In the last month and a have I have been called more names (both good and bad) than I have in my entire life.
Failed Artist
Rabble Rouser
Tabloid JournalistThe Bill O'Reilly of Art
The Paparazzi of The Art World
The Stephen Colbert of Art
The Ted Koppel of Art
A Gallery Cancer
A Gallery Cancer
Art Critic
A Verbal Terrorist
Dragon Rider
Dragon SlayerInternational Art Broker
Shiva The God of Life and Death (Thank you Raj and all the rest of my Indian followers. Namaste)
The Alex Jones of Art
The Gordon Ramsey of The Art World
The Great Satan of the Hot Springs Art Scene (Since Satan means accuser I will take that as a compliment) The Grim Reaper of The Art World
The Jerry Mcguire of Art
The Julian Assange of The Art World
The Mouse that Roared (I screamed so loud that the whole world could hear me)
The Patron Saint of Artists
The Ravager of The Art Exchange
The Savior of The Art World The Shadow over The Amateur Artists in Hot Springs
The Simon Cowell of The Art World
The Spearhead of The Artists Revolution
Whistleblower(...I will huff and puff and blow your Gallery down)