Who on earth told you I was fired from the Malco for lying? It's false just so you know. I don't know why you would slander me on facebook. Also Bill Solleder doesn't have anything to do with Hot Springs Art Scene. It's a Hot Springs Production company called Think Box Media. fyi
I am very proud of this Gallery. It went from being a molehill into a mountain over night. Thank you God for giving Hot Springs The Tin Grizzly. I have company now so I will add more later. May God Bless you all as he has blessed me.
"Ranger Cabin in Afternoon Light" by Richard Stephens. Photo courtesy of Hot Springs Nat'l Park.
The Artist-in-Residence program at Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas
Strolling through the Fordyce Bathhouse, visitors can learn all about the history of the bathing industry in Hot Springs, but they also have an opportunity to view a multitude of artistic renderings of Hot Springs National Park – created by participants of the park’s Artist-In-Residence Program.
Started in 2004, the program has welcomed close to 50 professional artists, who live and work in the park for two to four weeks to interpret its beauty through various media. Participants have included painters, photographers, sculptors, crafters, filmmakers, performers, writers and composers.
“It’s a great way for them to meet our visitors and share their love of art and share what they’re creating,” said Park Interpreter Lisa Garvin, who helps oversee the program.
The park welcomes at least three artists each year, who complete their residency at a quaint cabin located at the Gulpha Gorge Campground. At the end of their stay, each artist donates one piece of original artwork to the park’s permanent collection, which is on display in the Fordyce Bathhouse.
The artists, who must complete an application for consideration, are selected by a panel of park staff and subject matter representatives. In 2004, the program featured all local artists, with Alison Parsons selected as the first artist-in-residence. “Fire Pit at Gulpa Gorge” by Alison Parsons. Photo courtesy of Hot Springs Nat’l Park.
“The first year… we went to the different artists here in Hot Springs and worked with them one-on-one because we knew we had some great artists,” Garvin said.
The program was then expanded to applicants nationwide and has since welcomed artists from Colorado, California, and Florida. Other local artists who have participated over the years include Linda Palmer, Beverly Buys, Gary Simmons, D. Arthur Wilson, Donna Dunnahoe, and Richard Stephens. “A Day at the Bath” by D. Arthur Wilson. Photo courtesy of Hot Springs Nat’l Park.
“The Artist-in-Residence program at Hot Springs National Park was one of the most encouraging things that ever happened to me as an artist,” said Buys, a photographer who completed a residency in May 2009.
“The opportunity just meant the world to me in terms of having a whole month to devote to my art and nothing else,” she said. “I feel that I was happier making my art then than at any other point in my career. It was a month for me to devote myself entirely to the experience of interpreting the beauty of the park. As an artist, that just does not happen very often.”
At the Gallery Walk following their residencies, the artists display their works in the Fordyce lobby and participate in a meet and greet with the public. For more information about the program or to download an application form, click here.
I don't like skate boarders. Every person on this list whose name I recognize is a complete D-Bag. So out of my Hatred for Hipsters I am going to endorse The City Ordinance against Skate Boarding. I will support any Law that makes your lives more unbearable. You talentless Pseudo-Intellectual losers crawl on each other like maggots. Newsflash: Genius doesn't flock in Herds! So extricate yourselves from the Borg, throw away your old peoples clothes, then find your own identities. P.S. Only White Trash Degenerates drink Pabst Blue Ribbon
I know several ppl on the list that aren't "hipsters" nd totally support a public skatepark where kids don't get in trouble for skating or playing baseball or football or flying kites. Hell there's a public park for all that nd if I were to throw a frisbee across bath house lane a few times they would prolly ban that but o there's a spot for that too. Don't judge ppl just let them be if it's not hurting anything or anyone
Kimery, are you even active in trying to be a positive influence in the community or just spend your days doodling and being a keyboard jockey? If you would spend a tenth of your efforts to put others down on something positive in your life you may not be such an unhappy person trying to bring the world down with you. The point of the sk8 park is to help youth so they have a place to skate. Put your efforts towards something positive and you may make some friends instead of burning every bridge you come near in Hot Springs.
Margo Nicole ClarkThe term you keep throwing out there " hipsters" is that suppose to be offensive ?!?! I bet these "hipsters" are WAY more artistic, known and have made something of themselves and maybe that's why you hate them.... Can we say jealousssss
I am a very positive influence on The Russellville Art Scene and believe it of not I am an extremely Positive Influence on Hot Springs Art. If something sucks then somebody needs to saying something about it so that it can be corrected. All this being nice and sparing peoples feelings BS is what has sent The Arts in Hot Springs into a Downward Spiral of banality and mediocrity. You would fire your Doctor if he told you that you had cancer wouldn't you. It's ok go stick your head back in the sand and everything will be alright.
Kimery is a person that likes to cause conflict to gain a reaction out of people so for those short instants he feels of importance and finds people to converse with him. Kind of a sad cycle that he has been doing for many months now in the Hot Springs area. Best to just ignore him and he stops squawking just as a small child has to be taught not to interrupt the adults while talking by ignoring that child and showing no reaction.
7 minutes ago ·
Margo Nicole ClarkDaniel if you hate boarders than out of respect for the people who are trying to do something positive for kids GET OFF the page! No one cares to hear your hatred towards this project. You need to find something to do with your life other than bashing everyone and anything you can how old are you??? No one respects such a negative person!
6 minutes ago ·
Daniel Kimery@Spa City Sk8park Project
Yeah that sounds like what The MSM says about Alex Jones and Ron Paul. Typical Hipster Tactic: If you can't debate them then just ignore them.
Daniel Kimery@Margo I'm 32 and a successful Artist. I sell my Art by the week for hundreds of dollars a pop. How old are you and what are you doing with your life?
Doug Kramerhah alex jones...ok it all makes sense the men in black have taken away the sad trolls ability to allow happiness even in kids that need a safe place to have fun...i blame the illuminati
8 minutes ago
Spa City Sk8park ProjectYou can't debate with ignorance. Please feel free to find another forum to start your single sided arguments. Have a good one.... -Hipsters For The Youth
Margo Nicole ClarkMy life I guarantee you is more successful than yours plus I have friends AND I'm a happy person unlike you. I've heard of you from people, that you for some reason like to bash people. Shouldn't you be happy for other artist rather than SUCH a negative person?!?! You should support others who do what they love NOT be so ugly!
7 minutes ago
Doug Kramerok im done..have fun debating building 7 with all your other keyboard friends...thanks scsk8pp billy jim margo gabi keep it positive!!...and dont like your own posts that makes you a hipster
5 minutes ago
Margo Nicole ClarkI'm done as well as said above in a comment ya can't argue with ignorance ;)
Margo Nicole ClarkOoooo Daniel you seriously make me laugh! What an insecure, selfish, obnoxious person you are! A shame I've never met you and feel this way from the ignorant comments you make. I hope one day when you're all alone in the world you realize you should of been nicer and more nicer to people. Your poor parents surely can't be proud of such an ignorant person. I'm sorry you are the way you are.
Margo Nicole ClarkThere's no need for me to go on back and forth with you. I'm an accomplished person in what I do (there is no reason for me to tell you what it is I do) enjoy your life and good luck to you.
5 minutes ago
about an hour ago
Spa City Sk8park ProjectNote: Kimery was removed from the page access. So back to regular schedule programming. Thanks and keep skating!
Spa City Sk8park ProjectWell, I probably wouldn't be the white trash talentless pseudo-intellectual degenerate loser I am today if I had a nice place to skate when I was young. so if you don't hate kids having fun somewhere they won't get in trouble, maybe you could help support getting a place for this towns youth to go skate legally. I'll get started on a video as well. - Matt McCormack
Brittany ThompsonI blocked this Daniel Kimery guy months ago, you guys should give it a go. I cant stand that guy. Anywhooooo lets make a skatepark!!!!!
Daniel DamascusOh come on guys Daniel Kimery isn't that bad. Why did you delete all of his comments? If he is such a dumbass then his comments would reflect that right? So what were you afraid of us seeing? If any of you actually went to his website and read what he had to say about his issues with The Current Hot Springs Art Scene then you would realize that he is the Protagonist here, but most of you won't do that though because you are cowardly, intellectually lazy herd animals and thus being popular is more important to you than being right. I pity all of you soulless sycophantic worms. http://arkansasartnews.blogspot.com/
Spa City Sk8park ProjectOk I have pics from what was left of the old park n other places that my friends have sk8d here in HS. As for the kid....he's gone. Lets focus on the positive.
46 minutes ago ·
Doug KramerHello im a troll with multiple accounts that goes on sites, gets people angry and screen caps to show his two's and two's of followers on my blogspot. Enjoy your day daniel damascus kimery
44 minutes ago ·
John Wesley WilliamsYeah, and from what I hear he is a dead beat father as well.
41 minutes ago ·
Gabi FritzI was born without a soul you load of nut that your mom should have swallowed
Spa City Sk8park ProjectOk I have pics from what was left of the old park n other places that my friends have sk8d here in HS. As for the kid....he's gone. Lets focus on the positive.
Kurt JonesIts funny...I have the guy blocked, so I can't even see what he's saying...but, I can say, Kimery will argue as long as you do...he does it because its the only human contact he has...if you ignore him, he will go elsewhere for attention...FIU skaters, haters and hipsters...
join in on the cause SPA CITY friends!
Keep on skating ya dang HIPSTERS ;)
Yeah that sounds like what The MSM says about Alex Jones and Ron Paul. Typical Hipster Tactic: If you can't debate them then just ignore them.
This is what they wrote after blocking me.