Karin Kuhlmann
Has anyone else got an e-mail from Solomon Robinson? He offered me today a "Marketing Package" for $ 3,250....!!!
Dear Karin Kuhlmann,
I’ve much enjoyed viewing your beautiful works online just now, specially your "Spiral" series and "The Message" and "Body and Soul" are some of my personal favorites. I'm writing as I would very much like to work with you.
As an art publicist working with Prodigious Art Ltd.
www.prodigiousartltd.com, a public relations agency specializing in services to art world professionals; I’m currently working on selecting a surrealism artists to be featured at The Vegas Art
Expo.www.artexpos.com and in the September issue of Art Business News magazine , the industry's leading trade publication, serves more than 28,000 gallery owners, art dealers, picture framers, interior designers and industry leaders.You'll also be in the Vegas Expo catalogue.Your participation will also guarantee you a web page and gallery of unlimited listings on prodigiousartltd.com and 5 works to be featured as our artist of the month in our homepage's online Flash Presentation that I have the privilege of composing.
I wish to offer you a 1 Page feature in the Vegas Art Expo Annual Catalog to be published in the upcoming Sept.’09 issue.This Annual Directory issue of the publication will be distributed additionally at the Vegas Expo and is purchased by every buyer who attends the event and used as a buying guide for the duration of the year.
Art Business News Magazine is a top shelf monthly art publication that has been in print for over 15 years and I would love for your work to also be part of the Sept. '09 issues as part of our 2-page lay-out and if you like,with a different image.With more than 80 percent of subscribers holding their company's top position, Art Business News is the ultimate advertising solution for publishers, suppliers and manufacturers aiming to reach the largest number of industry decision makers. This issue will be distributed at the Vegas Art Expo as a great jump start for us to begin working together and hopefully continue working in many more creative projects.
Your ABN feature will immediately be online the month of September on the magazine’s powerful website
www.artbusinessnewsnews.com which gets over 60,000 visitors daily.
And finally I wish to place unlimited listings of your works with your name,bio and artist statement at
www.prodigiousartltd.com. 4 images would be within the context of the “Artists of the Month” selection for September and October.This website is expected to have 400 to 500 visitors during the month of May/ June.But during the months of the shows,as it has been in the past,tripling its usual monthly traffic.
As there is much more to relate, such as some exhibition projects lined up to take place in NYC, Dallas,Arkansas and in Beijing or Canada that I wish to also discuss with you, I am for now placing my proposal in all its detail, including links and cost, here below for your viewing and consideration. I hope that this might be a great jump start for us to begin working together and hopefully continue working in many more creative projects.
I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon with your feedback and any/ all questions you might have to move forward.
With warmest regards,
Solomon Robinson
Vice-President, Co-Founder
Prodigious Art, Ltd. / The Prodigy Factory
www.ProdigiousArtLtd.com /
Oldest Reply
Posted by: MARLENE BURNS on 04/27/2009 - 12:41 PM
i think prodigious art ltd isn't much different than any other publication that solicits income from ads...that is what you would be doing...placing a high end ad to promote your art.
there are many such publications that attract collectors.
when you say 'vanity gallery', are you talking about the galleries that charge you to show your work, regardless of the quality?
in all areas, opening one's checkbook is all that qualifies anyone.
i notcied yesterday, under new artists, another such virtual gallery that will, no doubt, be making some offerings.
Posted by: Beth Edwards on 04/27/2009 - 12:57 PM
Beth Edwards
I had a letter from a lady that said she predicted the future and, for $49 (first installment), she would send me details of how she had seen me make over £1,000,000. Very politely, I wrote back and said that, as she knew I was good for the money, and could see in the ball what an honest person I was, perhaps she should send me the details anyway and I would send her double that amount when I received the £1,000,000.
She never wrote back
When galleries contact me, which unfortunately are few and far between, I now basically say the same thing. As you know my work is so good that it will sell in your gallery, please put my work up for free and then take the payments out of my sales.
They never write back
Posted by: Melanie Rochat on 04/27/2009 - 1:25 PM
Melanie Rochat
What a wonderful reply!
Posted by: MARLENE BURNS on 04/27/2009 - 1:31 PM
ha! there was another virtual gallery who had you make submissions first before they told you that you were in....that way, they could butter you up and say how wonderful your art is and how well it will sell ( yawn)
this one particular gallery takes a set up and maintenance fee as well as a commission. i also responded back, very politely and told them to take a bigger commission toinclude the set up and maintenance fee....since OBVIOUSLY, my work would be flying off their walls!
same as you,
no answer back.
kill 'em with logic.
Posted by: Beth Edwards on 04/27/2009 - 1:44 PM
Beth Edwards
LOL yep, they dont like it when you actually use that logic

(Cheers Melanie!)
Posted by: Karin Kuhlmann on 04/27/2009 - 2:22 PM
Karin Kuhlmann
Very wise Elizabeth and Marlene.
I usually delete such offers...but his one was new. Yes, I understand that I shall pay for some advertising. But regarding the mentioned exhibitions in NYC, Arcansas, Beijing etc. I think they will be very costly because you pay for each squarecentimeter...
Posted by: NirvanaBlues on 04/27/2009 - 5:33 PM
There is a forum thread at ArtSpan on the Prodigious Art Ltd subject.
I believe, were it I…I would drop a note to Jennifer Wiley the managing editor of Art Business News and ask for a reference on Mr. Robinson.
ABN is a good publication, if Robinson is not on the level, they may also wish to know the ABN name is being used to promote his efforts.
Jennifer Dulin Wiley
Managing Editor
1801 Park 270 Drive, Suite 550
Maryland Heights, MO 63146
Phone: 314-824-5511
Fax: 314-824-5591
Posted by: MARLENE BURNS on 04/27/2009 - 6:13 PM
Posted by: David Dunham on 04/28/2009 - 3:35 AM
David Dunham
Good info here. I am learning. Thanks for sharing and you are all very wise women.
Posted by: Karin Kuhlmann on 04/28/2009 - 3:56 AM
Karin Kuhlmann
Thanks for the info Nirvana.
Actually it was that forum thread at ArtSpan that caused me to post this topic here. Mr. Solomon contacted me from my homepage but I know that he first was here at FAA. For that I assumed that he might also have contacted other FAA artists...and although I have some doughts that an artist would spent some thousand dollars into nothing but "hope" I thought it could be important to talk about.
I'll ask Jennifer Wiley as you suggested and will be back on this as soon as she answers.