- Karin Kuhlmann
Has anyone else got an e-mail from Solomon Robinson? He offered me today a "Marketing Package" for $ 3,250....!!!
Dear Karin Kuhlmann,
I’ve much enjoyed viewing your beautiful works online just now, specially your "Spiral" series and "The Message" and "Body and Soul" are some of my personal favorites. I'm writing as I would very much like to work with you.
As an art publicist working with Prodigious Art Ltd. www.prodigiousartltd.com, a public relations agency specializing in services to art world professionals; I’m currently working on selecting a surrealism artists to be featured at The Vegas Art Expo.www.artexpos.com and in the September issue of Art Business News magazine , the industry's leading trade publication, serves more than 28,000 gallery owners, art dealers, picture framers, interior designers and industry leaders.You'll also be in the Vegas Expo catalogue.Your participation will also guarantee you a web page and gallery of unlimited listings on prodigiousartltd.com and 5 works to be featured as our artist of the month in our homepage's online Flash Presentation that I have the privilege of composing.
I wish to offer you a 1 Page feature in the Vegas Art Expo Annual Catalog to be published in the upcoming Sept.’09 issue.This Annual Directory issue of the publication will be distributed additionally at the Vegas Expo and is purchased by every buyer who attends the event and used as a buying guide for the duration of the year.
Art Business News Magazine is a top shelf monthly art publication that has been in print for over 15 years and I would love for your work to also be part of the Sept. '09 issues as part of our 2-page lay-out and if you like,with a different image.With more than 80 percent of subscribers holding their company's top position, Art Business News is the ultimate advertising solution for publishers, suppliers and manufacturers aiming to reach the largest number of industry decision makers. This issue will be distributed at the Vegas Art Expo as a great jump start for us to begin working together and hopefully continue working in many more creative projects.
Your ABN feature will immediately be online the month of September on the magazine’s powerful website www.artbusinessnewsnews.com which gets over 60,000 visitors daily.
And finally I wish to place unlimited listings of your works with your name,bio and artist statement at www.prodigiousartltd.com. 4 images would be within the context of the “Artists of the Month” selection for September and October.This website is expected to have 400 to 500 visitors during the month of May/ June.But during the months of the shows,as it has been in the past,tripling its usual monthly traffic.
As there is much more to relate, such as some exhibition projects lined up to take place in NYC, Dallas,Arkansas and in Beijing or Canada that I wish to also discuss with you, I am for now placing my proposal in all its detail, including links and cost, here below for your viewing and consideration. I hope that this might be a great jump start for us to begin working together and hopefully continue working in many more creative projects.
I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon with your feedback and any/ all questions you might have to move forward.
With warmest regards,
Solomon Robinson
Vice-President, Co-Founder
Prodigious Art, Ltd. / The Prodigy Factory
www.ProdigiousArtLtd.com / www.TheProdigyFactory.com
Oldest Reply
Posted by: MARLENE BURNS on 04/27/2009 - 12:41 PM
i think prodigious art ltd isn't much different than any other publication that solicits income from ads...that is what you would be doing...placing a high end ad to promote your art.
there are many such publications that attract collectors.
when you say 'vanity gallery', are you talking about the galleries that charge you to show your work, regardless of the quality?
in all areas, opening one's checkbook is all that qualifies anyone.
i notcied yesterday, under new artists, another such virtual gallery that will, no doubt, be making some offerings.
Posted by: Beth Edwards on 04/27/2009 - 12:57 PM
Beth Edwards
I had a letter from a lady that said she predicted the future and, for $49 (first installment), she would send me details of how she had seen me make over £1,000,000. Very politely, I wrote back and said that, as she knew I was good for the money, and could see in the ball what an honest person I was, perhaps she should send me the details anyway and I would send her double that amount when I received the £1,000,000.
She never wrote back
When galleries contact me, which unfortunately are few and far between, I now basically say the same thing. As you know my work is so good that it will sell in your gallery, please put my work up for free and then take the payments out of my sales.
They never write back
Posted by: Melanie Rochat on 04/27/2009 - 1:25 PM
Melanie Rochat
What a wonderful reply!
Posted by: MARLENE BURNS on 04/27/2009 - 1:31 PM
ha! there was another virtual gallery who had you make submissions first before they told you that you were in....that way, they could butter you up and say how wonderful your art is and how well it will sell ( yawn)
this one particular gallery takes a set up and maintenance fee as well as a commission. i also responded back, very politely and told them to take a bigger commission toinclude the set up and maintenance fee....since OBVIOUSLY, my work would be flying off their walls!
same as you,
no answer back.
kill 'em with logic.
Posted by: Beth Edwards on 04/27/2009 - 1:44 PM
Beth Edwards
LOL yep, they dont like it when you actually use that logic(Cheers Melanie!)
Posted by: Karin Kuhlmann on 04/27/2009 - 2:22 PM
Karin Kuhlmann
Very wise Elizabeth and Marlene.
I usually delete such offers...but his one was new. Yes, I understand that I shall pay for some advertising. But regarding the mentioned exhibitions in NYC, Arcansas, Beijing etc. I think they will be very costly because you pay for each squarecentimeter...
Posted by: NirvanaBlues on 04/27/2009 - 5:33 PM
There is a forum thread at ArtSpan on the Prodigious Art Ltd subject.
I believe, were it I…I would drop a note to Jennifer Wiley the managing editor of Art Business News and ask for a reference on Mr. Robinson.
ABN is a good publication, if Robinson is not on the level, they may also wish to know the ABN name is being used to promote his efforts.
Jennifer Dulin Wiley
Managing Editor
1801 Park 270 Drive, Suite 550
Maryland Heights, MO 63146
Phone: 314-824-5511
Fax: 314-824-5591
Posted by: MARLENE BURNS on 04/27/2009 - 6:13 PM
Posted by: David Dunham on 04/28/2009 - 3:35 AM
David Dunham
Good info here. I am learning. Thanks for sharing and you are all very wise women.
Posted by: Karin Kuhlmann on 04/28/2009 - 3:56 AM
Karin Kuhlmann
Thanks for the info Nirvana.
Actually it was that forum thread at ArtSpan that caused me to post this topic here. Mr. Solomon contacted me from my homepage but I know that he first was here at FAA. For that I assumed that he might also have contacted other FAA artists...and although I have some doughts that an artist would spent some thousand dollars into nothing but "hope" I thought it could be important to talk about.
I'll ask Jennifer Wiley as you suggested and will be back on this as soon as she answers.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Something that all Victims of The Prodigious Art LTD Scam should read
Online Social Media Policy For Arkansas River Valley Arts Center
The part that I find the most interesting is where they say "
Respect Confidentiality
All questions of confidentiality should be directed to the Arts Center’s executive director."
What embarrassing information are they afraid of leaking out? The fact that they are a Cooperative Gallery that is posing as a Nonprofit.
Online Social Policy
Online Social Media Policy
Arkansas River Valley Arts Center
Respect the Views of the Arts Center
Posts and uploads by fans of our Facebook page do not reflect the views and opinions of the Arkansas River Valley Arts Center. The Arts Center reserves the right to remove any questionable material posted on our fan page or profile page. We also reserve the right to ban anyone form our Facebook profile and fan page if we so choose. Questionable content includes but is not limited to: sexual images or innuendos, cursing, negative comments about the Arts Center, other artists or fans, perverse messages, fake profiles, perverse links or video, etc.
Art is for everyone. Respect art. Respect everyone.
Respect Confidentiality
All questions of confidentiality should be directed to the Arts Center’s executive director.
Respect the Arts Center and its Staff (including volunteers and members)
Any fan of the Arts Center who uses a personal website, Facebook profile, or blog to demean the name or reputation of the Arts Center, its practices, its staff, volunteers or members will be banned from the page.
Respect Copyright
Because we are an Arts Center, artists have rights to their own work and fans must gain the artists’ written permission to make copies of their work including photographs and photographs of art work.
The Arts Center retains the rights to logos/materials produced by the Arts Center. Written permission from the Arts Center’s executive director must be obtained to use these items.
Any logos/materials produced by the Arts Center found online without written permission will be addressed.
Respect Each Other
This is a community dedicated to artistic growth. The fan page is open to art patrons and artists of different skill levels. It is the choice of the artist to participate in any contest or online event hosted by the Arts Center. Unless otherwise indicated any online contest or event is open to professionals or hobbyists. We ask that fans respect each other’s work in the form of comments and posts. If a fan chooses to disrespect another artist on our page, he/she will be banned from the Arts Center page.
Each artist can promote themselves in the way he/she chooses as long as it does not cause offense to the Arts Center or other artists or fans. The fan page is used for promoting the Arts Center, the arts and artists as a platform to showcase their work.
Respect Yourself
Any content a fan posts on a page will possibly be seen by all Arts Center fans. Use common sense. Do not post content to the Arts Center’s fan page that will be grounds for being banned.
Respect the Arts Center
The Arts Center reserves the right to change its online policy at any time. We believe in our motto Art is For Everyone and are proud to be of service to artists and all residents in the Arkansas River Valley.
The River Valley Art Center makes me sick
The only Art they display is the Art of people that pay to be in their classes and people that pay to be in their club. Look at this... and these people have the nerve to call themselves a nonprofit? Sickening. You will notice that nowhere on their website do they show the Art that they have displaying or a list of their Artists. The reason why is because the Art is an embarrassment and all River Valley Arts Center is just another Art Scam that prays on hacks that are willing to pay to play make believe Gallery Artist.
and this is on top of getting $4,091.00 in Tax Payer Doll this year from The Arkansas Arts Council.
President: Emory Tyson Molitor
Vice President: Sara Larkin Gordon
Secretary: Carol Swindell
Treasurer: Carole Tackett
Mary Clark
Debra Fithen
Robert Ford
John Gale
Lodema Jensen
Jeanne Kierre
Juanita Luessen
Joy Murphy
Dennis Overman
Pattie Posey
Addy Pitts
Richard Ruble
Karla Stanton
Susan Ver Weire
Lynn Wiman
Honorary Board
Andy McNeill
Charles Curb
Ginnie Tyson
Steve Newby
Arkansas River Valley Arts Center Local Artist Registry Form
If you have a resume, photos, clippings, or any other information about you or your work you want included in your artist file, please send us an email with the items attached. artscenter@centurytel.net
Since they are too embarrassed to show their Art on their website. I will show it for you. Here is The Art of Richard Lee Barton.
In short The River Valley Arts Center isn't an Art Gallery it's a daycare center.
The woman on the far right is Betty Lagrone. She isn't an Artist and she has Zero experience working in the Art Industry yet for some bizarre reason she is The Executive Director.
Here is another Photo of Betty inside The River Valley Arts Center. Am I the only one that notices what's missing here? Where is the Art Betty?
Here is another quote from Betty "
To be considered as an exhibitor in the Arts Center's Gallery, submit good quality photographs of 2-or 3-d works or an actual piece of art along with your biography to the Visual Arts Committee. This Committee reviews and schedules exhibits several months in advance. There is also the opportunity to exhibit in the Arts Center's classroom gallery, lobby, Lake Dardanelle State Park Visitor Center or Russellville Branch of Pope County Library."
and this is on top of getting $4,091.00 in Tax Payer Doll this year from The Arkansas Arts Council.
President: Emory Tyson Molitor
Vice President: Sara Larkin Gordon
Secretary: Carol Swindell
Treasurer: Carole Tackett
Mary Clark
Debra Fithen
Robert Ford
John Gale
Lodema Jensen
Jeanne Kierre
Juanita Luessen
Joy Murphy
Dennis Overman
Pattie Posey
Addy Pitts
Richard Ruble
Karla Stanton
Susan Ver Weire
Lynn Wiman
Honorary Board
Andy McNeill
Charles Curb
Ginnie Tyson
Steve Newby
Arkansas River Valley Arts Center Local Artist Registry Form
If you have a resume, photos, clippings, or any other information about you or your work you want included in your artist file, please send us an email with the items attached. artscenter@centurytel.net
Since they are too embarrassed to show their Art on their website. I will show it for you. Here is The Art of Richard Lee Barton.
Here is an actual picture from inside the "gallery". Anytime you see children running all over the place you know that you are not in a real Art Gallery.
...and here is a picture of them outside of the Gallery.
In short The River Valley Arts Center isn't an Art Gallery it's a daycare center.
The woman on the far right is Betty Lagrone. She isn't an Artist and she has Zero experience working in the Art Industry yet for some bizarre reason she is The Executive Director.
Here is another Photo of Betty inside The River Valley Arts Center. Am I the only one that notices what's missing here? Where is the Art Betty?
Here is another quote from Betty "
“One of the greatest challenges for even some of the larger museums and arts centers today is finding ways to remove barriers to community participation, including admission charges, according to D. Bacigalupi, executive director of Crystal Bridges,” said River Valley Arts Center executive director Betty LaGrone. “I am not suggesting that we have exhibits by world famous artists, but we are pleased that we continue to bring quality exhibits and exhibit receptions that can be enjoyed by area residents and visitors that are free and open to the public.”
Crystal Bridges in Northwest Arkansas opened November 11, 2011 and has exhibits by world famous artists.
Lake Dardanelle State Park Visitor Center Pope County Library, Russellville
To be considered as an exhibitor in the Arts Center's Gallery, submit good quality photographs of 2-or 3-d works or an actual piece of art along with your biography to the Visual Arts Committee. This Committee reviews and schedules exhibits several months in advance. There is also the opportunity to exhibit in the Arts Center's classroom gallery, lobby, Lake Dardanelle State Park Visitor Center or Russellville Branch of Pope County Library."
I don't know if you caught that but she is bragging about how their Artist are hacks and that they have no interest in promoting World Class Art. So to hell with the cultural enrichment of the people of Russellville right?
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The Art Church is begging for money once again, but here are some things to consider before showing them any Charity
First of all The Art Church is not a Non-Profit. They paid The IRS $700.00 for a 501C Not for Profit Status(anyone who files the paperwork can get one whether they are nonprofit or not) but if you think that they ain't in this to make money then you are out of your fucking mind. Not only do they Charge their Artists a 50% Commission, They Charge Their Artists a Wall Fee just to be seen, and that is on top of begging people for money through grants and fund raisers and their New Executive Director Anna Jordan Williams has a glazed look in her eyes like a crack whore so I bet she'd blow you out back behind the dumpster for $20. I have no respect for Prostitutes but at least it is a more honorable way to make a living than by begging and conning. Want proof that they are a Cooperative Gallery disguising themselves as a nonprofit? Just click on the pics and look at their sign.
I don't know about you idiots but this dump doesn't look like it's worth saving to me.
Oh yeah and here is another picture of Art Church that shows their for sale sign. Do you really want to give your hard earned money to Grifters that are looking to sell their "gallery" then take your money and run?
I don't know about you idiots but this dump doesn't look like it's worth saving to me.
Tick Tock! The clock is tick'n...closer to the end of the year. This is *great* time to donate to your favorite non-profit! *ahem & wink wink* :o)
100% Tax deductible! Credit cards, checks, and cash accepted for more information call 501.463.9890 or visit www.artchurch.org
*Cheers* to a New Year!!
"Art, after all, is one of the places where the pursuit of happiness gains focus and purpose and starts expanding outward, to aid and abet that thing called the greater good." - Roberta Smith/New York Timesartchurch.org
Oh yeah and here is another picture of Art Church that shows their for sale sign. Do you really want to give your hard earned money to Grifters that are looking to sell their "gallery" then take your money and run?
The Arkansas Arts Council's Grant Recipients for 2012
Seeing this really made my day. I never did like The Arkansas Arts Council because all they ever do is senselessly give tax payer dollars to any crook that tells them it's for Art but I think that I am finally starting to get through to them because if you'll notice The City of Hot Springs doesn't appear near as much on the roster as it did last year and most of the Organizations you saw there in Hot Springs that got the Grants were Music Organizations so to me that's a step in the right direction. NO MORE TAX PAYER DOLLARS FOR CON-ARTISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Current Grant Recipients
Fiscal Year 2012
Grant Category Fiscal Year 2012
Arts in Education (After-School/Summer Residency) | |||
Grantee | City | Grant Amount | |
Ozark Foothills FilmFest | Locust Grove | $8,900 | |
Pulaski Technical College Foundation | North Little Rock | $9,367 | |
Rogers Little Theater | Rogers | $8,467 | |
Southwest Arkansas Arts Council | Hope | $10,000 | |
Arts In Education (Arts Curriculum Project) | |||
Delta Symphony Orchestra | Jonesboro | $8,833 | |
DeltaArts | West Memphis | $8,533 | |
TheatreSquared | Fayetteville | $8,567 | |
Arts In Education (In-School Residency) | |||
Arkansas Children's Hospital Foundation | Little Rock | $38,267 | |
Arts & Science Center for Southeast Arkansas | Pine Bluff | $5,740 | |
Center for Art & Education | Van Buren | $34,800 | |
DeltaArts | West Memphis | $14,350 | |
Eastside Elementary | Rogers | $38,000 | |
Methodist Family Health Foundation | Little Rock | $8,267 | |
Museum of Discovery | Little Rock | $12,764 | |
Pulaski Technical College Foundation | North Little Rock | $5,687 | |
South Arkansas Arts Center | El Dorado | $37,867 | |
Southwest Arkansas Arts Council | Hope | $28,517 | |
Texarkana Regional Arts & Humanities Council | Texarkana | $40,000 | |
Tricycle Theatre for Youth | Bentonville | $17,330 | |
Walton Arts Center | Fayetteville | $38,800 | |
Wildwood Park for the Arts | Little Rock | $33,017 | |
Council Initiated | |||
Arkansas State University College of Humanities | Jonesboro | $20,000 | |
Mid-America Arts Alliance | Kansas City, Mo. | $59,400 | |
Collaborative Project Support | |||
Arkansas Choral Society | Maumelle | $8,067 | |
Arts Cooperative Team | Hot Springs | $9,000 | |
Chamber Music Society of Little Rock | Little Rock | $3,440 | |
El Dorado School District | El Dorado | $8,400 | |
Gospel on the River | North Little Rock | $5,675 | |
Hill Country Art Gallery, Inc | Mountain Home | $2,610 | |
Hughes School District | Hughes | $7,433 | |
Jonesboro Visual & Performing Arts Elementary | Jonesboro | $8,900 | |
Low Key Arts, Inc. | Hot Springs | $7,064 | |
Main Street Helena | Helena-West Helena | $8,400 | |
Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas | Stuttgart | $3,950 | |
Turtle Island Native American Association | Jonesboro | $2,969 | |
University of Arkansas at Fort Smith | Fort Smith | $8,067 | |
University of Central Arkansas Foundation | Conway | $8,590 | |
Washington Regional Medical Foundation Cancer Support Home | Fayetteville | $4,650 | |
Expansion Arts Program | |||
Blackbird Academy of Arts, Inc. | Conway | $14,300 | |
Clark County Arts and Humanities Council | Arkadelphia | $13,850 | |
Conway Community Arts Association | Conway | $13,900 | |
Friends of Dreamland | Little Rock | $14,400 | |
Second Street Live | Fort Smith | $14,500 | |
Tricycle Theatre for Youth | Bentonville | $14,750 | |
Young Actors Guild | Fort Smith | $14,100 | |
General Operating Support | |||
Alma Education & Arts Foundation | Alma | $12,985 | |
Arkansas Broadcasting Foundation | Little Rock | $3,927 | |
Arkansas Chamber Singers | Little Rock | $2,164 | |
Arkansas Craft School | Mountain View | $2,645 | |
Arkansas Festival Ballet | Little Rock | $3,581 | |
Arts & Science Center for Southeast Arkansas | Pine Bluff | $15,981 | |
Arts Center of the Ozarks | Springdale | $13,432 | |
Arts Council of Conway County | Morrilton | $3,146 | |
Arts Council of Mississippi County | Blytheville | $3,347 | |
Arts Live Theatre | Fayetteville | $3,528 | |
Ballet Arkansas | Little Rock | $7,648 | |
Batesville Area Arts Council | Batesville | $4,171 | |
Center for Art & Education | Van Buren | $8,860 | |
Center on the Square | Searcy | $4,977 | |
Communication Arts Institute, Inc. | Eureka Springs | $9,891 | |
Conway Symphony Orchestra | Conway | $3,538 | |
Cross County Arts Council | Wynne | $338 | |
Delta Symphony Orchestra | Jonesboro | $3,289 | |
DeltaArts | West Memphis | $7,321 | |
Eureka Springs School of the Arts | Eureka Springs | $4,933 | |
The Fine Arts Center of Hot Springs | Hot Springs | $2,442 | |
Fort Smith Regional Art Museum | Fort Smith | $5,823 | |
Fort Smith Symphony | Fort Smith | $13,856 | |
The Foundation of Arts | Jonesboro | $15,394 | |
Guachoya Cultural Art Center | Lake Village | $2,141 | |
Hot Springs Jazz Society | Hot Springs | $2,156 | |
Inspiration Point Fine Arts Colony | Eureka Springs | $13,457 | |
Interarts, Inc. - Hot Springs Music Festival | Hot Springs | $6,256 | |
Little Rock Film Festival, Inc. | Little Rock | $4,928 | |
Magnolia Arts Council | Magnolia | $1,839 | |
The Muses Creative Artistry Project | Hot Springs | $3,567 | |
NW Arkansas Community Creative Center | Fayetteville | $4,409 | |
Ozark Arts Council | Harrison | $1,481 | |
Ozark Foothills FilmFest | Locust Grove | $3,817 | |
Pine Bluff Symphony | Pine Bluff | $7,211 | |
River Valley Arts Center | Russellville | $4,091 | |
Rogers Little Theater | Rogers | $7,621 | |
Sonny Boy Blues Society | Helena-West Helena | $17,666 | |
South Arkansas Arts Center | El Dorado | $11,370 | |
South Arkansas Symphony | El Dorado | $12,706 | |
Southwest Arkansas Arts Council | Hope | $6,569 | |
SouthWest Artists, Inc. | Mena | $1,642 | |
Studio for the Arts | Pocahontas | $6,349 | |
Symphony Orchestra of Northwest Arkansas | Fayetteville | $1,551 | |
Texarkana Symphony Orchestra | Texarkana | $9,734 | |
THEA Foundation | North Little Rock | $13,633 | |
TheatreSquared | Fayetteville | $7,389 | |
Western Arkansas Ballet | Fort Smith | $6,111 | |
Wildwood Park for the Arts | Little Rock | $13,395 | |
Major Arts Partner - General Operating Support | |||
Arkansas Arts Center | Little Rock | $22,488 | |
Arkansas Repertory Theatre | Little Rock | $24,588 | |
Arkansas Symphony Orchestra | Little Rock | $24,413 | |
Oxford American | Little Rock | $16,400 | |
Texarkana Regional Arts & Humanities Council | Texarkana | $21,490 | |
Walton Arts Center | Fayetteville | $25,113 |
I can't believe that Bill Solleder's Arkansas Shorts Scam has been allowed to go on this long
If you look at all of the nominees you will noticed that they are all people from Hot Springs and they are all of Bill Solleders close friends. This is such bad comedy that I am pinching myself to see if I am really awake. Is this what The Arkansas Arts Council gave you $7,064.00 of Tax Payers Dollars for Bill?
The 5th annual Arkansas Shorts – A Night of Short Film is scheduled for Saturday, January 7, 2012 at the historic Malco Theater in downtown Hot Springs, Arkansas. The event, produced by Low Key Arts, will feature 29 short films spanning multiple styles including narrative, documentary, experimental and music video. Over 40 short films were submitted from across the state of Arkansas from beginners, amateurs and professional film-makers alike. The selected 2012 entries that will be screened are from Ariel Bisbee, Ancient Device, Benjamin Fry, Brandon Bogard, Casey Canterbury, cinePLOSION!!!, Dave Hill, Davian Engle, Davis Tillman, Jeffrey Cerino, She Breathes Fire, Jim Miller, Joe Dull, John Cooksey, Kian Tyler, Sam King, Tav Falco, The Understudies, Bill Solleder, Matt McCormack and Jeff Waligora. Two high school student films that were created during the Low Key Arts, “Inception to Projection” after school film program will be premiered as well: “Ratical”, directed by Payton Weatherford, Brad Bettis, Marcus Menefee, and Cold Butter, and “Dear”, directed by Grace Norton, Will Butler, Eric Alvarez, Wesley Brendan Efird, and Samuel Binns.
In addition to the films selected for this year’s program, Arkansas Shorts will commemorate its first five years by awarding a custom made trophy in the form of an 8mm film camera, cast by Erin Holliday, to the best short from each year. Nominated short film makers from each year include Matt Bradley, Ben Meade, James Katowich, Michael Shaeffer, Dan Anderson, Chuck Dodson, Matt McCormack, John Cooksey, Warren Criswel, Wil Sonheim, Gabrielle Rey, and Josh Varnedore. The “Buzz Award” will also be given to the one film that has been the most talked about controversial short film. “This award will recognize a short that is equally hated and loved and without a doubt the most discussed film from Arkansas Shorts past” says program curator, Jim Miller. Nominees for the Buzz Award are Ben Meade, J. Lee, and Chuck Dodson.
An opening reception will take place in the Malco Theater lobby at 6:00PM and the awards ceremony and film program will begin at 7:00PM. Admission for the event is $7.00. Some film content may not be suitable for children.
ARKANSAS SHORTS – A Night of Short Film
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The Malco Theater 819 Central, HS. AR. 71901
6:00PM / $7 Admission
Low Key Arts programming including Arkansas Shorts is made possible in part by The Arkansas Arts Council and The National Endowment for The Arts.
I am so glad that The Hot Springs Documentary Film Institute has finally decided to clean house
The Best part about Carol Kimery taking over as The Executive Director of The Documentary Film Institute and getting rid of all of the Rats is that I will never haft to see anymore Joint Fundraiser adds like this ever again. Dan Anderson, Jim Miller, and their Boss Melinda( The Old Executive Director who is under investigation for embezzling Funds from The Film Institute) were allowing their friends The Menefee's at The Art Church and The Solleder's at The Low Key Arts Center to Rape The Hot Springs Documentary Film Institute. Why do you think that these crooks were always so eager to do Joint Fund Raisers? It's because they knew that The Film Festival incurred all of The Overhead Cost and they are able to get 10x the money in Fund Raisers what The Art Church and The Low Key Arts Center can get combined through Fundraisers. So kiss the Gravy Train Goodbye you Hipster Douchebags because your free ride is over, now go get jobs at Wal-Mart and McDonalds where you belong.
September 30Art Church Studio- Important Concert update...this event has moved over to the Malco theater for the evening for a joint fundraiser with the Artchurch and the Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival! This special event will feature food from Taco Mama and music by Dana Falconberry and Amanda Avery please join us for this dual fundraiser! Help the Film Festival in its 20th year and the Artchurch Studios! Music will still start at 7pm! All proceeds to benefit the HSDFF and the Artchurch Studios.
This is Carol Kimery. She is the one in the center. I have never met her or have even spoken to her but am proud to share the same bloodline nonetheless based on her accomplishments. I hear from Relatives that her side of The Kimery Family split from our side almost sixty years ago because they were just to liberal for us.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Alex Oberste brings The Douche Chills
This Pseudo-Intellectual Drivel and Pretentious Douche Baggery is what I hate about The Present Hot Springs Art Scene. This is one of the many losers that pay to be seen in The Art Church's Nonprofit for Profit Cooperative Gallery.
Monday, December 26, 2011
David Jarvis in an act of frustration and desperation to be noticed attempts to slander Daniel Damascus Kimery
This guy is so pathetic that it is almost comical. He got ripped off twice by The Art Exchange once for $5,000.00 then again for $1,500.00 I got back every penny for him so after I sold a $150.00 in Prints he told me to keep the money as a thank you present. As far as the other prints go after his abuse became too much for me to deal with anymore considering that he needed me alot more than I needed him I decided to drop him so I took David's remaining 3 poor quality poster prints and Roots Giclee and gave them to a female I had met named Jaymie that lost custody of her child over her black boyfriend. I thought that it was only fitting that I give David's "art" to the biggest loser that I could find so that I could wash my hands of him and his "art" would find an appropriate home. I went from liberal to conservative overnight because of you? No you lying Sarah Palin loving Idiot. The only thing that I said that was remotely liberal was that if you send that moron Sarah Palin against Obama then he is going to get 4 more years with the greatest landslide in world history and I still believe that to this day. Obama is a bad President but at least he isn't a blithering idiot. I have been a Ron Paul supporting Libertarian since 2007. All you did was tell me about Alex Jones in 2010 who basically let me know that it was ok to join The Tea Party inspite of you Sarah Palin Worshipping shit heads because at it's Core The Tea Party has good ideals. I never gave you any praise beyond saying that you are were good Artist inspite of the fact that you begged constantly out of insecurity for additional praise. All you ever did was cry about how you used to be a somebody and now you are a loser groping children at TSA. Are we having fun yet David? Now that you've finally gotten my attention again? Good. Everything you said about my Military Career, My Mental Health, our Business Partnership, and Relationship right here was a lie "Just perused some old notes…”Marine Corps: PTSD; Anxiety, Depression, TOXIC RAGE! Lead to your dismissal after a little over a year. Some Marine. “I am on and OFF Meds”, “You are my Guru, my Sensei, You are a God, “Apollo”, I only want to rep YOU, I am accountable for all of your art…every piece, even if Fire”...…ad nauseum. I know you are a lifelong Hustler, Carney, Grifter, and Con Man but I am not a fool and had hoped that the LIGHT (and ME and some of my Art) might lead you to a better, healthier, more successful and SANER future." First of all you have no access to my Military Records David Jarofpiss. I was not dismissed after "a little over a year" as you implied. I get threatened a lot with Slander but I really can sue you for that if you had any money because you are lying and you have never seen any such Document so boom that's another bald faced lie that you were caught in. I served my Country with honor and distinction, but I have nothing to prove to you and I never did. That is why anytime you tried to probe me for information on the subject I would tell you that it's off limits. I have never had issues with prescribed medication. I have never called you my Guru, Sensei, or Apollo and anybody that knows both of us knows that I don't talk like that. That kind of Gay Flowery Fairy shit only comes out of your drunken lying cock sucking sewer. I have never come to you for advice with anything infact most of our fights were over your pretentious hasbeen ass trying to admonish me when you didn't even know what you were talking about. The only time I even talked about how I coped with suicidal thoughts was when I heard you cry about wanting to kill yourself because your life is so pathetic. Drugs? Alcohol? Dude I smoked weed every day back then and I drank on the weekends. Now I don't even do that. All I do now is smoke Spice(which is Legal in Russellville BTW)so is that really what you would call a drug problem? As much as you talk about Spiritualism you haft to be without a doubt one of the most toxic, dishonest, and lonely people I have ever met. Remember almost everytime you called me I couldn't talk because I had a Girl with me. Not once out of all the times that we spoke on the phone did you ever have anyone at your house. Face it David you are a little old cat lady proving my point with your hell hath no fury attitude and guess what here is the best part Ms.Jarvis... That is all that you will ever be. Your "art" is dated, you're old, you're miserable, and your life will only get worse from here so I am going to sleep good at night knowing that after a long day of working on Commissions and dreaming about my bright future, so have fun hanging out with my enemies and taking turns lying to eachother about me ok Jarv. Seriously... getting out of the Military over Mental Health Issues is like getting out of Prison over Mental Health Issues. The Military errr well... The U.S.M.C. doesn't kick people out for being crazy if we did we wouldn't have anybody left. The way The Top Brass in The Corporation saw it if you wanted out then you were Sane and if you wanted to stay you were crazy. Either way they wanted to hang on to you. I had to learn the hard way that I wasn't going anywhere so I got my mind right and did what I was told. Well now I am a Free Man. I am on my own Program now and I must say as a former Ground Pounding Grunt... I love living my life this way. Semper Fidelis to all of my Marine Brothers and Sisters Past, Present, and Future whereever you go in the World there will be Marines that would go out of his or her way for you. Merry Christmas Marines and a Happy New Year and better yet to hell with washouts from The Army Ants and their Opinions no matter how good they think that their Art used to be. People go in The Army because they don't have The balls to become Marines.
David W. Jarvis
davidjarvisart@earthlink.n et to DANIEL Damascus Kimery (edited) 22 Sept 2011
I have been patiently waiting for you to come to your senses and return my Artwork and the money you earned from it as you had promised so many, many times. We had a Verbal Agreement and as a man (Marine?), who’s Word is His Bond, I expect better from you. Your message that, "we don't have a contract, get a lawyer", is amazing in that it is weirdly the EXACT type of behavior you profess to be fighting against and condemn so loudly, profanely and often. I know your booze, drugs and cigarettes always came first but keeping your word is basic.
You seem to have a very faulty “memory” about most of what transpired between us. All of my months of counseling, teaching, patience, aggravation and Advice/Mentoring through your constant bouts with drugs, alcohol and even SUICIDE, remember? and let's not forget your firm plans to join the PEACE Corps in S and Central America.
"You are the greatest, my Mentor, you taught me so much, I LOVE YOU, You are like the Father I never had, I will always support you, etc., etc". Just my getting you to stop using the N word and gutter vulgarity in your speaking and posts is of enormous value...though NOT appreciated. Nor, is your overnight conversion from Progressive/Liberal to Conservative, after our debates. Is there anything lower than an Ingrate? Perhaps a Liar? You are too smart to get this written off as merely your delusional view of things.
Just perused some old notes…”Marine Corps: PTSD; Anxiety, Depression, TOXIC RAGE! Lead to your dismissal after a little over a year. Some Marine. “I am on and OFF Meds”, “You are my Guru, my Sensei, You are a God, “Apollo”, I only want to rep YOU, I am accountable for all of your art…every piece, even if Fire”...…ad nauseum. I know you are a lifelong Hustler, Carney, Grifter, and Con Man but I am not a fool and had hoped that the LIGHT (and ME and some of my Art) might lead you to a better, healthier, more successful and SANER future.
The fact that MY artwork (ROOTS) was the first Art to appear on your Blog Ark Art News (without my permission, of course, and the posting of a private letter to a Gallery owner), and kicked off the ENTIRE Enterprise…is DENIED by YOU is doubly galling. Your use of my work (The Goddess Posters and ROOTS Prints) in private meetings to enhance your standing, rehab your reputation and begin your “Art Critic/Editor/Journalist” Career, is also DENIED! Frickin WEIRD! And despicable. Be a Man!
Step up. Make it right. Return my Artwork.
I have been patiently waiting for you to come to your senses and return my Artwork and the money you earned from it as you had promised so many, many times. We had a Verbal Agreement and as a man (Marine?), who’s Word is His Bond, I expect better from you. Your message that, "we don't have a contract, get a lawyer", is amazing in that it is weirdly the EXACT type of behavior you profess to be fighting against and condemn so loudly, profanely and often. I know your booze, drugs and cigarettes always came first but keeping your word is basic.
You seem to have a very faulty “memory” about most of what transpired between us. All of my months of counseling, teaching, patience, aggravation and Advice/Mentoring through your constant bouts with drugs, alcohol and even SUICIDE, remember? and let's not forget your firm plans to join the PEACE Corps in S and Central America.
"You are the greatest, my Mentor, you taught me so much, I LOVE YOU, You are like the Father I never had, I will always support you, etc., etc". Just my getting you to stop using the N word and gutter vulgarity in your speaking and posts is of enormous value...though NOT appreciated. Nor, is your overnight conversion from Progressive/Liberal to Conservative, after our debates. Is there anything lower than an Ingrate? Perhaps a Liar? You are too smart to get this written off as merely your delusional view of things.
Just perused some old notes…”Marine Corps: PTSD; Anxiety, Depression, TOXIC RAGE! Lead to your dismissal after a little over a year. Some Marine. “I am on and OFF Meds”, “You are my Guru, my Sensei, You are a God, “Apollo”, I only want to rep YOU, I am accountable for all of your art…every piece, even if Fire”...…ad nauseum. I know you are a lifelong Hustler, Carney, Grifter, and Con Man but I am not a fool and had hoped that the LIGHT (and ME and some of my Art) might lead you to a better, healthier, more successful and SANER future.
The fact that MY artwork (ROOTS) was the first Art to appear on your Blog Ark Art News (without my permission, of course, and the posting of a private letter to a Gallery owner), and kicked off the ENTIRE Enterprise…is DENIED by YOU is doubly galling. Your use of my work (The Goddess Posters and ROOTS Prints) in private meetings to enhance your standing, rehab your reputation and begin your “Art Critic/Editor/Journalist” Career, is also DENIED! Frickin WEIRD! And despicable. Be a Man!
Step up. Make it right. Return my Artwork.
...also bare in mind everybody that this is the same David Jarvis that had this to say about me after getting his money back for him from Art Exchange only to be stabbed in the back and slandered because I wouldn't put up with his drunken abusive egomania anymore. If I were to describe David Jarvis's Ego I would say that it is like Sky Scraper that's made of Glass. Mine is like a Fortress. It's not too big but at least it's solid.
Pamela Rawls and David Jarvis review Daniel Kimery as an Agent.
Mr. Jarvis.
Daniel Damascus Kimery is attempting to display signed and unsigned prints of your art at any venue that will actually talk to him. When he’s is rejected he launches a brutal terrorist verbal campaign against them. He is very meticulous and knowledgeable about your profession and the inner workings of art galleries. He almost had me until I began asking for your legal information for contact and the contracts. At that point he accidentally gave me his real name which is different from the initial name he had given. When the red flag went up and I began to question him, it all went south from there. My concern is that if you are working with this young man you should be aware of his damming behavior and if you are not represented by this young man you should look into his actions regarding the use of your name.
I will be happy to assist you through your attorney if needed.
Pamela R. Rawls
Pamela R. Rawls
The Poet’s Loft
Hot Springs Arkansas
Dear Ms. Rawls;
Thanks for the info, although much of it does not agree with the information I have. Yes, Daniel Kimery (middle name Damascus) is representing me in a limited capacity which would cover your venue.
I see Daniel, while a bit high-strung and very passionate (and at times Hot-headed), as basically on the “Right” side of this Artist vs Gallery/rip-off divide which has gone on way too long in Hot Springs (and elsewhere) in the Art Community.
I was ripped off by Art-Exchange (more than once, due to my own stupidity) and Daniel is the ONLY one who has offered real assistance in getting my money back and JUSTICE. For this I am grateful to him.
As for the Contact Info or “contracts” you mentioned. My website, provided by Daniel or easily GOOGLED, has my phone number and, of course, I would welcome a call from a potential venue such as yours.
What was NOT mentioned is the “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” encounter between Daniel and your Poetry Mistress…FIVE or more years ago! And the phony claim of a Restraining Order. What is that dishonest crap about? And you immediately jump to support that without checking the veracity of the smear?
While my art could have put you on the map and generated (along with Daniel’s promotion skills) tons of traffic, I am coming to the conclusion that I do NOT want to do business with YOU.
At this point, Daniel and I, will continue to service a v large niche market and you can enjoy watching and supporting from the sidelines.
Thank you for the “heads-up”, though questionable as it is.
David (Wesley) Jarvis
Good for you Mr. Jarvis. I am delighted your experience has been a good one. Good luck to you.
Pamela R. Rawls
Here is the last message I sent him on facebook. He blocked me after I sent it so it didn't show the rest of the messages because of a glich in facebooks new blocking policy that erases all but the last message, but it basically let's you know why I dropped him because he is a lying, disloyal, hayseed. You will noticed it is dated over 4 months before his bitter tirade of lies and fantasy that he wrote after the reality that he's a has been and he will never work in The Art Industry again without me just dawned on him.
David W. Jarvis
May 30Daniel Damascus- Thanks for showing your true colors HAYSEED!!!What's wrong crybaby? Did somebody call you and say something mean about me? That's the price of exposure you idiot. Some people are going to talk shit. I'm done. You are a Brilliant Artist but you are a Moron as a human being and you are so disloyal that you will betray me over a stranger you met over the phone... and you wanted me to represent you exclusively? Taking on other clients is the best thing that I've done since I've met you. Now I am actually getting Artist in Galleries again. Lose my number. I can't forget your miserable, drunk, toothless, has been ass fast enough. Have fun molesting passengers at TSA for the Rest of your life ok loser. Auf'weidersehen
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