question: If I am such damaged goods then why did you come to me asking for help? and just to set the record straight I'm the one that walked away from your Gallery not the other way around. Joseph your finished. Your "gallery" is dead and buried in my Graveyard now. Deal with it.

            16 minutes ago · · 1 person

        • Bethannie Newsom Steelman Meah! No no, I want the last word! Come on...Seriously...this thread is like a week old! Get over it manascuss. You...lose
          8 minutes ago ·

        • Daniel Damascus
          P.S. If your show was such a success why didn't you take any pictures of it? All I see is pictures of an Empty Gallery and where was Gina Green? You know the woman with health problems in California that you said was going to be your Curator. You didn't even know what a Curator was until I asked you if I could Curate this event to which you replied yes only to denounce me publicly a month later saying it wasn't a Curated a vent, then you turn around and announce an elderly female amateur photographer who can't deal with stress due to health issues and lives over two thousand miles away. Make up your mind your wishy washy woman. I couldn't deal with your hormones or your mood swings so I gathered up the Artists and left. I win. You lose. Game over fart knocker.

          30 minutes ago · · 1 person

        • Daniel Damascus Watch it Bethannie Joseph will have you flagged for homophobia over calling me Manascuss.
          3 minutes ago · · 1 person

        • Daniel Damascus Good point Bethannie... if you are already over this joke of a "gallery" then I guess I am too. I'll be seein you in the funny papers ok.
          2 minutes ago · · 1 person