Monday, February 6, 2012

My Television Interview about Occupy Little Rock

Displaced "Occupiers" nationwide drawn to Occupy Little Rock - KATV Channel 7 - The Spirit of Arkansas:

by Matt Johnson
LITTLE ROCK – Occupy Little Rock is actively recruiting displaced "occupiers" across the country who have had campsites raided by authorities, despite criticism of their own downtown campsite.
Police in cities like Washington D.C. and Oakland are closing down local "Occupy Wall Street" campsites every day. Now Little Rock protesters are throwing out the welcome mat.
"Other Occupies, they might close down, we actually have a place for them here," said "Zero", a California native.
He came all the way from Long Beach and he's spreading the word about the relatively unique bond between LRPD and protesters.
"They can actually come here and actually not have to worry about losing their stuff, or losing their voice or getting arrested because they're fighting as Americans," he said.
After stints at Occupy Berkeley, Davis, and Minneapolis, "Zero" thinks he may have found a home in Little Rock.
Organizers expect to haul in 30 new recruits this week from disbanded sites across the country.
Kimery is an Arkansas native but had hesitations about joining for months.
"At first I hated the protesters but then I just started feeling sorry for them after a while," said Kimery.
The nearby post office has reported Occupy Little Rock to City Hall, in hopes of having their campsite cleaned up. However, City Manager Bruce Moore maintains the campsite is not in violations of any ordinances and can therefore remain at Fourth and Ferry indefinitely.

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Occupy Little...
15 hours ago
This "Zero" character does not represent Occupy Little Rock. We are an open movement, and are are not afraid to show our faces, as you can see in this link:​s-of-occupy-little-rock/ Please stay tuned for a press release regarding this story.
20 hours ago
I don't think the occupy Little Rock group realizes the problems they have caused themselves by opening the doors to other protesters. Situations like this always attract bad elements and this will probably be the beginning of the end for the L.R. Movement. On a different note, who is paying for the 24 hour police protection? There is always a police car parked across the street from the occupy camp. Would hate to think tax payer dollars are going towards "private security" for this group. Given the crime problems in Little Rock, seems like there are more important assignments for this police officer.
20 hours ago
-2 updown
Thta guy watched SCREAM to many times. Arkansas really needs more malcontents and unemployed idiots from other states. Why is LRPD putting up with these morons?
Daniel McGowan
2 days ago
+2 updown
I agree. Why wear a mask? If you don't want to be seen then how could you ever expect to be heard. I hope LRPD is ready if the same people from all those other camps start encroaching on the citizens of Little Rock and their rights. This isn't California. The rioting **** won't fly here.
Use Common Se...
2 days ago
+3 updown
Why wear a mask if you are so proud of what you are standing up for? I'm also willing to bet stupid stuff starts happening now since people from other states start coming in. after all that is why their camps were shut down.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Arkansas Art News Occupies Little Rock

 Good News Vanity Galleries... I am taking a break from you for an indefinite period of time. I have decided that Fighting for our Freedom around the World against Globalist Banksters that seek to enslave us takes priority over Vanity Galleries in a Small Town that take advantage of local yocal hacks by selling them Wall Space.